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Posts posted by Supertrex

  1. That last penalty on the Sioux was the most ridiculous call I have ever seen. The puck hit the Goof in the skate and knocked him down and the Sioux get at penalty...

    Oshie buries it....


  2. Hakstol has to be furious with a penalty in the offensive zone...slashing the goalie for your fifth penalty kill in 10 minutes??? Hopefully someone can let Campion know that the check is in the mail...He is absolutely the worst...

  3. Matt Greene was a great player, but come on. :lol: There have been quite a few Sioux defensemen in the last 60+ years and Matt Greene isn't on the top 10. Maybe during the past 10 years but not ever.

    Is Big Joe as good as Greene. Probably not, but I'm liking what I've seen. :D

    Right...you better hold off huffing the gold paint... :huh: otherwise let's hear your top ten...

  4. I think he is ahead of where Greene and Smaby were at this point. :D


    While I think that Finley has played better the past few games (as I said above), he is nowhere near the same level that Matt Greene was at this point in his career. Matt Greene was one of the best defensemen to ever wear a Sioux jersey. Opposing players lived in fear of him. J Par felt sorry for the opposition that had to face him in front of the net. In addition, Matt Greene is currently way ahead of where Mike Commodore was at this point in his career and Commodore was one of the great Sioux players too. Really, there is no comparing Finley to either of these and I think it is a stretch to compare him to Smaby and until Finley starts playing with a more consistent edge, he will not be considered in that company...

  5. I agree that Brian Lee has not played up to his expectations this year, particularly lately. However, he is not close to being the worst defenseman. For all of the Finley apologists out there, he is by far the worst defenseman on the team. I don't care what his plus/minus is, he would not be playing if he were not 6'7". He reacts slowly, gets beat easily and often, and often throws the puck along the boards without looking, creating numerous turnovers and constantly feeding the point. I realize that he's a work in progress and has a lot of potential, but he scares me every time he's on the ice. Jones has also taken a lot of untimely penalties that have cost the Sioux, and as much as I like Genoway, he is not physical enough on D. I would much rather see him at forward and Radke back on D. Chorney and Bina have really been the only consistent defensemen, and both have been very good. Chorney is the most underrated defenseman in the league.

    First of all - Good post Goon. I agree that we should be able to ask "What's up with Lee?". It's part of being a fan(atic)...

    As for whether Finley is good or bad, all I can say is that over the past five or six games, I have seen alot of improvement. He is making real "Sioux Hockey"-type hits and playing with more edge. And he has a blistering shot from the point, as he demonstrated on Saturday night. So I see him on the upswing. As for Lee, I think I originally stated that he must have something going on personally that is distracting him. I recall him being a better player last year...Hopefully he'll regain his confidence soon. We need his presence.

  6. Just got in from the game...now watching travis roche on center ice...anyway, except for that two minutes in the first period when the Sioux got very sloppy in their end and seemed to not care whether they won the little races, they played great - with the exception of Brian Lee. What is up with that??? Lee made four really terrible errors and Lammy bailed him out on three of them. Sometimes I wonder if he's having some kind of personal issue and can't keep his head in the game. He seems slow to the puck and rushed on his passing and play-making. I'm not a scout, but I haven't been very impressed with him lately. Anyone else concerned about him?

    The Sioux played with a sense of urgency in the 2nd period and even more in the third. They were first to the puck much of the time. They will have to play like this, with no mini-letdowns, next weekend. I hope to be in the cities. If I can't get tickets, I'll be in a bar nearby...Go Sioux...

  7. Maybe some gopher alum will pony up some big bucks and bring in some high profile coaches for the basketball and football prgrams!!

    How about Bobby Knight and Lou Holtz?? that would bring some excitement to the twin cities and you would have simultaneously the cleanest basketball rpogram and the dirtiest football program in the NCAA!!!

    And in addition, both are "close personal friends" of Sid Hartmann...should be a shoe-in..

  8. So Hak pulls Grieco for Lammy. I saw Lammy make a few key saves. I also saw Lammy clear a puck to a MTU defenseman who took an immediate shot, instead of clearing it to the corner. As a result, the Sioux were unable to clear their zone and MTU kept on the pressure. Then later, the goal. A double-tip on a shot from the blue line. Lammy was playing the first tip and was moving to the right when the second redirected it into basically an empty net. Is that Lammy's fault??? I'm not sure...

    Here's what I do know...the Sioux have, for all practical purposes, stopped being physical. Example: The puck is in the Sioux end and an MTU player has the puck, being shadowed closely by Jones as they wind around the back of the net. Jones attempts a stick-check but fails. The puck is centered, but no shot is made. MTU maintained puck possession for a time afterward and continued pressure. In the old days, Jones (or some other defenseman) would have placed a good body check on the MTU player or the MTU guy would have been met by the weakside defensive player as he rounded the net. Not now. What has happened to the physical aspect of Sioux Hockey?:silly:

  9. Those are nice points, again, after watching Toews and Oshie play this year how is it possible either is on the ice with an NHL franchise next season? Not saying their bad players, but given the play of them this year I don't see either cracking the line up in either city. If Bochenski takes scoring 11+ goals and getting name AHL player of the week in Norfolk to get called up how is Toews going to be anywhere but Norfolk? And as bad as St. Louis is, I don't TJ Oshie replacing anyone in the St. Louis Line up.

    You have to remember that there is no clutching, grabbing or one-handed stick work allowed in the NHL anymore. Players like Oshie and Toews thrive in the NHL because they are allowed to PLAY without being held or obstructed. For proof, look at Jason Blake or Zach Parise. In the old NHL, Blake was barely a factor (relative to his impact today) and Parise would have been mauled all the time. That is the current problem with college hockey - it allows teams with less talent to obstruct play and slow the game down to their pace. Of course, I'm not saying that is what happened this weekend (very poor goaltending and the inability to score are the Sioux's main problems). My comment is speaking only to the general atmosphere in the NHL and whether the Oshie's of the world could play today. Oshie is a playmaker with a ton of grit and heart and will be on the ice next year in St. Louis...

  10. I don't know, that last goal didn't look like Philippe's fault. But then again I only have a 15 inch screen on this lap top.

    Watch the replay. Lammy is down (of course he is), moving out toward the middle-left of the top of the crease (from his perspective) instead of moving toward the left post, giving the Badger an approximate 18 inch window to stuff the rebound. He was apparently trying to pokecheck the puck and in doing so gave up position.

    The second goal was so terrible, it's unimaginable that it even happened. A weak wrist shot from the blue line five-holes Lammy who, along with everyone else in the building, had a clear view of the shot all the way (for those of you not there, it was a slow, looping wrist shot and the puck was barely moving as if it was dumped in on net for a line change). One of the opposing teams' strategies must be to just throw as many pucks at Lammy as possible because one out of seven "shots" on goal go in.

    I hope that we are through watching Lammy for the remainder of his eligibility. The team needs someone it can rally around and depend on to bail them out when they have the occasional defensive lapse that all teams have.

  11. It seems that in college hockey, goaltending is everything: Those who have it, ride it to National championship games. Those who don't, lose to Holy Cross in the quarters. Great goalies SAVE GAMES and give their team a chance to win on nights when the guys on the ice aren't at their best and are making glaring errors. I remember a few times last year when the puck was turned over in much the same way as last night, and "game" saves were made. So it's important that Lammy start making a few game saves. I'm not sure he can do this right now. I don't think he has the confidence it takes right now.

    What I saw last night was this: Lammy made the easy saves (if there is such a thing). He was hung out to dry on a turnover and promptly five-holed on the third goal. The first was screened and he had no chance. The other two appeared to be fluke goals that went into the net as a result of very poor positioning by everyone, especially Lammy...

    I am hopeful that Lammy will regain is confidence and be more aggressive in the net. If he doesn't, Hak will eventually have to pick a different horse to ride...

  12. I'm wondering how the newspeople found out about his "resignation"...here's betting that old Nabisco breath is 25 cents poorer. Just another publicity stunt to keep it in the news and make it appear to the public that a majority oppose the current Fighting Sioux name.

    Forum Communications eats stories like this up and attempts to show that he represents a large portion of his people, although we know that he does not. He doesn't even say this. Instead he says that all don't support it. I agree with those who question why 100 percent have to agree with the name for it to remain viable. To me, that is completely ridiculous and another example of the minority attempting to rule the majority through administrative or judicial means rather than popular vote...

    Next time one of us disagrees with the politics of one of our bosses, let's call the D.S., and TV and Radio and see if we can get on to air our personal and unpopular, minority viewpoints...

  13. Maybe that was Supertrex five rows back of me hollering about the rebounds all night long.

    I could not agree more. Those blocker pad saves kicking back out to the slot are dangerous.

    It probably was me...I'm a little bit embarrassed by that and I'll try to be quiet about it from now on...I all I know is that Hak has NOT asked me to be the goaltending coach so I need to just accept the goaltending performances and move on (and make sure my squirt goalie understands the concept of not clearing the puck back into the slot)... :)

  14. Toews' first shift after the injury occured started with a faceoff just outside of the offensive zone, right in front of the student section. Sitting with my brother, we both were commenting how it looked like he was hurt on the last shift, then when he didn't take the faceoff, we were sure. It was a quick whistle, but before the stoppage Toews had been hit into the boards and dropped his stick with one arm (left I think?). Anyway, he was taken off the ice after that. We could see him in the tunnel trying to convince the trainer to let him go back out there, so he obviously thought he could play with the injury. Hopefully that means it isn't too serious.

    OK..so it's his shoulder??? The limp was simply a result of the a** chewing the team got from Hak after the 2nd period friday...

  15. A goaltender coach would disagree. Lamie appears to have a weak blocker side. If I was coaching against him, everything would be going blocker side, 14 inches off the ice.

    And with Lammy, if at first you don't succeed, try again. I tried to keep track on Saturday and by my count, he froze the puck on the first shot three times the whole night. Games move right along with Lammy since he rarely freezes the puck to give the team a breather.

    But the biggest problem he has is that he gives up big fat juicy rebounds constantly. If you disagree, you need to look at the games again, and especially the sixth goal from Friday night...classic Lammy. Instead of covering up the weak side shot on a two on one, he deflects it to the slot where it is promptly buried by the trailing player. Also, Saturday night's first goal was as weak as they come...five-holed from 40 feet...So I think you're being a bit generous in your assessment of his play this weekend when you say "NOT a single goal was his fault on Friday". But, I do agree he was hung out to dry a few times.

    No matter whether you think Lammy is at fault or not, the fact remains that he still needs to stop the puck at critical times and allow a young team to make a few mistakes. Odd man rushes happen and are a part of the game. But so is freezing the puck in your zone when you have the opportunity so that you can get a line change for tired backcheckers, especially on the kill.

    Hopefully he will bounce back from those performances. He certainly won't get away with giving up those ill-advised rebounds to teams like MN or Mankato or even MTU for that matter...

    OK Lammy supporters, start ripping me. You always do.

  16. Any word on Stafford's development at Rochester. Will we see him in a Sabre's uniform this year? So far, the Sabres are killing everyone so Ruff probably won't break that up - they totally schooled the Flyers 9-1 on Wednesday night, including several tic-tac-toe goals that were allowed by a completely out-of-position (and out of sorts) Philly team. What's up with the Flyers??? Ryan Potulny will be seeing ice there soon - they need to shake it up and score some goals (13 in six games) and he is a goal scorer...

  17. Zach Parise took a shot in the shootout last night for NJ, made a nice move, went backhand, but hit the post. NJ lost the shootout 1-0. In the overtime period Parise was the best player on the ice. He made a great play to get in alone on the keeper, showed typical Zach hustle, and actually drew an OT penalty (which is hard to do).


    Zajac sat out after the 2nd with "soreness"

    Zajac was absolutely crushed along the boards at mid-ice about halfway thru the 2nd. I hope he didn't have a shoulder separation or something like that...that happened to Bo last year and by the time he healed up, his place on the big club was gone...

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