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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. How many stateys does rrhs and gfc have combined va rest of state? It’s us vs the whole state
  2. Gf hockey does rule pal whose got more stateys rest of state combined? who won aa statey? For bantams who won peewee a statey
  3. So we have recruits that are usndt leftovers? I would think we should be in umd position. And having our guys decline the offers instead of accepting a 2nd rate offer my have times have changed
  4. Chaves has been just learning the ropes. He’s observing and seeing what needs immediate work. From what he us at the last meeting major improvements need for fundraising and that is what he will work on first.
  5. gfhockey


    Are the guys also wet?
  6. gfhockey


    How wet are we talking
  7. gfhockey


    I’d eather have two in last 8 Years vs one how about you
  8. gfhockey


    How many usndtp they got? We got one
  9. gfhockey


    Any questions? Guy has as many rings if not more then Blais does
  10. I’m hearing the upcoming mite class has quite a few studs in it. Heard berry was at a tournament this weekend in forks scouting
  11. gfhockey


    Should be easier to recruit to here then umd. We have lots more advantages in my opinion....but parity
  12. gfhockey


    We have regressed. Sandy has progressed.
  13. gfhockey


    No source here but a sane man must admit it’s pretty good tonget to natty game twonyears in a row with the resources umd has think what he would with Und resources
  14. gfhockey


    It take to get sandy back here? hust a good for thought in Berry’s contract year. Sandy got his boys back in title game again. While we didn’t even make the tourney. Hust food for thought im thinking $450k
  15. Give him ten years down there chaves ten years here boom
  16. Seems like all the gfc kids go to und and have limited success and gfrr kids go elsewhere and usually over achieve what they were expected to do.
  17. Anyone see the new coo/vp of finance picked? where do we find these people? This guy will be around for 3 Years max and he’s retired. Need more und blood looms in higher positions that love the und
  18. I don’t view it as a right? If they want to be nerds buy a kindle
  19. Here’s a thought for all the people that want or use the library make em payfor it fundraise for it lpok at what gf hockey association did. Two new arenas built and payed for by fundraising. Also the teams that use it have to pay quite a bit to use it!!!
  20. There are some pretty good puck bunnies in grand forks. Ex see the pics of the drama puck bunny they fought about this year
  21. I believe Apollo is grass
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