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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. I wish they treid the class b in the ralph
  2. Anyone looking for good entertainment should goto gpl and see schlossmqn vs hammy on an internet nessage board lmao Hilarious
  3. Anyone been to the new golf bar
  4. II actually dont mind her... but comes off as arrogant
  5. She thinks shes best friennds with everyone .... just beacuse she is a puck bunnie
  6. one also gets to pick and choose his players where as the other takes what he is given
  7. one gets paid almost a half million bucks after incentives vs one that gets paid prolly one week of haks salary for a whole season
  8. maybe cuz he doesnt play every parents kid on the top line?
  9. epping + north dakota hoosiers
  10. The Great Wall Buffest is cheap and good
  11. what you guys have neber been to a bar on a sunday? must not be from North Dakota #panzies
  12. cant beat mcdonalds dollar menu mmm burritos
  13. Greene was a tough sob He hit everything and anything Im sure he had some puck bunnies chasing him at judys
  14. HOws eades doing sown in sioux falls? oh wait he turned around a stuggling program into first place
  15. Whatever goon.. ur brown noser too from what ive heard
  16. Wellk in our case haks never won one U sound like a liberal. U prolly like obama... tgat means u demqnd change
  17. Faison pushed for the charges after the ndsu players got off
  18. why would schlossman do his job and report a big storey about the hockey team when it could run his relationship with the undsid who also thinks hes king
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