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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Bingo. I don't believe Euro goalies can play in the CHL anymore so if they want to play NA hockey they have to go to the USHL. See Chicagos goalie. He's one of the best prospects in the world. This obviously has a trickle down effect. Tomek could have (and probably should have) played in the ushl but he followed some friends.
  2. Kid has decent size as well. Listed as 6'3". I've never heard of him. I'm guessing he'll get a crack at the USHL next season. Coach must have seen something they like.
  3. I wonder how much Scott Conway's character issues would sway Berry not to bring him in. Had a good year at Penn State last year and is tearing apart the BCHL. Also, it seems like him and Jost have some chemistry.
  4. I thought we looked good both games, more so the first game. We easily could have had 3-4 more goals Friday night. With that said, we need to get Gersich and Joel J. back to spread the talent around. It was really fun watching Caggs, Boeser and Schmaltz play together however I'm not 100% sure that is best for the squad in the long run. While their numbers would obviously be higher together I think our team would be tougher to play against with 2-3 higher end lines, at least at even strength. Athought the wins have been good, we haven't played a team that is all that good. I'm guessing if we would have played a top end team they would have been able to get much better scoring chances and would have been able to contain our top line. After that top unit I wasn't overly impressed with any other line. However, to contradict my previous sentence I'm really glad Chyz is finding his scoring touch. After having a really nice final junior year in Fargo which he scored a bunch of goals, I was hoping one of these years he would start potting some goals. Better late than never. Here's to getting some of our guys back next weekend. Another bottom feeder next week.
  5. Is the feed buffering for anyone else? It was fine all game until now.
  6. Oh ok, we care about what he thinks?
  7. Mine was great two, all but the last minute or so. It buffered a tad at the end but that may have been on my end.
  8. who are you talking about? Who's Wally? Wes?
  9. not sure if I'm exactly following but what i meant was that I expected rough riders to lead this poll by double digits. Given that it is really close I am somewhat shocked. From what I've gathered there is a large nodak push and many of those folks don't come on this site. At least the ones I know.
  10. rough riders has lead every poll on this site by a wide margin, until now.
  11. I'll guess NoDaks wins. I'm shocked the poll on this site shows RR and Nodaks so close given the number of regulars who support the RR name.
  12. Wow LSSU beat MSU in Michigan last night. That's a bad loss.
  13. Oh boy. I don't like loading up the top in most cases but I'm with you. We'll need to rely on our top and have lines 2-4 play solid D.
  14. I didn't vote for RR and think it's a silly choice given the local high school uses it (which I have obviously noted several times and that is my personal opinion). However you make a lot of good points, not enough to sway me , but strong points.
  15. I'm hoping for a split. With the amount of guys we have injured a split would be just fine. Vermont beat the goofs and played well against Omaha so I'm guessing they'll be tough.
  16. I think the op was trying to say that its been awhile since he's played.....there's a ton of rust he needs to work through. Also, succeeding as an over ager in a watered down Canadian junior A league is a lot different than college hockey. I wish the kid the best, we'll need him for a few weeks.
  17. http://www.thedailygopher.com/2015/10/21/9579871/und-nickname-north-dakota-nodak-sundog-roughrider-north-stars-fighting-hawks#comments Well this guy sucks. Worst alumni ever?
  18. Again, time. It grew on me. Some of those Herald articles and the big Nodak nation flag last weekend kind of swayed me I guess. The Fighting Hawks name got worse over time and I have never been able to grasp RR (obviously). I am actually big on Fighting NoDaks.
  19. Time. And the fact North Stars has had no traction. Again, I support Nodaks because I like the name better than RR. It also took some time to grow on me. Nice try though.
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