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  1. And it begins in earnest...... https://www.canucksdaily.com/nhl/entry-draft/ohl-player-offered-north-of-1-million-to-play-for-boston-college
  2. Wow - not many schools even had hockey in the 40s. Side note - the first club hockey I ever saw was Illinois.
  3. Pairwise seems a bit whacky this season. Look at NE and UND.
  4. Eastern bias
  5. Good goaltending from both goalies. Was it the same goalie that played the first two games in the net for RR?
  6. That's funny too!
  7. That is funny!
  8. What did he say?
  9. Another Sioux moves into the coaching ranks!
  10. Good analysis WIlbur, but I feel like it was lacking a "here" or two. Maybe "I feel like although early didn't go great here".
  11. He had a strong game - nothing but hustle. Jubinville (Sp? I haven't typed name this season) had a good game too.
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