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Sioux Fan in Sioux Falls

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Everything posted by Sioux Fan in Sioux Falls

  1. Starz in Sioux Falls too! Could this day go any slower???!!! Go Sioux!!!
  2. Looks like Vegas, among others have been added. All are welcome to attend these. Here is the link to the most current information. http://www.undalumni.org/s/1652/02-alumni/index.aspx?sid=1652&gid=2&pgid=1156
  3. Per the link in my UND alumni email today...alumni chapter watch parties planned thus far.
  4. Ditto......and I think my blood pressure is in stroke range
  5. Rodent's lose...wish I could have heard the crowd response up at Scheels Arena when they announced that game final!!
  6. We're prefer 2 of the black with green....not too picky thougn if the majority swings another way & you can only order a certain color to keep cost down.
  7. Gotcha, wasn't sure the dozen could be split among the3 colors.
  8. Which color short sleeve will you order if you get a dozen? We'd likely be in for a couple. Btw, love the idea of BURN THE SHIPS on the back!
  9. Albiet biased, I agree. ? Sioux Falls has also done well with hosting NCAA's Summit League basketball tourneys. Sioux Falls Regional Airport offers direct flights to/from: Minneapolis Chicago Dallas/Fort Worth Atlanta Denver Tampa/Clearwater/St.Petersburg Las Vegas Phoenix/Mesa Orlando
  10. I second this! ? Brand new, centrally located, beautiful arena...and seats more than Scheels arena
  11. So sick of smack talk from those who are nothing but fair weather fans! Don't like the Sioux? Find another team to support & then bash depending on the day. For me & likely, many other Sioux faithful, we'll just keep on keepin' on!
  12. PM'd ya back, MafiaMan I don't tweet (yet), but my daughter does . She just tweeted it to a few more (MacMillan, Olson, O'Donnell, Johnson, Parks, N. Schmalz, Caggiula) with the hashtags #BurnTheShips #GoSioux
  13. Thanks for organizing this! Plan to make it a tradition now!!
  14. Yawn....don't the rodent's have their own forum to play on?
  15. Sounds fun! I plan to be there with my hubby & daughter! That is, unless the number of posts I've made to the forum is not adequate enough to allow attendance, lol!
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