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Everything posted by scpa0305

  1. Free? There are points on the line. And we need them...bad
  2. We are on the pk far more than the pp this year
  3. Haha. He’s out there with again, with Bowen and Olson. And Olson has two assists tonight, haha. We’re in trouble.
  4. Boys are flat now...2 min left and they aren’t even buzzing
  5. Starman just said that und has done so many things right...we’ve honestly been on the defensive since the first. Berry was rolling them early but has quite. I’ve seen simo and Olson out there more than our skilled guys. That’s a serious problem. we needed this one bad. Needed some luck.
  6. So they’ve scored two times in 3 minutes so far...so they get another?
  7. That was a concussion. Through and through. That kid is in the dark room now.
  8. I would not say it was a bad goal...that was a beauty shot. But the fact cams read was perfect I thought he may have had that one. Cam moved over before gambrell let the shot go
  9. Agree. We have other D that can play. Gardner and jones are colossal losses given our weak forward group.
  10. So is bast. This team has been dinged up for two years. Constant injuries.
  11. Trevor’s skating ability is what’s holding him back. He’s done after this year.
  12. ...well yeah. But typically more skilled players get drafted. There is a direct correlation with kids that get drafted and skill (yes size is a factor but that’s also changing). More skilled players the better. everyone likes to point back to that 2015-2016 team. Although they had caggs and stecher they still had a ton of other drafted players as well.
  13. I know, I got that. My point is that we need more drafted players. Whether it’s 1st or 5th. We need more of or recruits to get drafted.
  14. I’m not bashing the current team, I still like them if they can get more consistent. all I’m trying to do is point out that the recruiting angle has been changing a bit (not sure why just point out a fact). The point I was trying to make is a lot of those grunts were drafted in rounds 2-5. I think we need those types of guys. I get the caggiulas and stechers of the world are nice...when you can land them. But we need more of those guys that get drafted.
  15. A decent chunk of those guys were drafted in the top 3 rounds...grunts? On our current roster who do we have in the top three rounds? I mean, we only have like 6 drafted players in our entire team (a number that’s been free falling in the past couple years). Even guys like ladue and t poolman were drafted because they dominated juniors. Also, in that listing how many of the players were undrafted?
  16. Let’s see that magic ball to find guys like caggiula. Whoever could do that would have a nice scouting contract waiting for them in show.
  17. I don’t know about that, goalies rarely go in the first and if got a second round goalie who was a top 5 goalie drafted, I would consider them a blue chip prospect. As for skaters, yes a blue chipper is a first rounder. One could consider a blue chip recruit one that is protected to go in the first round. Tychonik is close right now. None of the others are close really.
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