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Everything posted by KSSioux

  1. I want to reiterate what the second to last sentance in the letter to the university said, "Therefore, we ask that the university take measures to minimize or eliminate the presence of the imagery or nickname brought to an NCAA championship event". This is after the bullet points about the student athletes, band, cheerleaders, etc, and is definitely a reference to the fans and supporters. For those of you who do not think this is the case, I feel for you. I do agree with the statements above about a public place and freedom of speech and I do not think the NCAA will do anything about it at this event, but are going to be watching and I am sure will be reporting back to the university. I applaud President Kelley for actually making a statement in support of this, as it is quite unusual for him, and is the first support on this that I have seen. This is why I am in support of the Spirit Lake law suit and will continue with them in that battle. It is a freedom of speech issue for me and I do not like the direction our country is going and will fight this fight with them. I may not agree with all of their arguements, but I will be by thier side.
  2. KSSioux


    I just want the sweaters to be the old script North Dakota from the 50's, and they could say it is a tribute to the Bill LeCaine era and his support. I pray that those are what they are. I agree they would play in anything, but to say those who are still for the nickname and supporting the Spirit Lake tribe are just going to take down the university and make the sports teams irrelavant is stupid. I again urge those to read the last two lines from the recent letter to North Dakota from the NCAA. They are making an effort to try to have the university stop fans from wearing the Fighting Sioux logo. The battle is with the NCAA and freedom of speech, which is why it is actually bigger than the school, but a stand on how progressive this country is becoming. This will be the first time in 23 years I have not been to the frozen four due to family issues, but I would encourage all fans to wear the Fighting Sioux logo and see if the NCAA says anything. We all want the athletes and UND personnel to comply, but let's keep it going as fans.
  3. I rarely post but have followed this topic for over 30 years. It troubles me to see the banter going back and forth between the nickname supporters and those who want the nickname to go away to "Save UND athletics". Those who think the last two sentences of the NCAA letter does not allow them to tell the venues to ban folks from entering the arena with a Sioux jersey/sweater, or from saying "SIoux" at the end of the national anthem without the threat of forfeiture are the ones with their head in the sand. The NCAA is so disrespectful to UND that they mispelled names in the letter, mispelled North Dakota on the Denver Frozen Four participant shirts (without any apology or replacement), etc. They will do whatever they can to slap down those who will stand up for the proud sobriquet. I have been to over 23 Frozen Fours, along with other North Dakota NCAA championship events and have never seen anything demeaning in the use of the name or logo. Neither has my wife who is part Native American, and although she did not attend UND she loves to wear the logo proudly. I had decided that I would support the Spirit Lake Tribes efforts, although I did not agree with all their tactics in the law suit or the petition drive. They have far more credibility than our president or athletic director and I pray that their law suit will knock down the NCAA. To those who are in the "Save UND Athletics" crowd and think they are superior to those who are with the Spirit Lake effort I will leave you with this. I think it is bigger to stop the political correctness, maintain our liberties, and keep our freedom of speech. Is that not a bigger goal? Please do not watch the left hand while the right hand is knocking you down. P.S. for those who are going to trash me for this, forget about it because I will not respond.
  4. I had to watch on FCS (lucky we now get it in southcentral Kansas. The signal quality on this transponder has been horrid here. I know it is not my system as I can get other sats pretty easy. I doubt they will do anything about it. I guess I need to get a little larger dis (have a 29" now), or build one of those foil cones!! I would love to watch on the sat as I also think i tis a better pciture than the FCS feed.
  5. They told me tp12064 Pol V SR 4880. I tried yours and it was actually weaker on mine. Still get 70+ on the "Occasional Use" tp. Looks like I am screwed this year as long as they stay on this tp. I have had no problems for five years with all their satellite changes and tp changes, and now a poor tp kills watching the Sioux for me. Really sad since my signal rates last year on this satellite for Sioux games were 55-80%. All I need is 40+ for a perfect picture and all I am getting is 30-37%.
  6. Just for my piece of mind, what is the tp and rate you are getting the signal on? I wonder if it different than they told me once you folks blind scanned it. Thanks.
  7. I am having the same problem with the women's game tonight trying to get it from central Kansas. I can get a great signal on the "Occasional Use" transponder, but not good enough to even get a picture on the FSSN transponder. I called them and they basicly said they were getting good signal and that is what they were assigned. I tried tweaking on the strong transponder to get it better and did not have any luck.
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