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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. I also read yesterday that Travis Roche has been selected to play in the AHL all-star game. Not a bad bounce-back season.


    that was great to see

    The US-AHL all star squad is announced today.

  2. Just heard Ed doing an ad for his talk radio show down here in the cities. Noticed he had a book at Border's a few weeks ago too. Sounds like Ed's going NATIONWIDE. Is he any good?


    He is nationwide, been for a while now. Over 70 stations and counting, he's typical Ed.

  3. Go to a big campus (D1-A) they will laugh at the distance UND folks complain about walking.


    That is exactly the problem, this isn't a DI school. I just find it amazing that you think there isn't a parking problem at UND. Sure you can park at the Ralph and walk to Odegaard hall, but that is a little bit out of the way. I could also park at the Alerus Center and that would be probably the same distance. Heck, Super Target has a big enough lot, maybe I'll just start parking there. Of course I'm joking with you, the parking ramp is long overdue. With the huge increase in students over the past couple of years and with the anticipation of adding to those numbers at a growing rate, parking will only become more of an issue.

  4. You know UND should build an arena for the basketball teams to replace Hyslop, so this doesn't have to happen any more as it messes with both sports. Why I bet they could even attatch it to the Ralph.


    Exactly, I'm so sick of hearing reasons why they are playing the games in the ralph. It is a hockey arena, not a basketball arena, when are they going to figure it out.

  5. Sioux fans probably need to be remined of this.


    Good point, they also just have to look at the boxscores of the saturday night games vs. Alaska-Anchorage and MSU-Mankato this year. We can't take anyone for granted this year.

  6. if you guys play it right, you can figure a way out of paying altogether.  The U charges like $8 to park each game...I haven't paid for parking but maybe 3 times in the past 15 years....if you know the system, you can figure a way around the payment (get in to the ramp prior to game charge and leave right after the game and whoosh! FREE PARKING!

    on another note, welcome to eveyone else's hell for parking at collge games..



    We know there are ways to park without paying.

    This is not something new for us.

  7. It would certainly appear that the people of Fargo are staying away from NDSU basketball games in droves. 800-something people showed up last night for the game against SW St., and they are averaging a little over 1300/game on the year. I realize it's a poor home schedule, but I can't imagine Taylor and company were expecting attendance to drop off quite this much.


    Only 800? are you being serious? wow

  8. I am one of those fans that has to park several blocks away. Building a parking ramp by Old Memorial because you are already getting the shaft by parking that far away and getting shuttled and now they want you to pay for it. That is totally bull. You pretty mcuh are getting screwed twice by UND if you don't have a parking pass. I am sure they don't want the eye sore of a parking ramp right next to the arena but spend a little more money on the ramp and make it look fancy or make it look like the arena. They have all that land right north of the arena. Plenty of room for a ramp and it could also be used by the businesses there too.


    Exactly, this would help alleviate a lot of their parking problems already. I would gladly pay to park in a ramp closer to the arena.

  9. UNO and Sioux Me, give it break. What do you expect these people to admit their university made the wrong choice a year into the process. I know SDSU has been losing to some weak teams and in their defense they don't have much depth. I believe they are also redshirting a few quality players. Give NDSU and SDSU some time to establish themselves in D1 before second guessing them, that is all Jack and Bison fans ask. If in 4 years the jacks team is still losing to Morningside go ahead and second guess them all you want, but I'm sure they would be second guessing themselves for going D1 anyway. And by the way nice wins your teams had last night, maybe you should focus some more time and energy talking about that instead of the futures and attitudes of two teams fans that have no bearing on your collective universities.


    Imagine that, another thread where an NDSU fan has to jump in and start defending their move to D1 when their name hadn't even been mentioned in the thread yet. We don't care about NDSU, move on to another message board.

  10. i like the fact that the sioux play in a palace and have one of the nicest arena's in the world from college to NHL.

    oh yeah, i did miss the old ralph as well,as much as anyone but we are not not in the old ralph anymore... are we going to go at this topic again.

    FIGHT ON SIOUX................


    People are just sharing some of their fond memories of the old place, relax a little bit.

  11. So I guess we can officially now start speculating about candidates for RT's replacement. I have previously mentioned current Stanford assistant a.d. and UND grad Ray Purpur, and I think he'd be close to the top of the list if he actually applies. Does anybody know of other people with UND or area ties who might be a strong candidate? I'm sure there will be some in-house applicants like possibly Rich Glas, Mike Stromberg or Rob Bollinger. I personally would like to see somebody a little younger and with strong experience as either an a.d. or an assistant a.d. as opposed to exclusively coaching experience.


    Any chance that Rick Hedberg will be interested in the position. I believe he was the assistant AD for a time at UND and now is AD at Minot State. Any thoughts?

  12. And if they do... they're probably a little too frigile in the head to play at this level anyway, IMO.


    I agree with this.....if these kids are influenced by what is written on them on a message board, than they probably cannot handle the constant scrutinization of the public, season ticket holders, general media.

  13. I'm sure Hakstol's comments will very shortly be dissected, and he will be ripped for taking the wrong tone about one thing or another, but it's hard to imagine a "right" thing to say now. 


    I just fail to see why some feel the head coach should be immune to any criticism. There is definitely blame to go around and questions need to be asked about everyone's performance including the coaching staff.

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