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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. It'd be interesting to see what the DIaa playoff TV deal and the Frozen Four TV deal compare in terms of dollar value.


    What does that have to do with anything?

    Do you remember that the DII Championship game had higher ratings than the DI-AA game a couple years ago on ESPN?

  2. I understand that,  but if the only reason to give up seats and keep others from attending hockey games is so students can stand throughout the contest does that make any sense???  I think it is stupid to keep seats empty.


    I agree with you.

  3. Do I understand there is anyone in their right mind who would propose we "rope off seats" so students can stand the whole game?  Why would we want to keep people form attending the games?  I would think if you gave the students an option of sitting and standing occasionally when it makes sense vs losing those extra tickets,  they would want the extra seats.  Especially those students who couldn't get seats otherwise.


    They have roped off seats in the past, that is not something new.

  4. A lot of proposals have been posted within this thread, some good, some not so good and some outrageous.  So other than agreeing with some, belittling others, creating riffs amongst ourselves, etc. what can we do with them? I keep reading about the Student Council not doing a good job, at least doing something, not being able to do anything and we just a keep on posting.  Again, what can WE do? I'm ready, willing and able to get off my duff and do more than this to keep the student section intact and stop the profanity.


    I have read this thread also and have seen people's points of views and their proposals. I was just asking the question to PCM because I guess I didn't understand what exactly he would propose, because I'm not sure what would be a good remedy for this problem either.

  5. Was there any new "news"  in that report at all? Just the Forum trying to waste space and I am sure tomorrow that the Herald will have a 3 page spread about the issue.


    It is not quite 3 pages, but close. ;)

  6. Just as an aside:  is the CANAD Inn / waterpark waiting for the BRAC announcement prior to proceeding with construction? 


    that is one of a couple reasons I have heard why they are not proceeding yet. I keep hearing excuses come from city government, everything from they haven't got all of their permits in order yet to they haven't gotten all of their contracting and subcontracting work done yet.

    I have begun to wonder what is really going on with the CANAD Inn.

  7. But what's even funnier is that you (and others) just assume one of the two GF schools will win state every single year... just because they happen to call GF home?  :glare:

    Typical GF hockey arrogance.  :D

    I was guilty of it too when I was a snotty little punk kid growing up in GF. I disrespected every other team in the state... and had the audacity to wonder why the rest of the state hated us so much. Now I get it, now that I'm much older and wiser.

    Just for the record... the GF Supras mites team only lost two games this past season. One of them was to a team from Canada, the other was against my son's team. So, uhhhh... yeah, I think it's a bit premature for you to completely rule out the possibility that South might beat one of your precious GF schools in state when my son gets to that level.


    I think someone needs to relax a little bit.

    This thread doesn't need to be turned into another discussion of GF hockey vs. Fargo hockey.

  8. I agree, but I guess I always go with the gut feeling of "Who can give me the playing time right now" and not spend a year in juniors.


    And how many players entering into the WCHA each year do not have a year of juniors under their belt?

  9. I am pro-Fighting Sioux hockey.  I think we all are in this thread.  Instead of focusing on all of the differences, we should try to unite.  I think that is what both sides basically want, especially the students wanting more atmosphere out of the general public.


    Amen to that

  10. I'm definitely pro-student also, I just don't agree the new proposal. I don't see it solving any of the current problems.

    One issue I would like to address is the students are always the target when it comes to clamping down on bad behavior and swearing. Of course they bring that on themselves a lot of the times, but I think if they are going to address this issue they need to focus it on the whole arena. Where I sit, the behavior of a lot of the fans around me is very bad, including swearing and chiming in during some of the more vulgar chants. I'm not even close to the student section either.

  11. Who listens to the PA announcement before every game that says profane language is grounds for ejection from the arena? Nobody. Once people see the video a few times, they'll ignore it.


    I can't even remember the last time I even remember hearing that announcement. I know they make it before every game, but I don't listen. I agree with you on the video PCM.

  12. Now, thinking they'll get four in the lower and two in the upper is madness. Those are money seats. I predict if the students do somehow get four in the lower they'll have no sections in the upper because UND/REA will need to sell those additional upper sections to make up for the lost revenues from more students in the lower.


    I was thinking the same thing. If and I say if, they were to get 4 sections in the lower bowl, I would think that they would lose their sections up top also.

  13. So if the season ticket holders who have those seats are willing to move, would the sections I mentioned above be that bad?


    I don't sit there, but I'm thinking they are not going to want to move. If they were forced to move, what percentage of those ticket holders would renew their tickets to sit in the upper bowl? Would they be willing to "donate" to the FSC at the same level they do now? I highly doubt that either.

  14. I just do not see this proposal getting very far. I'm not sure how increasing student seats is going to solve some of the "problems" and "issues" that Kupchella is concerned about.

    Can someone tell me how many times the student section was totally filled with student this last season? I'm guessing the answer to that is zero.

    I'm definitely for having students sit in the lower bowl, but I just do not see how increasing their seats is going to alleviate some of the concerns.

  15. I figured teams would give him some USHL time before making an offer - I noticed the Sioux waited until after the Chicago Showcase, where he reportedly really stood out, to sign him. 


    You think they based their decision on him playing in a tournament???

    That is insulting to both the player and to the program.

    They were quite interested in him long before the tournament.

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