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Posts posted by jdub27

  1. If only you guys had made this arguement 8 years ago instead of talking tough we would not be where we are today. Take ownership of the problem you helped create instead of being the savoir today. None of you have ever taken any responsibility for helping create this fiasco.

    Isn't moving to retire it today taking ownership? 8 years ago there were still options available. Today there is not.

    I assume from you comments, your view has never changed on anything. Must be easy living up in your ivory tower.

  2. O’Keefe said he worries about “the degree of divisiveness this has brought on UND, its alumni and friends,” including among faculty, families and former teammates. “Particularly in the past year and a half, the division has gone to nuclear levels.” From that article Sioux82 posted.

    This is very true....we're all Sioux (oh I meant UND fans :o)) and now we all hate each other. I have been posting on this site for roughly 2 months and have learned two things.....many of these posters don't know a heck of a lot about hockey other than Sioux hockey and if you vote No to measure 4 you might as well be mentally handicapped (sarcasm meant obviously to most of you childish posters). I find it funny how the same guys (you know who I'm talking about) blab all day about voting Yes (at no end), however, when a few of us try to note we support the No voters you all absolutely lose it. Many of you need to eat your own words.

    You keep basing your "No" vote (I guess opinion, not vote since you live in the cities right?) and other comments on the information that isn't correct. The fact is, a lot of people on this board care that much about UND to continually correct you and others that are misinformed and to make sure others don't think what you are saying is actually factual.

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  3. Scare tactics....the NCAA was against the ropes....if vote goes no (or yes to the nickname) they will eventually be forced to pull the sanctions.

    Really?? Pretty sure they have a signed settlement agreement that begs to differ.

    Please do not listen to the coaches...look who pays them. I like Hak a lot...but I know he probably cares more about how he stands with his bosses than the nickname. The nickname is much more important to the fans and the people who have grown up in GF.

    You are right, why listen to those who's jobs will be affected due to the harm the sanctions will put on their programs. What are they thinking looking out for the livelihood of their careers, the program and the University? And what was in Grand Forks first, the Fighting Sioux nickname or the University of North Dakota? That should explain to you what is more important.

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  4. Don't listen to any of these guys on this site....they are all trying to fill everyone's heads with garbage. They are simply pusing (to no end) to get rid of the nickname and are bashing everyone and their mothers for saying otherwise. They are scared because the would rather play Southeastern south dakota school of mines rather than jamestown even though that has not officially been proven yet. Whatever division the football team plays in will be just fine...either way it isn't D-I A football, everything below, well, is just below. You can still go out and hope your team wins. As for it affecting the hockey team...it won't...we simply will not be playing againt the Gophs or Badgers. They'll come calling when they need their stadiums filled.

    Come on, you're better than that. Your questions and concerns have been clearly answered and spelled out to you and then you go and throw this out there. Do you think these coaches just had an extra day or two on the calendar and thought it would be fun to take a little scenic drive around the state? Look at the list of people who are coming out against keeping the nickname and the positions they hold. Seems like a lot of people that have a lot more information on the entire situation than you. And Dave Hakstol himself has said it will be detrimental to the hockey program. I'm sure he would like to hear your input on how he is incorrect on that and you have all the answers. In fact, maybe you can show up at one of the press conferences and expose him in front of everyone.

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  5. Yes I know....I am afraid we're going to lose the name though.

    And the rest of us are afraid of what is going to happen if we don't. The facts have been laid out there, the sanction are real. Keeping the name and logo is and will continue to be harmful to the University of North Dakota.

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  6. Maybe Soderstrom can get a appeal

    I won't surrender until it is absolutely over

    Only real worry is no home playoffs or playoffs at another site that we cannot wear Sioux Logo - I can live with that

    Obviously someone who's word should be taken at face value:

    So if their lawsuit gets thrown out this week, will you admit it's time to move on?

    I don't think that will happen but yes what else is there

  7. Yeah, so? Am I not entitled to my own opinion? Is every person who votes no on #4 a narcissist based on the criteria given here by the haters? :lol:

    PS - The student athletes can attend any school they want to. Sorry to let facts get in the way of your drama queen sob story, but UND is not their only option. :glare:

    Great attitude to have. Way to show the student-athletes you appreciate the entertainment they provide you. You truly do only care about the jersey they wear. The fact that you are so blind to the fact that you are that selfish and only care about what you want further emphasizes everyone's point.

  8. Wrong answer, 82SiouxGuy.

    Narcissist is defined as "a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration".

    I don't have an inflated sense of self-importance,

    But yet you are willing to sacrifice the student-athletes and athletic department of a University because of your opinion of a nickname and logo. How is that not you putting your importance over others? You've stated before that to you, your opinion is the only one that matters.

  9. Received my Alumni Review in the mail today. Nice, big Vote Yes on Measure 4 add was attached as a cover over the original cover. The inside of the additional cover spelled out the reasons for the need for Measure 4 to pass. I applaud the Alumni Associations effort to educate alumni. The article inside goes into even greater detail with quotes from some influential people including O'Keefe, Hakstol, Lennon and other coaches. Link to Alumni Review

    "For me, it’s not a debate about the virtues over the use of the Fighting Sioux name and logo at this time. It’s really gone to a different level of having to make a decision based on black and white facts. For a lot of reasons, I look at the situation and we have come to a point in which we don’t really have a choice in the matter. We really only have one decision that we can make. For me it’s a decision that’s based on facts."

    "People need to realize by choosing to mandate use of the name and logo — we may win that fight. But in winning that one battle of control, I think we all have to realize that we give up control on many other issues and we put ourselves at the mercy of others. That’s where I’m at: I would rather make the choice to maintain control over our destiny, rather than put that control in somebody else’s hands."

  10. Do you only want a 2 year deal? He's trying to work details for a long term contract. The only one moving the goal posts is Faison. You could have had a every other year contract a couple of years ago. Remember Mussman and Faison stating that only an every year contract would do? Both knew that was a non starter.

    The most recent comments were for a home and home, nothing more, nothing less. Faison has said he wants it to be more than that, but the offer that was talked about was only a home and home. GT is getting the only contract that he said would be acceptable. Why is he talking about University Presidents needing to be involved now that he is getting offered what he wants?

  11. What I don't understand about the situation is why you guys are pushing so hard on this thing. If GT doesn't want to play the game, it is pretty obvious it isn't in NDSU's best interest to play the game at this point in history, so let it go. Many posters on this board have said UND doesn't need the game and I agree. It is pretty clear GT doesn't want the game, speculate on the reason all you want, but what is the obsession with getting this game on the schedule?

    If Gene Taylor didn't want the game why did he say he would only agree to a home and home?

    And at this point, I do agree with you that either team doesn't absolutely need the game. But, it is a game that would excite both fan bases far beyond what any other regular season game would. And it continues to get tougher and more expensive to get OOC games with no return. If you are going to have to make it a home and home, why not do one where the fan bases can easily travel to?

  12. Well now that darell has said it won't happen it will. I've never seen anyone wrong so often in their posting than him except DaveK.

    If Gene Taylor means what he says, it should. He asked for a home and home. That is the contract Faison has said he will send or already has sent to him. The question becomes why is GT already making comments about the University presidents probably needing to be involved. Pretty sure that isn't normal for negotiations. Is he already looking for an out now that Faison gave him what he wants? Not saying he is, but I'd be interested in hearing his explanation on it.

  13. Funny thing is none of what you just copied and pasted applies to me. I don't have an inflated sense of self-importance (or any sense of self-importance for that matter). What I do have is extremely passionate and opinionated views on certain topics. I'm very stubborn and the more somebody tries to tell me I'm wrong the more that makes me feel that I'm right. But none of that has anything to do with self-importance in any way, shape or form. You're way off on this one. Nice try though.


    Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder generally believe that the world revolves around them. This condition is characterized by a lack of ability to empathize with others and a desire to keep the focus on themselves at all times.

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder involves arrogant behavior, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration-all of which must be consistently evident at work and in relationships. People who are narcissistic are frequently described as cocky, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. Narcissists may concentrate on unlikely personal outcomes (e.g., fame) and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment. Related Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic. Narcissism is a less extreme version of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissism involves cockiness, manipulativeness, selfishness, power motives, and vanity-a love of mirrors. Related personality traits include: Psychopathy, Machiavellianism.

    Never mind, nothing to see here...

  14. I guess it all depends on your definition of the word "fine".

    Bill Clinton defense, interesting choice.

    So obviously you believe that EVERY college has an athletic dept., got it! ;)

    That depends Dave, what is your definition of "every"?

    I think the definition of the word "finest" is going to vary greatly from one person to the next. No, YOU try again. You will NEVER win this argument. Sorry. :p

    You lost the argument long ago. Unfortunately you just keep moving the goal posts and which leads to you being proven wrong again and again.

  15. Just because I can't tell you off the top of my head who they are does not mean there aren't any colleges without an athletic dept. :glare:

    Now, if you can come up with some concrete proof that there isn't a single one out there, then and only then will I stand corrected. It sounds to me that you're implying that every single college in the United States has an athletic dept., and I'm sorry but I do not believe that to be true.

    Prove me wrong. :whistling:

    While I agree with 82Sioux that you are the one who should have to back up your statement, I provided you with a link to the top colleges before but I know you are going to use not having it as an excuse, here it US News list. Nothing in the top 100, but I guess I don't know how high of a rank you still consider finest in the nation...

  16. There are a lot of great schools in this country that only play D3 or NAIA which is very close to not having sports. Look at the UWisc. system. A good student who plays hockey at one of the D3 Wisc. schools will get more scholarship money than a UND hockey player. A lot of these D3 schools are as big or bigger than UND like St. Thomas which is as large or dang near as large as UND.

    Playing D-III means UND is still under sanctions. Playing NAIA means dropping hockey. Looks like a no win situation to me.

    Dave said that some of the finest colleges had no sports. That is false unless he can magically come up with an answer, but being how he has completely avoided and then changed the question, things aren't looking in his favor.

  17. Yeah, reading many of the posts on here actually gets me thinking a little. I really wish we could have the best of both worlds, but the NCAA will not let that happen. It's just unfortunate. Other teams can use native nicknames and we can't (please don't blast me for posting that), plain and simple. We were late on filing some paperwork I guess, now we're screwed. Still, at a high level, it doesn't make sense. At a low level (filing level, deadline level, etc) I guess it does. We'll have to see what happens. I don't think I could vote anyway so my vote won't count :o)


  18. Remember we are all Sioux (or UND) fans so please relax and try to stay classy.

    Close but not quite. We are all Fighting Sioux fans. There are other here who have made it very clear that thay are no fan of the University of North Dakota. Anyone openly admitting that they don't think there will be or care if there will be harm from sanctions on the student-athletes, athletic department and the University as a whole are not fans of the University of North Dakota. And it has been made clear before which one can survive without the other and it isn't the nickname and logo that goes on the jersey, those have both been changed before. The University of North Dakota is the constant in the equation.

  19. Yes, that's what I told you. I told you that you took one sentence out of the parapgraph and used it out of context because that is exactly what you did. That is a fact. My point was that schools don't need athletics in order to give students a quality education, you tried to twist that around to imply that I offered to give examples of schools that don't have athletics. I never made any such offer. I'll grant you that the concept of having a major college without an athletic dept. is thinking way outside the box, but outside the box or not it could theoretically be done. For you to continue insisting that I give an example is just your way of deflecting. I can now see that I have given you and the rest of the "NCAA affiliation at any cost" crowd way too much of the attention that you seem to crave from me and anybody else who continues to support the good people at Spirit Lake. I support the nickname, I support Spirit Lake, I support the Committee For Understanding and Respect. Therefore, I am voting NO on Measure 4. I don't have to give you or anybody else a reason. I have tried to explain my reasoning but you refuse to accept it. Well, guess what? I don't need your approval. Why am I wasting my time on you? I haven't quite figured that one out yet.

    Wrong. Your point was that they could make a statement by doing it AND there are already schools that do this, meaning that is has been shown in the past to be successful. What part of

    Some of the finest colleges in the country don't have sports.
    does not imply that you are saying there are schools that are already doing this?

    You are right that you have not offered to give any examples. But you were asked for some by myself and other because no one can seem to find any of these mythical colleges that are some of the finest in the country without athletics. You are the one deflecting and you are the one who continues to make statements/post other's statements that have lies and misconceptions in them as fact while they are continually proven false to you.

  20. And because a lot of typical Sioux fans I know support the name. It should be noted they are mostly hockey fans.

    So you base you decisions on what a bunch other people think, not just DaveK and his buddies. Glad they teach you to think for yourself down south.

  21. I'm not voting no because I think it is the right thing to do or because I think that some nickname is worth sucking at sports over. I'm doing it because there are people out there who honestly believe it is.

    So you are voting no because DaveK and his buddies want you to. Just wanted to make sure I have that correct and you can see how ridiculous it looks in writing.

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