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Everything posted by octupus25
Don't sit here and say you love it when you know you don't. If you did you wouldn't be on here gloating. If you love someone or something it stings when you lose it. I have more respect for someone who comes on here and says they hate the name then the little hit and runs people like you do. It's pathetic.
Cowardly. You called it my friend. That is dead on.
(Of course the name isn't offensive to the majority because the majority of us aren't Sioux. Just because the majority wants something doesn't make it right, I suggest you read Federalist 10 by James Madison that states in a democracy you can still have a "tyranny of the majority") Yeah, you're right, the minority is being ignored. The tribal people are being ignored. The liberals who say they are fighting for the minority have totally ignored them. The pro nickname people have never taken the tribes for granted. I've read numerous people on this board saying to let the tribes vote. They either have or want to and then this board of jackasses stomps them down. The guy who mentioned another broken treaty is dead on. It was never the pro name people who stepped on the NA's, it is the ultra left board of education and their allies. I'm mad and won't go on to big of a rant, but I want to thank guys like Goon and a whole host of others who always and I mean always fought the good fight (and still do). I would lose my friggin mind if you guys didn't add some comon sense to this board. You guys never backed down or compromised. Also to the tribal members who voted and fought for a vote whether it was yay or nay, I can say I respect you. To you hockey players and all the rest, it's not your fault you were caught up in some political correct nonsense from a bunch of people who are bent on killing our nation. You guys have always entertained and I thank you for that. I'm not giving up and never will and like some of you have said, no matter what, it's still in our heart.
This is another example of the fact that the pro nickname people have never taken the opinon of the Native Americans for granted. The lefty loons are attempting to disregard the recent vote, the future vote, and the whole process to push their political agenda. They say they are trying to protect Native Americans, but they just take them for granted. It's sick. Just like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton. True saints looking out for everyone else with no profit in mind. Obviously I'm being sarcastic about the last part. It's a great tragedy when a few people with radical ideas speak on behalf of a group of people and profit from it in some way. Most of these libs don't care about NA's. It's a joke. They care about themselves. The tribes are speaking and soon all of them will have spoken. Obviously they don't care about what the tribes want. I'm not a Sioux, but I am part NA and I can say that I appreciate the recent vote. I don't appreciate a few lunatics who want to speak for everyone. For the most part the people on this board have been a voice of reason. Goon has always stood tall. At no point have I ever read anyone on here taking the NA's for granted. That's our good friends in Dickinson, some UND professors, and a few hippies who do that. If you are NA or have a future vote, please remember that. Go Sioux! Now and forever!
It's K-Dawg's 44th birthday today. UND's #1 fan. Happy Birthday Kauker.
Does the will of the people in the tribe mean anything? If they (the council) ignores the vote and I'm not saying they will or won't, then it proves they don't care about their own people. I hope they respect the vote and move on. If the reverse had happened, I would be mad, but I would move on. I can only speak for myself and my feeling was that the tribes have a right to vote and express themselves. They did and I feel the Tribal Councils need to go with it. In elections, 2/3 of a vote is a lot. I know, my guy lost by that much in a recent Congressional election and it stings. We should celebrate our right to vote and our leaders need to respect what we want. That's my two cents. What do you think Goon?
It's kind of ironic that the nickname supporters never once took the Native Americans for granted. We always said there should be a vote. The very people who claim the nickname is bad always want to deny a vote. They take the tribes for granted. I am glad there was a vote and glad the pro nickname crowd came out on top. It's amazing what can happen when people get a chance to vote. People like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do this kind of thing with African Americans all the time. "You're dumb, everyone is a racist, you're lazy...etc, etc." It's a tragedy and a lot of good people get screwed because of their money making business. Do they really want an end to racism? No, because then they have no power. Same goes for these people who say "it will never end." This is now their full time business. If they win they get the glory and on to something else, if they lose they keep it moving. Good job to the tribe and good job to all tribal members who went out and voted whether it was yes or no. Now Ron His Horse is Thunder needs to step up and let his tribe have a vote. If you truly feel confident in your argument, what do you have to lose? The tribe members aren't dumb, let them have their voice.
Are they going to supply anything for autographs or do we bring our own stuff?
What is this stuff about South Alabama? When would we play them and where?
I heard that UND has another game. Someone said that Waynes World blog on the Herald is saying it is Stony Brook University. I can't open it at work. Can someone check that blog and paste it one here?
Does anyone know which school turned UND down for the 12th? Why does that Wayne's blog and UND keep this stuff top secret? As a sports fan I like to know these things, but UND and the Herald treat the program like its an episode of Lost. Little hints to keep coming back. I guess it works, but it still sucks. The AD needs to get creative and get us a game on the 12th.
ha ha, I love it. You nailed it. Dude acts like he in the war room with NDSU's coaching staff.
I'm going to miss her. Those articles were really informative and totally professional. I remember one time I asked her to interview Duane Sand since she had interviewed Earl Pomeroy and she was nice enough not to return my emails. I really liked her article on a big foot being sighting in the Bad Lands. Man, that was good and it really had an impact on Grand Forks. That pesky Sasquatch managed to get away again!
They just announced it is on TV. Fighting Sioux website just posted it.
I'm not sure I'm down with it at home is all I'm saying. It's not that big of a deal, but I kind of like our current home colors. There are enough attacks on tradition around here as it is. But yeah, better than pink.
I have it from a good source that our AD is planning on introducing a black home football uniform. I don't like it. This isn't tradition. Are we changing our name to the North Dakota Raiders? If it was on the road, I could stomach it. At home? No way. Are we really to the point that we have to join the "third jersey" craze?
Does anyone have that Subway video or a link to it? We'll need K-Dawg and his little buddy to raise the roof tonight at the REA.
In the article they mention NDSU. AD comes out with a challenge. NDSU mentioned not long ago on Coach show. The plan will be to change the name and then our conciliation prize will be the Bison rivalry resumed. See, we get the name changed and now we get the good games. They think we're idiots. I guess we are. We can't even organize against this stuff. I don't even know how. UND itself, the people who call the shots, the newspaper which sells half its copies because of Sioux sports, the NCAA (unless you buy them off), the politicians, etc etc all want the name changed. They won't stop. When was the last time you ever saw "our side" win one? We could if we bought some people off (a la FSU), but I doubt it will happen. It's sad. Mark my words, name goes, dumb poll in Herald (when the new name is already decided), atta boys to the AD and Pres for getting the Bison back, REA keeps the logos as the "negotiated settlement" in that it will honor the Sioux and keep a full scale riot from happening, Ron Thunder gets appointed to some board by Barack El Dumbo. It's sick. UND staff, GF Herald, Ronnie Thunder, and all the rest are a joke. PC us to death. Pretty soon it will illegal to wear our jersey's in the Ralph (as it will be a hate crime or something). We dig in now, or we die. Kaukster 2012.
I love that commerical. I wish I could find that on You tube. Yeah, he needs to drop some lbs or we won't have ol' #43 roaming the football sidelines anymore. The team of Grimace and Hamburgler will be broke up.
I was happy to see the return of #43 Mark Kauk at the Sioux game. I noticed he had been MIA lately and thought something happened. I haven't even been seeing his little hamburgler looking buddy Gretzky. He's an institution at this place and not having him there is a little odd. Does anyone know where's he been?