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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 33 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    Revenues for the bar are taxable and they still pay real estate taxes.

    I get that.  I've always thought it just seemed a little off when a non-profit is doing so well that it can buy buildings/businesses that are unrelated to the nature of the non-profit.  I view it almost like if the United Way decided to buy out Super Valu.  I know it's not illegal, but it makes me personally not want to donate when I know the funds are going for outside investments.  

  2. Concert was a great idea but the space was insufficient for the turnout.  IMO would have been better to wait a few weeks until students are gone (when downtown needs the draw) or else have in a bigger space somehow (maybe as one poster suggested at more of an intersection so crowds could expand three ways instead of being tightly funneled down 1 street.

  3. If REA is holding back "extra" money via a lopsided deal the reality is it is only saving UND from itself. UND doesnt have a very good recent track record of managing money responsibly that is meant to maintain buildings/programs/benefit students......none of which are anywhere near the size as the Ralph.  No need for REA to give UND extra money that will only go to the layer of Executive Associate Vice President Kennedy butt-kissers instead of the front line instructors.  

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    Why does this remind me about the plot of Fletch Lives?

    Indoor Farnsworth amusement park?

    Or a "non-profit" like NDAD buying a for profit bar.........Fletch Lives....great flick.

  5. 19 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Hope Church owns the mall.

    Apparently it's a great time to be in the "non-profit" business when a church can buy an entire mall and slowly turn it into compound one tax exempt space at a time as the leaseholders are forced out.  

  6. 25 minutes ago, Teeder11 said:

    Life's tough, I know. But sometimes you have to buck up and be a big boy or big girl. In this era of "Me Too" ... it's becoming way too common for folks to run crying to the media when they feel they weren't treated nicely. 

    Kind of like when Kennedy publicly blamed low morale on the legislature a few months back while Kennedy was doing his best to get out of UND?

    • Upvote 2
  7. 8 hours ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    I'm assuming this is a swipe and UND, but I'm gonna skim over it and agree. YEAH! I definitely hope DU's players don't develop!

    Along with your assumption that the Yon's, Hoff's, and Bowens will out of nowhere go from middle of the road college producers to studs next year, at least you are 1 of 2 on assumptions now.  Except I was talking about Duluth.  Why do you have Denver on your mind all of the time? 

  8. 1 hour ago, tnt said:

    True, but Duluth had a lot to replace from last year's team as well.  With how close college hockey is, if you bring in top talent and they play the brand of hockey they need to succeed, you can still compete.  

    Hopefully Duluth's incoming class doesn't develop until they are Juniors....or not develop at all.

  9. 3 hours ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

    I didn't? Man, I must have imagined living in GF for the past 3 years. I honestly don't remember the roads being anywhere close to as bad as they are right now.

    So just so we're all straight, Grand Forks has always had the resources to fix the infrastructure but chose not to in order to get this vote passed?

    Have I gone full tinfoil hat yet? :tinfoilhat:

    If you've been in Grand Forks for the last 3 years it must have all been spent in Pete Haga's food truck if you didn't notice the start of this last year.  Regarding the N. Washington underpass, they left it beat up almost the entire Summer.  When they finally fixed it, it only took a couple days to fill it and asphalt over it.  Not exactly major construction.

    As for the money....major projects obviously take time and money.  There is such a thing known as preventative maintenance.  

    But you are right, in the history of time there has never been an instance of an entity (government or non government) dragging their feet/doing less than their best/etc in order to get what they feel they want/need.  

  10. 14 hours ago, SIOUXELEVENS said:

    Stecher and Caggiula were not considered blue chippers 

    That is true.  However both produced as underclassmen.  It is certainly possible that some of the incoming freshmen that aren't blue chippers will also surprise, UND's success next year depends on it.  I think the real concern is with the sophomore class from this year.  UND has had good players get even better their junior years....but  how often have their been Sophmores that showed minimal results as Fresh/Sophs but just exploded as Juniors? 

  11. 2 minutes ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

    But the tax was passed before the snow started melting exposing all these potholes?

    People were starting to complain about roads already last Summer.  If you would have driven under the Washington Street underpass at any point last Summer you would have seen.  They left that thing beat to crap throughout their pleading for a yes vote as a shrine to the deteriorating roads in Grand Forks.  

    Do you think perfectly good roads just fall apart after one winter?  No.  They weren't keeping up on maintenance and a perfect storm of a winter exposed them for it.

  12. 1 hour ago, tnt said:

    They'll get stronger because schools like that become adept at doing one thing great -- Cheat!   Seriously, that is why I really don't care for teams like Cal and other schools starting up college hockey programs.  Don't want it to become like football and basketball where if you aint cheating you aint trying.   College hockey isn't perfect, but they are saints compared to those other sports. 

    You make a good point.  I do wonder though if college hockey would be a little less susceptible (not totally immune) to the money corruption.  Most elite hockey players come from financially stable (if not outright wealthy) backgrounds.  Many of the elite football and basketball players come from poor families that truly need the money (makes them more susceptible to bribes and payouts).

  13. It's not a coincidence that certain high profile roads were allowed to degrade in the year leading up to the sales tax vote in Grand Forks.  

    They will be fixed this Summer but the city had to make sure people understood last Summer/Fall that the "only" way possible to get roads fixed was to approve the sales tax.

  14. 3 minutes ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

    Duluth fans would wet themselves if they could draw as well as our exhibition games' ACTUAL ATTENDANCE numbers.

    Once again, not sure why everyone is obsessed with comparing UND attendance to Duluth attendance.  UND attendance should be compared only to past UND attendance if UND wants to hold itself up as the gold standard for on ice product and attendance (not Mariucci sold out but empty arena attendance....real attendance).  

    Not sure if Duluth fans would wet themselves if they had better attendance.  I think the bigger danger would be them wetting themselves posing next to the championship trophies that are starting to pile up there.  

    • Upvote 1
  15. 8 hours ago, MafiaMan said:

    By the same token, can we expect to see more than 2,400 fans in the seats per home game at Amsoil next season to watch the defending national champions play?  Or are they just great fans who watch on TV and listen to the radio as @BarnWinterSportsEngelstadstated earlier?

    I never said UMD has good fan attendance.  Win or lose they have never had strong attendance.  The fact remains there is a big difference between paid attendance and the number of people that show up.  UND's paid attendance has been really good.  However, anyone that went to a UND game the second half of the season could see a noticeable drop in actual attendance.  One season isn't cause to panic....but another season like this and all of a sudden you have a trend.  UND has never had to withstand multiple mediocre years in the new Ralph but as last season showed it doesn't take long for the crowds to thin out when the product isn't good.  Based on the iffy Freshman and Sophmore class performance to date....and an incoming class that seems to have only one pretty sure thing....it is fair to have concern about what the next couple years have in store. 

  16. 2 hours ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

    So our bad games where we have 10,000 in the seats vs theirs with 3,000? By our standards attendance was light this year and we still outpaced the rest of the country. We can be plenty cocky if we continue to be the best attended games home or away.

    But seriously, rip the band aid off and jump on the Bulldog bandwagon. You clearly want to.

    One down year resulted in a noticeable attendance drop (actual....not announced attendance).  Point is don't get cocky and assume it won't drop further if the same product is put on the ice again.  People don't pay $50+ a ticket and buy a bunch of $8 beers to watch a slightly above .500 team play a bunch of low scoring games and miss the playoffs.  One good recruiting class can change everything but UND has been getting spanked by UMD and Denver lately in that department. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    And missed the tournament twice. 

    Seriously?  3 appearances and 2 wins in 8 seasons.  You must be a St Cloud State fan the way you focus just on appearances.

  18. 1 hour ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

    Better get your season tix for next year, there's plenty available

    Another area UND fans shouldn't get too cocky in.  Anyone that attended a game at the Ralph after the Xmas break would have noticed a significant difference between tickets sold and butts in seats.  Hopefully an improved product turns that around next season.

  19. 45 minutes ago, Goon said:

    Seriously, Hakstol is coaching in the best league in hockey and Berry has won an NCAA title already. It took many years for Sandy to win a title. 

    To suggest that Sandy is above these two great UND coaches is a stretch at best. More years than not UMD hasn't made the NCAA playoffs.If Sandy has been coaching at UND and missed the NCAA playoffs 10 out of 18 seasons, he'd been shown the door seasons ago. Especially, with the standards that some here hold the coaches to. 

    UND under Hak and Berry missed them once in 16 seasons. 

    Since Sandelin got a building upgrade to help with recruitment he's 3 title game appearance and 2 title wins in last 8 years.  You're assuming that Hakstol/Berry would have achieved the same results if half of their career was spent recruiting into a lesser building than the old Ralph (the old Decc).  Try again.

    • Like 1
  20. What's Sandelin's record since the Amsoil opened in 2010?  Three title game appaearances?  You can add in his first 8-9 years to try and deflect his success.....but fact is once he got a legitimate arena he's been really good.

    • Upvote 2
  21. 1 hour ago, SiouxVolley said:

    So we have to compare GF library needs with Mayville, Larimore and Cooperstown?   May just 4 or 5 in the state are comparable.

    Perhaps I was too bookish, but knew a lot of kids that would check out four books a week from the library.  That simply isn’t possible to do now without a library.  Not many families have the means to buy Kindles with that type of reading material weekly.  This is more about having eager young readers than measly taxpayers.  That’s why Andrew Carnegie stepped up and built libraries all over America.

    20 years ago?  Yes.  But since you brought it up, full color Kindles can be had for $50-$100 depending on size.  I'm guessing that price can be even cheaper in bulk.  I'd be more likely to support a program that puts a new Kindle in the hand of every kid......and even one in the hand of every adult that demonstrates need.  Wi-Fi is everywhere and the internet is full of free books and entertainment options.  Would be exponentially cheaper than building a library.  Shopping....education....etc is all moving away from bricks and mortar but for some reason the small but vocal library proponents insist on a big new physical building.

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