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Posts posted by Smoggy

  1. Did anyone hear the liberal radio head guy speak on CNN last night? I believe it was Paula Zahn's (sp) show. I caught the end of it and they were talking about how they had bought some stations and were gearing to go national with some "entertaining" but "not well known" names. Just wondering if/what he said about Shultz.

    You can bet I won't be listening. :)

  2. Thats why I hope UND can keep him, I hear that this the last season on Lenon's contract. Anyone heard what Dale is going to do. It would be a shame to lose him as coach.

    I believe Dean Blais (hockey) is the only coach that signs multi-year contracts. So every coach's contract is up each year.

  3. I do not feel so bad about not being able to make it to the great state of North Dakota because the game is going ot be televised in Florence. A local channel just announced that they are going to but the feed and televise it live. GO LIONS!!!

    Will you have your own cameras and announcers or is it just picking up the UND feed?

    I remember some UND hockey broadcasts when we were at Colorado College or Denver and we had our announcers, but they were just commenting on the feed from the other team. Though they were actually at the game.

    It should be noted that we can catch the televised Sioux games by satellite, but it is now a digital signal which bars/people don't have receivers for.

  4. You know the US is in trouble when these stupid things are classified as sports. Two of them involve heavy drinking while participating in and the other involves driving over the same piece of land for 3 hours. What a waste. Next thing you know, you'll be able to become a professional internet poster. Hey, I kinda like that idea. I'd make millions!

    So all the punks that cruise S. Wash are now considered playing a sport. :)

  5. I'm very curious about what penalties he might receive. I'm guessing Minnesota couldn't charge anything unless they find her there. So if they don't have a body what is the max penalty?

    Just curiou, but does ND have the death penalty? What about MN? I guess I've never heard of it in either state.

  6. Maybe I should take my sig line out since it refers to Alabama. :)

    Then again the NC is played there and that's where we want to go. :)

  7. They keep fairly close tabs on registered sex offenders I'm sure. His name was probably one of the first to pop up when law enforcement heard of the disappearance.

    Yes, but you can't just arrest him because he was/is a sex offender. You do need evidence. Maybe something popped up when they interviewed him.

  8. Ed does make things exciting, but sometimes I get confused. He'll get overly excited when the other team does something great and I'll be thinking that the Sioux did something great. Plus, he always has to refer to his partners on stats and things. I can't even remember how many questions he asked Stein (is that right?) about Winona that even I knew the answer. He doesn't do his homework very well.

  9. Polls don't mean squat. They are so politically biased it makes me sick. Even when we won the title in 2001 we weren't ranked very high. Polls are there to give us fans something to ponder/argue about.

    Like some other fans have said, thank goodness we get to play these games.

  10. If UNA shut down the #1 rush team, they can stop the run. However, I get the feeling that play action could work great against these guys. If it is a 3-3-5 scheme, someone has to be thinking about moving towards the line on defense. Now if they are fast, they can get out of position in a hurry.

    This is the best analysis of a game that's gone on all year on this message board. Wish it was Saturday already.

  11. Under most circumstances, no team that finishes outside the top three in the WCHA has a chance at the playoff tourney. I will be utterly shocked if any WCHA team ever wins three games at the X.


    This is my biggest problem with the WCHA. The playin game prevents any realistic upset tourney champion and the unbalanced schedule means the difference between 1st and 2nd and just as importantly 3rd or 4th may be decided by who had more games with Tech and AA.

    The WCHA should either balance the schedule (hard with AA), or drop two teams from playoffs (hard because of money) and play a final four.


    When your automatic bid is given to a tourney champ and not a over-the-long- haul-regular-season champ, I think you have to have some advantage for the top few teams. Otherwise, why play the regular season. Lets just have a tournament to get into a tournament.

    I realize that the regular season champs will make it into the tourney, but it has always seemed odd to me to reward a team for playing one small stretch of games really well. But nothing will change, because it IS ALL ABOUT MONEY.

    Imagine if a lower than fifth seed WCHA team won the Final Five/Four (if it were changed). They get an auto bid and probably knock out a better overall WCHA team who might have had one bad game at the end. With the current play-in game, that lower than fifth seed really does earn their way in. The only crappy thing is that the NCAA's start like the next Thursday.

  12. As the fans of the poorer team always do, they are avoiding the topic at hand--FOOTBALL!!!

    Better open your eyes and look at the other thread.

    UND is awful.
    Funny, but last I checked we were in the semifinals with only 1 loss. Do you have some proof of this. Have you watched any of our games?

    Since the NCAA is into bending rules, maybe they will let you field 12 or 13 players on defense.

    Not to beat a subject to death, but we've never given out "extra" money.

    A school with 13,000+ students can only bring 7,200 fans to a playoff quarter-final game? Are you kidding me? UNA (with 5,500 students) brought 9,500 fans last weekend.

    It's called Thanksgiving break. We have about 60,000 people in GF area, so even 6,000 fans is 10% of our population.

    Start thinking and backing up your facts before you start talking smack.

  13. Thanks for the info Chris.

    Would you say this team needs the run to set up the pass or the other way around?

    I'm guessing most teams in your league pass and that is why you play five dbacks. Do you blitz a lot? I'm thinking our running game might do some damage to that defense even if they are fast. Overpursuing hurts defenses.

    Your passing attack scares me. If you're in shotgun, there is less pressure that we can put on the QB. Plus our db's like to play off the receiver. Our defense is always tough against the run, but a few teams have broken long ones against us. I'm thinking our offense will need to ball control and use up the clock to keep your offense off the field.

  14. I'd like to hear some real insight on UNA. I don't want the Lion tinted view either. Be objective. What type of offense and defense do you guys run? Are your special teams good? What can we expect to see (or in my case follow up on later) during this game. I don't need to hear about speed either. I'm sure you're fast, but it's already getting overhyped. UC Davis came in during 2001 saying the same thing and lost. And they had a Harlen Hill finalist.

    We aren't as good as in 2001, but we do win. Kind of a bend but don't break defense. I get the feeling that turnovers and special teams will decide this game. If we can get some interceptions, we'll be fine. Our offense can do whatever it needs to for a win, but likes to stall. I don't think this football team has played at a high level for a full game yet.

  15. I see that there are more stream yellow fans posting at UNA's site than Sioux fans. At first I was wondering why. Then I realized they have nothing better to do, because their mighty dIAA team couldn't make the DII playoffs. And they are jealous and ashamed because they know they couldn't compete with us so they had to leave.

    Whatever UNA fan was begging us to be nice better look at their own board. Worse than USCHO (which is a college hockey message board BTW).

  16. As much fun as it is to watch the Gophers lose, I think they'll be in the tourney at the end. Of course this year they'll tested away from their hometown for the entire draw. Also, every team guns for the Gophers. I don't think you can look all the way ahead. They have to take it one game/series at a time. Anybody can get you in the WCHA. OK, maybe not Alaska or Tech. This is one aspect that I love about Blais. He really only looks at the next series and this carries over to the players.

    The goal of every team is to get better throughout the season, therefore, the competition is only going to get tougher for every team unless injuries occur.

  17. To quote Coach Hudspeth, "We are fast on grass wait till you see us on turf." The easiest games UNA had in the championshop run were in the semis against slow pound it out teams like UND. So just like I witnessed during 93-95 we should run circles around the slow corn-fed boys form North Dakota.

    Sounds like UNA thinks they have the sure win. Nothing like overconfidence. I think UNA is going to be surprised at our team speed. 93 was ten years and one coach ago. I'd hope that both teams have evolved since then.

  18. I would never admit I watched the movie if I did.

    Cousin made me go. My cousin reads all his books and they are both so far left they might fall right off the country into the Pacific. It was an interesting movie with some funny parts. I don't agree with guy on much. If you've seen Canadian Bacon (which Moore also wrote/directed), then you've pretty much seen Bowling for Columbine.

  19. Well it is official the NCAA has royally screwed up again but that is ok because our toughest games/wins this year have been on the road. Our s.o.s is actually a little higher according to the GSC rep on the selection committee but the vote for UND to host next saturday was cast before he joined the conference call. Oh well that just means that we will definitely be able to call ourselves the undisputed national champion on Dec. 13. I would love to come to the game but finding a ticket on any major airline that flys into Grand Forks is impossible. So we will just listen and go ahead and start preperations for the championship game.

    How do you not make it to a conference call that votes on something so important? If I were you guys I'd have your rep fired.

    You'll pay an arm and a leg to fly to GF on Northworst. You might have to rent a car from some other city. Fargo, Minneapolis, Sioux Falls.

  20. If you think Phoenix is bad, don't come to San Bernardino. Up where the DII volleyball tourney is being played is nice, but I don't drive into the city. Two weeks ago we caught a seventh grader with pot, then I had to confiscate a knife from him. Later that week I had to break up a gang fight. The kid with the knife won't even be expelled, because he's a special education student. These are just the kids. The people here don't even bother to learn English. We're so sheltered in GF and to tell you the honest truth I wouldn't want it any other way.

    Has anyone seen that Bowling for Columbine movie? Michael Moore goes to Toronto and just walks into peoples' homes. He couldn't believe they didn't lock the doors. They'd just talk to him and say they don't worry about crime.

  21. I just looked at CSTV's website. Yet again they are airing DIII games on Saturday. Why can't they pick up a DII game? You would think they could at least pick up UNDs feed and air it nationally. It seems to me that more fans would watch DII than DIII just because DII has bigger schools with more alumni. I realize CSTV is young, but if they want to be known as college sports station they need to put more than one DIII fb game on in a week.

  22. Maybe we should move the game to memorial! ;)

    When UC Davis came their players were busier playing in the snow instead of having their mind on the game. I'm hoping for the same from UNA.

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