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Everything posted by bison73

  1. Dont know anymore than you do at this juncture.
  2. Somebody gave it to him. Heres a question--- did he seek it out??? I find it hard to believe he was minding his own business and somebody just came up you him and said--take this.
  3. Why did she go this far without naming the guilty party?
  4. His mother, Lori Robbins, said a “trusted program staff member” provided a pre-workout powder that contained an illegal substance or substances. The university denies the supplement came from a staff member. NDSU athletic director Matt Larsen said Robbins “got it from another student-athlete.” He didn't elaborate.
  5. Same testing agency the NCAA uses for the playoffs.
  6. The team is tested numerous times during the years as well by the same testing agency.
  7. Since they had an extra one from the kid that flipped to KSU and they nailed down a QB for this class I would say they were happy.
  8. Why are you wondering? I dont.
  9. Seems to be pretty successful.
  10. I agree.
  11. How do you expect an answer when that knowledge isnt available or whether it actually happened.
  12. And you know this how?
  13. These aren't "our opinions" these are just from published articles. Sorry if you disagree with what these writers provided.
  14. https://www.onthebanks.com/2017/2/15/14622422/o-line-coach-aj-blazek-reportedly-turned-down-iowa-to-stay-with-rutgers-football-big-ten-chris-ash From a recruiting perspective, Blazek has been excellent. Our own Bob Cancro wrote on how Big Ten assistants were ranked based on their performance with the 2017 recruiting cycle. Blazek rated the best of any Rutgers assistant, as he was 13th overall in the Big Ten and the only one from the staff to make the Top 100 list for FBS assistants."
  15. Who cares?? Really. Why is this such a big deal???
  16. They wouldnt waste a scholarship on any player-- school for that matter. Anyone who thinks NDSU would throw away a schollie in that manner is an idiot.
  17. The coaches know very well who UND is. You can tell when they get up and talk at the TM luncheons .
  18. Back in the old days when schools especially the bigs had unlimited schollies that happened on a regular basis. There really wasnt that much player movement back then so youwould have kids riding the pine for four years unless they proved themselves and moved up the depth chat. Now that doesnt happen because of limits on schollies. But the bigs figured out a new system where they would over sign to many recruits. They would then force those that couldnt produce at the next level to leave the team. In the FCS with only 63 scholarships to divide between 85 players your scenario makes absolutely no sense and I can guarantee NDSU wouldnt do that to any kid.
  19. How did you make that assessment?
  20. And Wentz backed up Jensen.
  21. The superhero cape doesnt allow me to blend in with the common folk and go about my work. But I do have a Sherlock Holmes calendar and a Little Orphan Annie decoder ring. (Ive always liked that hat)
  22. Only when skull duggery and propaganda is afoot. The keeper of the flame of truth is always vigilant and shall not waiver.
  23. So much anger.
  24. I remember my last post. In no way was it close to being something that could have shut the thread down. If it is true then the modes need to contact me and explain as my last post was pretty anxuous.
  25. I liked the thread. But then again I like reading delusional non factual posts from UND fans. Why did they lock it? I didnt see anything that was really that bad.
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