So where are your athletes getting there supplements? Does the school supply them? Are there representatives from these companies on campus? Do the athletes buy them themselves?Who monitors these activities?
The reason I ask is its already been stated here that UND athletes take supplements and its in every locker room in the country.
So you dont have a link where is says---" Most of the time the NCAA doesn't even test for a stimulant (caffeine) unless that player had previously failed a NCAA drug test before. "
Actually its your bias and ignorance of what really happened is what is at play here. Because its NDSU you can see nothing but what you so desperately want it to be. Youve transcended from a rivalry to hateful discourse and unfounded accusations. What will be your response be when it comes out as nothing more than elevated caffine levels? My bet is you will find a way to a fix blame in that also. Only time will tell.
It looks like we can put to bed that the Fargo media wont write any thing questionable about NDSU and or its football team. Or do you still think that Mcfeely and Kolpack will be banned form the locker room?
I fully agree with the article.
Nursing stories? LOL My wife is a BSN-RN ICU Supervisor retired. Im a retired X-ray tech. Plus we still have life long friends that still work in the industry. So I hear plenty.
Since no one has given definitive answers-information I cant see how you can expect an apology out of anyone.
But you go on with your assumptions. I will wait until all the facts are on the table.
I agree. Stay off the stuff.
But do we really know that that was the supplement that was the issue? Would 5hour energy pass the test? Still too many unknowns and no specific facts.