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Everything posted by Detroit87

  1. Why do I not have a clue about anything? The truth about your hero sucks huh? How did he keep the Culinary out of his hotel then? Everyother hotel had the union in place. They sat in front of the old Frontier for six years on a picket line but not the Imperial Pit. Someone told the union to leave him alone and since the union was under the control of Chicago and the only people that had this power were Aiuppa, Cerone, and Accardo. I knew about the party back in '86. Ralphie paid a large fine to keep his license. Do not try and say they could not take his license from him like Earl Strinden tried quoting the 1st Admendment since this does not apply to a gaming license. The only other fine that was handed out larger was to the Stardust for letting Chicago skim the joint and they LOST thier gaming license.
  2. Like having birthday parties for Hitler and your staff wearing European Tour 39-45 t-shirts? Getting on your knees to keep your gaming license for having these parties. Or sending your goons out to beat up the people trying to organize your employees? Sounds like a real nice guy. Oh wait he gave UND an arena so this does not matter.
  3. There have been numerous unofficial alumni games played in the past after hockey camps got over for the day.
  4. At least this year the youth hockey programs got the money unlike last year when they did not get a dime. Many people said they would not play this year unless the youth hockey groups were in charge of the money from the auction which netted $4200 this year. $2000 came from TJ himself in fact. Last year TJ's dad pocketed all the money and that is why people would not play this year without the gurantee that the money went to where it was suppose to go. Before anyone blasts me about this call the Blue Line Club. Also the Park District this year and last made sure they had the green fees money in hand before the tourney satrted because they did not trust Oshie's dad because he stiffed people in Warroad.
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