I want to reiterate what the second to last sentance in the letter to the university said, "Therefore, we ask that the university take measures to minimize or eliminate the presence of the imagery or nickname brought to an NCAA championship event". This is after the bullet points about the student athletes, band, cheerleaders, etc, and is definitely a reference to the fans and supporters. For those of you who do not think this is the case, I feel for you. I do agree with the statements above about a public place and freedom of speech and I do not think the NCAA will do anything about it at this event, but are going to be watching and I am sure will be reporting back to the university. I applaud President Kelley for actually making a statement in support of this, as it is quite unusual for him, and is the first support on this that I have seen.
This is why I am in support of the Spirit Lake law suit and will continue with them in that battle. It is a freedom of speech issue for me and I do not like the direction our country is going and will fight this fight with them. I may not agree with all of their arguements, but I will be by thier side.