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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. It is totally unfair to be doing sniping or attacking the process unless you have very very intimate detail on what took place in the interviews and what the goals of the search were.  If you do please point them out.  No guess, no speculation, only what you know to be fact.  Some people will always look for conspiracies or other ulterior motives, but we need facts to assess the situation.


    After re-reading the posts in this thread, I really don't see a lot of people complaining about the process, but that is just my take.

    People point it out all the time, but this is a message board, this is where people come to vent, bounce their ideas and feelings off others who care about the sioux and UND, and just come to enjoy and share many things related to the university. I definitely do not agree with everyone all the time, but I find it unfair to come on here and tell people not to speculate or guess about the process, unless you know all the facts, because if that is the case, then almost no one would be qualified to talk about anything regarding sioux sports.

  2. And back to our regularly scheduled programming......................

    I just want to add that I hope we can hold on to Rob. He does a great job and his services are invaluable to UND.

  3. Disagreeing with the committee's recommendations or Dr. Kupchella's choice is one thing.


    To officially state for the record, ;);) , the message board record that is, I will support Mr. Buning and his efforts at UND, but I can already tell that I am not alone in feeling that Rob got the shaft.

  4. Perhaps we'll have to agree to disagree. I just think that had they simply announced that all four would be brought in for interviews, instead of interviewing Bollinger, McCarthy and Molde, and leaving the door open for a fourth (or fifth or sixth...) candidate to be brought in, the committee could have avoided giving the perception--whether right or wrong--that Buning was any less of a finalist than were the other three.


    That is what I was trying to say, but you said it much better UND92,96

  5. People are always free to misinterpret words any way they desire.


    If you think it was so cut and dry, why are there so many people feeling that Buning was added at the last minute?

    I guess I must be the only one thinking this way.

  6. I don't see how anybody "screwed up." The wording and meaning of the news release seem quite clear to me.

    The committee was going to interview three candidtates. The door was left open to interview more.


    However you want to spin it, it is hard not to see that the original release has led to many people believing that Buning was not an original finalist.

  7. While I was rooting for Rob Bollinger to get the job, you can't help but be impressed with Buning's credentials. Maybe he can be the best of both worlds--Wanless's administrative abilities and RT's people skills. I wonder what the chances are that Rob would be interested in the vacant assistant a.d. position?  That could go a long way towards smoothing things over with the numerous fans/alums who were backing Rob, plus I think he would do a good job in that position.


    Great points. I really didn't care who got the position, but I know a lot of alums and donors who were really pushing for Rob to get the job and they are not going to be too happy.

  8. Ok, despite the fact that it is lobbying to the wrong crowd, what is wrong with this?

    WOuld you rather have all the kinds of threads we had when Zach was still around? Threads like "Who's the hottest Sioux defenseman" and so on?

    It is the off season you know and it is hockey related. I'm inclined to overlook it.


    I guess I'm with Sicatoka on this one.

    I'm not the only person who feels this way rw77. I'm "inclined" to comment when I read a thread or a post hyping up a player when it is obviously a family member or friend who wrote it.

    If he can make the team great.

    It is the off season? Really? Thanks for pointing that out

  9. First of all NDSU and SDSU both have a great chance at getting into the Gateway all it would take is one of three schools going IA(SIU, WKU, or MSU). If either one of those schools leave NDSU and maybe also SDSU, NDSU could be potentailly added alone. And that Big Sky comment was an absolute joke. The only way UND is getting in the Sky is with NDSU because they would want to add the rivarly to their conference. And UND has ZERO shot at getting into the sky while in D2 sitting behind both NDSU and SDSU. NDSU is a football school that has beaten Big Sky schools and has the best football program between the three Dakota schools if they took one team NDSU would be a lock. If UND wants to be in the Sky you better go DI otherwise it ain't happening, same with the Mid-Con and the Horizon these conferences aren't going to add D2 UND with NDSU and SDSU waiting for a conference. DI hockey means nothing to the Big Sky, none of their schools play it and none are ever going to play it. The Sky isn't going to take in UND because they can play hockey good. Academics are pretty equal among UND, SDSU, and NDSU so there is no advantage there either. You may have an edge on Facilities but the edge isn't huge(the BSA will be renvoted or replaced before UND even enters DI.)


    If you want to come on here and make a valid argument that is one thing, but to rant and rave and spew nothing but garbage is a whole different story. The tired and childish arguments you make are quite hilarious.

  10. I hope anyone who tries to walk-on does their best and gets an eqaul look; however, lobbying here isn't going to help anyone's cause one way or the other.


    I agree.

    I think some people do think that lobbying on here is going to make a difference and that is why they do it.

  11. This US team needs much more than  a player who has never played one minute in the NHL.  Have any of you seen the defensive corps?    It's a complete joke.  Minor league hockey.  This may be one of the weakest teams the US has ever assembled for any type of international play.


    We have fielded a lot of weaker teams, especially in this tournament.



    As PCM would say, "you don't have to yell"

  13. In particular, with word going around that Penn State is interested in Hockey, do you think they would form a big 10 league since they would have the required membership? What would UND do?


    I'm not too worried about this and if it happened, UND would still be fine.

  14. The band needs more music and practice time (both to improve and to keep up the improvements already made) and the guy who chooses the pregame, game, and post game canned music needs to be thrown from the roof to the waiting cement below.


    If I'm not mistaken, I think the team helps pick the pregame/warmup music.

  15. They need to crank the volume up big time and follow it with that Rocknroll part 2 song (what ever its called), just like the Minnesota Wild does.


    I'd prefer we wouldn't do this so we could be a little unique.

  16. I hope they play all of them at the Betty, but if they play a couple at the Ralph to help sell recruits I don't have a problem with that.


    Huh?? What??

    You want them to play all the games in the Betty, but don't have a problem if they play a couple at the Ralph? So which one is it?

  17. give me a break.  you need to find something better to do with your time than make up garbage about the players.  the sioux sure do have a talented class and yes maybe a couple of them may have a chance to play somewhere after college.  however, a junior leaving UND for the NFL come on.


    I agree, there are a lot of talented players on the team this year, but I don't think there will be anyone leaving early.

  18. NDSU has already made a lot of waves in IAA and are already being called "the next Montana" and a "powerhouse" those words don't seem to match to closely with the level of mediocrity that you are trying to describe.



    Who is saying this? Gene Taylor? Craig Bohl?

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