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Everything posted by Detroit87

  1. They do kick people off if they are against the logo. The rules are not followed if attack is against someone who is against the logo. They are free game for the supporters. Though if an anti-logo does the same to a pro-logo they are gone.
  2. And you still do not know the whole story.
  3. If the '87 team had played last years team they would have destroyed the '08 team. This is not just my opinion but Eade's as well.
  4. Maybe this board should be a private board since so many members do not like different views?
  5. More like a hundred. What would the 87 team do to any of the 2000 era teams?
  6. Why would someone come back from Canada for a DUI trial if they might get found guilty? They wouldn't because it would screw up travelling over the border forever. Remember folks Canada does not like to let in Americans with a DUI on their record. The fix was in from the start. If he had not come back for this semester when would the trial have been held then? Never? What if he had killed someone driving drunk would he still be all of your hero? Probably on this board.
  7. Better question is what happened to the scoring over the last twenty years? Look at the stats from the 80's and early 90's to now. First line players today would at best have been third or fourth line players before. How many of the current players today would have even made the '87 team? A couple at best.
  8. I hope they forget flying like this if they ever fly commercial flights, that is if they ever can even get a job flying.
  9. Blais will never coach Minny. He has turned them down once before, that is how they got Lucia.
  10. I sure can remember a lot of quiters in the 90's. You could get all the free tickets that you wanted in the mid 90's for free since no one was using their seasons.
  11. I thought Denver did a great job killing that off. They were pressing out and not letting UND even get a good shot off. Great work by the Denver D.
  12. Can't forget Chris Jensen.
  13. Heck it was not even meant to be a trivia question. I just thought of it and figured if anyone would know the answer it would be here. So thanks everyone for the answer.
  14. Is there an NHL team that no ex-UND player has played for at one time or another?
  15. When was the last time there was a goalie coach and who was it?
  16. Didn't Bennigans ,which use to be owned by Pillsbury but had to be sold when the Brits bought Pillsbury because the Brits owned a bunch of liqour companies, close a bunch of stores? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bennigan's
  17. For now until he stops paying his bills which is normal for him.
  18. You fail to mention the demagraphics of the area though. You list a few stores out of numerous stores to make your arguement. College students would not shop at Whole Paychecks when the are broke. Example of locations would be where are the Whole Food stores located in Minneapolis? No where near a campus. Well maybe the St. Paul store but the site was not based on being close to a campus but more on the income of the neighborhood.
  19. Should it not be THEY score nine goals and not US score nine goals?
  20. Where does Whole Foods have stores near college campuses? I have never seen one anywhere and that is not their market. They build in higher income areas not low income areas. Also Trader Joes is very cheap to buy groceries at. I highly doubt that Whole Foods would ever build in North Dakota, not enough of a market for them.
  21. The Fireside was a great place until Dave got involved. The paychecks he wrote there bounced. If Brown is smart he will stay away from any deal with Dave. He may pretend to be a chef but he is not. Dave is like TJ Oshies dad, stiff anyone that they can.
  22. Well now the have a slim chance of getting a job. Before they had no chance of getting a job. In five years there will all sorts of guy retiring and there will be a need for pilots. That is the same lie they have been telling students for ever.
  23. That is what happens when you live in an HOA.
  24. This also could be used to describe the loud party ordinance. They think it is alright to party as loud as they want. Ask them though in 10,20,30 years or so when they have to get up in the morning or have toget their kids asleep would they want themselves as neighbors? Or would their parents want them as neighbors right now? I think the answer would be no. At least that is what one of those girls that lived seven to a house told me when I asked her this question. She was one of the girls in the paper a couple of years ago.
  25. Somehow if the football games could be a social event where people want to be seen at like hockey games it would help. This board has the real hockey fans on it and not a bunch of people who just go to games to be seen and have the chance to say they were at the hockey game. To do this they need to win then the people would be there.
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