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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. what's the difference between Wash St and u of idaho............9 miles.
  2. did washington state just fall into the western division of the MWC conference with Idaho, Montana, USU, Wyoming, sjsu, AF......
  3. two schools that should be worried about being left behind are wyoming and washington state.
  4. cocaine and fentanyl
  5. at this point is the big10 so ruthless that they email the pres of u-nebraska and say...your out
  6. that last period was ugly for tampa....2 shots for the first 17 minutes or so in an elimination game....WANTED GAME 7!!!!!!!!
  7. so 5'11" ? haha
  8. if you were trying to build a fan base you think the second that when und had commencement activiites you would update you team webpages...a new fan googling UNDs basketball roster is probably wanting to know what they would looking FORWARD to...not what happened 3 months ago...i could see leaving your roster reflecting last year if you actually had a good run ......but if your season sucked like und and usd why not update it for the casual fan to build some momentum for this fall?
  9. sean mcdonagh is awesome........fun game so far....i want two more games before i ignore baseball
  10. whoa.......when did edmonton change their nickname???? totally missed this
  11. i remember when hank gathers died.....one death and people were shocked.
  12. and i was thinking that campus would so nice this summer (it does but)....there is still a ton of construction going on....the area south of the library is torn up...south of okelly (that parking lot) is all torn up as is the parking lot or side lot of the next buidling south (the two buidlings that connected a few years past?)....the business school is still a work in progress with the elevated walkways and whatnot... plus all the reno/demo of the residence halls by wilkerson...it seems like UND is getting a new campus from top to bottom.....
  13. new pedestrian bridge across the coulee south and west of REA....
  14. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10039644-usa-swimmer-anita-alvarez-saved-by-coach-andrea-fuentes-after-fainting-in-pool almost another one.
  15. guess i'm talking basketball? your talking football?
  16. https://goyotes.com/sports/mens-basketball/roster AND Bruns and Miahi are now on there.................
  17. i guess i was stating that in this new times where your roster changes SOOO much you might want to be proactive for your fans and have a current roster of guys that are returning and why not start post that as early as possible....like USD? and why not put up guys that have at least signed a NLI and then put an asterisk after their name stating that?
  18. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/06/22/baltimore-police-say-no-signs-of-foul-play-trauma-in-jaylon-fergusons-death/
  19. https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/34125250/caleb-swanigan-former-purdue-men-basketball-star-nba-first-round-pick-dies-25
  20. wasn't it your AD that was doing questionable things on questionable streets like NP Ave in Fargo?
  21. so do i....don't really know why but when you could have alex h or smokin' ben holden working taht instead....
  22. any pics of the blizzard?
  23. he might be the carson wentz of the pga before long...
  24. why is that when all these impartial "reporters" end up being libs? asking for a friend of terry dullum
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