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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. I said 70 pages ago that this is an election year with an incumbent who is the most polarizing in the history of our country. The media is covering it accordingly. The topics in the article above have not even been bought about in the U.S.
  2. It's a FACT that we are two weeks from the peak of the virus. One week later: We are two weeks from the peak of the virus. One week after that: We are two weeks from the peak of the virus.
  3. Yah let's schedule all top teams in our OOC like everyone else does....oh wait. You guys are idiots.
  4. whose fault is it they ran out of bleach wipes? I know who gets blamed at my house.....
  5. Somebody hasn't lost their job or doesn't have kids at home that are affecting his current job that he still has.
  6. Who's fault is it that there aren't suddenly 100x the amount of PPE, meds and cleaning supplies available at every hospital in the U.S.?
  7. You worry way too much about him, like waaaayyy too damn much.
  8. Most of those small boutique downtown stores. They couldn't make it before this.
  9. "Risk MILLIONS of lives". Make sure you are still around if things slowly open up in April/May and MILLIONS are not dying.
  10. They addressed it like super early, duh. Or whatever Trump didn't do is what they did... so they were right. I think that's how it works.
  11. Thanks for stopping by. We are doing fine.
  12. Exactly. Everyone is a journalist these days. Idiots follow whoever they want to believe, no matter their credentials. Then you got the big boys all telling 95% truths and distorting the other 5% for their party. Just way too easy to disseminate information these days.
  13. Guess what: California and New York are going to get a sh-tton of cases because they all live on top of each other. Same as every other malady that spreads via human interaction. Moving on......
  14. So you are basing your opinion on a hypothetical and fear. "If we hadn't done this I BET millions of people would've died....."
  15. The problem I am seeing is that the experts are only worried about one thing right now - the virus. The economy is completely collapsing and thousands are losing their jobs. Why can't it a be a 70/30 thing or whatever? Right now it's 100/0. Seems like preparations for opening businesses and such can certainly be a conversation. Do we need to burn our country to the ground over an unknown virus?
  16. An offer to raise the price on that team.
  17. So we have heard - hopefully those cases start skyrocketing so people can be right about destroying our economy.
  18. West Acres is closed I think. Not sure about Bismarck
  19. Lets get back to daily updates about whether ONE person contracted it....or not.
  20. So that's what you're concerned with at this time? Get a grip.
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