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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Good to see our local sports media are liking, and thus spreading, tweets that blame it all on Trump and call him a racist for his naming this the Chinese or Wuhan virus. Much like CNN and MSNBC did (before they got the talking points memo).
  2. Would this apply to most every flu virus?
  3. I don't know, maybe in a few months we will start taking it seriously, like your guy Biden has.
  4. Lets all remember the Democratic front-runner recently stated he would not have banned travel from China and its xenophobic/racist to call it the Wuhan Virus.
  5. -- new case pops up in North Dakota -- Forum headline: "North Dakota's Coronoavirus numbers DOUBLE"
  6. Never forget - those dying from Coronavirus are more important than those dying from the flu/pneumonia. Shut down the country for this version but ignore all the others.
  7. The lengths you go to blame this on the President is laughable. But that's the times we are in.
  8. So essentially you're telling us that those who die from the typical flu & such are not that important - that they would've died anyway like the thousands before them - BUT those who die from Corona are the true victims? I don't get it.
  9. When did I say I didn't care? Read it again, brah. It was pointing out that those dying from this strain were probably just as susceptible to the other strains out there and it's very possible they could've died from those as well
  10. It takes coordination to spread a virus?
  11. How many 70+ year olds die every year due to other viruses, diseases, etc? My gut just keeps telling me to "follow the money" on this one. Strange timing. It's very bad and needs to be taken very seriously but......ah, who knows.
  12. 4 months of physical therapy. This article is classic. The range of paranoia is unbelievable.
  13. 2 months. Right. makes me wonder how many other NBA players actually had it but just sat out with flu-like symptoms.
  14. I fully expect the numbers to skyrocket. Based on the fact we started at 0 just a short time ago. I don't doubt that it's spread wide and far.
  15. If we weren't testing for it previously, but started now, wouldn't the number of people that had it obviously go up?
  16. ? I have thought about this but have no idea about it's validity. How many tens of thousands of people flew from China to the U.S. in Jan-Feb? Doesn't mean they had the virus but interesting thought process.
  17. I hope he is wrong....as an expert. Because if a million people don't die, or anything close to it, it's going to come off pretty political for him to be that reckless.
  18. He, as a supposed expert, is openly promoting the "fact" that 1 million people are going to die from this virus and only because of Trump's inaction early on. Yah, no politics involved at all. Repeat: 1 million people are going to die.
  19. So an Obama guy is making this political and saying a million people are gonna die because of Trump. Of course.
  20. Seems like we are picking and choosing what's important to shut down right now with questionable consistency. But that's just me.
  21. OK. So the economy is more important than actually controlling the spread of the virus.
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