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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. MTS does look nice. No more Eatons; guess it's been too long since I've been to Winnipeg.

    On another note, the Bismarck Bobcats are switching from one former Sioux coach, Chad Johnson, to another, Dane Litke.


    I seen Mike Peluso will be the assistant.

  2. Not in Grand Forks so maybe I'm missing something, but why the celabratory spin?  If the BRAC recommendations go as is GF will loose 2200+ personal.  How many numbers will the schools loose due to this?  Must be at least a 1000.  That is a huge drop in state and fed funding for the school district.  IMHO this just sucks.  I remember driving from Fargo to Rolla to visit my grandparents and waiting until we drove by the base with hopes of seeing a B-52 taking off. 

    Droans :D


    I'm not sure I have heard a lot of celebratory spin. I will say that the base isn't being closed and that is a good thing.

    It will be interesting to see what kinds of new missions the base receives. Earl Pomeroy was just on the radio saying that the Grand Forks base was cited in the Pentagon's report as being an ideal location for the unmaned drones .

  3. I had the same reaction. Just picturing a bunch of artist-types wandering around an abandoned Air Force base in the middle of nowhere made me laugh. I suppose they could do some nice sidewalk art on the runway. :D


    Talk about an economic boom to the community that would bring.

  4. I hate the media mentality of "having to get the story first", instead of getting it right. A couple media outlets in this region, said yesterday that their "sources" had informed them that the Grand Forks base would be closed.

  5. WDAZ had an interesting story last night regarding cities that had their bases closed in the 90s and the impact it had on their communities. They did a nice piece on Rome, New York and it was interesting to listen to their city leaders talk about how people just assume that when the base closes, you are able to easily attract major businesses to use the base. One of the guys said the first thing everyone says is a major international cargo port will go in and he laughed, saying that might look to be a fitting thing, but hard thing to accomplish. Also touched on how the government doesn't turn the land and facilities back over to the cities all the time. They still own them and there are a lot of cases across the country where they shut down facilities and never let anything go into them. If that doesn't sound like a typical federal government operation.

  6. The Forum article says the GFAFB will lose 2,290 military personnel, and then later in the story says that the GFAFB is home to 2,700 active duty military personnel.  That's pretty much the entire base.  It sounds like only a skeleton will remain.  If the Forum is accurate, I wouldn't consider this good news.  I guess we'll get more details as the day goes on.


    They are accurate, here is alink to the closure and realignment list.

    pdf document


  7. I don't know what to think about this. It is a good thing that right now, it isn't going to be completely shut down, but will take a severe cut in personnel.

    I remember when Grand Forks wasn't on the list in 1995 when it came out, people celebrated, then at the last minute, it was added back on. So you really can't relax, no matter where you are, until the President signs off on the whole thing.

  8. Thats the question how much does our leaders want to cut our defense, I really don't see how we can cut it much more without putting our nations defenses in jepordy. I read in an article a while back that said the towns in Germany that we used to have troops in now, have hardly if any troops in them leaving a huge gaping how in their economy and their economic health. Some of these towns haven't recovered from our leaving. Seems the German people hated having our soldiers and airmen but liked having our money. Time will only tell what happens to GFAB, I know I like having them there. Military Bases and the defense industry is a hugh money makers. That being said I am sick and tired of us government cutting the Military and bases. The problem being is that get into a war, another country spouts off ala, Iran and Korea and we don't have enough troops to fight more than one battle. It appears that Rummy and his philosophy of a leaner smaller army has some serious flaws in it.


    I agree with you, but the blame needs to be passed around on this one. For fifteen years now, the defense department has been eliminating bases. We had no problem cutting defense spending, year after year, but when we need our military to defend us or to fight to protect other people in the world, the first people we look to is the military.

    My argument has nothing to do with Minot, Grand Forks, Fargo, I would like to see all those bases stay, but putting that aside, I do not like to see us constantly cutting back.

  9. The question must be asked save the base this round, but then how many future rounds will there be?


    I would like to say that there couldn't be many more rounds, but I'm sure they have some sort of master plan to really concentrate our military bases down into a smaller conglomerate.

  10. Ok Hammy.

    In Hak we trust. I hardly think he would have made an impulsive decision on committing a big scholarship to a below average defender who he will only have to cut later.....



    Exactly, I will leave the recruiting to Hak and the boys. I will trust their analyzing and evaluating of potential players.

    I'm not even sure where the comparison to Scott Foyt plays into this either.

  11. I've been meaning to hunt down the numbers all week, but the STrib article gave these:

    $379m/year in jobs, construction, and purchasing

    7,900 personnel, family members, and civilian employees

    To benchmark those numbers, UND's budget is a bit over $300m (leading to a total estimated economic impact of about $931m). No one wonders about the economic impact of UND because its right there in the middle of town and its reach is obvious, whereas the base is a bit more out of sight; however, there's no doubt those dollars find their way into the surrounding economies.


    Those numbers definitely back up the argument that the base's impact is quite huge.

    The amount of things affected by the closing are not and would not show up for a while.

    Look at the town of Larimore. The news reported that over 100 kids, around 18% of their school enrollment, K-12, are kids associated with the base.

    Look at how many base people attend UND.

    This would not only impact Grand Forks, but the whole region and the whole state would be greatly impacted.


    I agree, I'm just not sure there are people living in this town that know and realize what kind of impact the base has on this town. I talked to the owner of a business and he said he doesn't think the closing of the base would have that big of an impact on this city. I just kind of stood there, perplexed.

  13. Does this seem strange?  I thought that he was going to be a borderline first round pick and he ends up being number 2 behind Okposo.


    I guess some other people think Marto is pretty good also.

  14. Good Lord, John. Get a grip, go to one of your BK stores and have a Whopper and fries. ;)

    Hysteria and crying will not save the base. However, to minimize the impact the so-called leaders will need to develop realistic contingency plans to fully utilize the assets left behind. In the stories referenced in earlier posts, the communities that survived, and thrived, after a base closing seem to have made a concerted effort to make the best of a bad situation. I think the local and state leaders are remiss in their duties if they have not seriously considered what they would do with the base after it closed. Closing the base would have some serious negative impacts, but how long they last is dependent on those who in positions of leadership and power. Frankly, I don't think Marshall and certain others are fit to fill those roles.


    I hope our leaders have looked at plans at what to do with the base if it is closed. If they haven't, they will pay for it in the long run. In fairness to John Marshall, it is not his job or should it be his concern right now, talking about future plans involving the base. . His position of basically the middle man between the base and the city, and his main job is saving the base. Our political leaders have to step up and turn the negative into a positive if the base is closed, or the doomsday results, like Marshall has said will happen, will become a reality.

  15. As of September 2004, a 2-4 = case in Rainy River, ON.  The last time I was in Winnepeg was about 10 years ago, so the verbage may have changed in that region but has not yet transended into the Rainy River Region.  I haven't heard "box" before, but I may be out of touch, eh?  ;)


    Yes, Canadians do call it a "box" of beer.

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