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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. I'm sitting right there, he was in "I'm real hurt pain"....structurally. Hope I'm wrong
  2. Free tickets on the street from Duluth fans
  3. If we only lose Tucker and Cam (potentially)....our squad will be stacked next year.
  4. I believe Wolanin received a deal last year...I'm sure he'll receive one this year as well. Hopefully he doesn't sign. Many people like to rag on him a bit but his numbers (for a soph) don't lie. He's good.
  5. Alex Limoges is off the market, heading to PSU
  6. MSU is 7-23-4....can you boys believe we lost and tied to that team at home! Funny stuff.
  7. Ok I thought you were comparing the women's program to the boys....which isn't even close.
  8. Agreed...there are a ton of college women players that would gladly play. And they would be good. It may be hard since they'll obviously face a backlash from the current players.
  9. He does a great job related to reporting college hockey...that's why I follow him. In fairness to Schloss, 90% of what he puts out there is purely about the game.
  10. True. It came in response to schloss' public stance on many subjects. I actually don't think I was being overly political now that I look back at my posts. I was just laughing at schloss' one sided stance on some topics. I could care less about each topic.
  11. 1. Follow him on twitter 2. You're right, I'm off it. However, this subject lends itself to political discussions.
  12. No. Find others who will play....I'm sure they'll come out. I'm not against women's hockey....quite the opposite. Some on here call to get rid of UND's women's program, I don't agree with that at all. What I am saying, is that these women shouldn't receive large sums of money for playing for their country. In all honesty, I would have to receive more info. I have no idea if $1k/mo is too little or not. What I am saying is that they shouldn't receive a ton of money when (currently) they don't generate a ton of money. Who is going to pay for the increase (because they will obviously get some sort of increase which obviously won't be enough...but they'll play).
  13. Did Schloss ever comment much on the Oil drilling debacle? Nothing worse than a sports writer getting all into their liberal politics. He's not the only one...almost every hockey sports writer I follow is a bleeding liberal. I'm fine with that...it's their choice. However they seem to think just because they "report" that they are the experts and their opinions carry more weight than the rest our ours. Which obviously couldn't be further from the truth. Stick to sports writing.
  14. Yes, I completely agree with this. That's what I was saying. I would like to be a painter....but it doesn't pay good so I'm in finance. Deal with it.
  15. The players have to train those other months....to be good enough to make the team. That's on them right?
  16. Ever since Trump went against the reporters Schloss has been a total lib. Women do get the short end of the stick in monetary terms but honestly....no too many folks show up to these games. I brought my son to a Whitecaps game (I believe that was their name) and there was no one there.
  17. Heard that this morning. Hopefully he can cut the squad.
  18. I wonder what happened from 2 days ago when he said he'd be back.
  19. I was at them all. Ralph in '06 (that was the UND vs MICH game right?) was crazy. Two years ago at the Scheels arena was bonkers too. Pretty equal. Ralph was a WAY better venue though.
  20. Evers just committed to Vermont. His production has been falling for a few years now.
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