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Everything posted by GO_FIGHTING_SIOUX_GO

  1. How's the game going guys? How much times left
  2. He's done for the night
  3. Hope they don't boot him
  4. That was stupid Johnson
  5. Haha we were talking about it here we said B hicky
  6. All ready tired hearing the phrase " true freshman"
  7. Oh wait there's no audio
  8. Dan hammer sounds great right now
  9. Brett Hextall just because he was always exchanging recipes with everyone one the ice. (talking)
  10. mudcats after the red river
  11. Nothing beats an ice cold Bud Light. I'm not a fan of dark beers or microcrap. Brought to you by Real men of genius Anheiser Busch St. Louis Missouri.
  12. I like this idea pure awesomeness
  13. Wilbur take care and congrats on the Family front!!!
  14. So now that hockey seasons over what is everyones plans. Mine are get the cabin and boat ready and bring on summer. Can't wait for October though GO SIOUX!!!
  15. Next year is our year! GO SIOUX!!! Well played tonight boys I'm proud of you all. We werent suppose to make it this far but we did. Go Sioux hold your heads up high.
  16. I had a similar dream a couple nights ago I can't remember the score but it was an awesome game!!! LETS GO BOYS!!! GET FIRED UP!!! BEAT THEM GOOFERS!!! GO SIOUX!!!
  17. Wow if this isn't a bunch of sh_t another college that's trying to make the Indian head its own. Ralph is rolling over in his grave right now.
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