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Posts posted by 808287

  1. Did anyone purchase the America One feed last night? How is the quality, worth getting?

    I bought the feed and it was ok, but certainly not HD, and the window didn't fill my whole screen. That said, it WAS watchable and the announcers were fair (plus they showed replays of UND goals instead of a floating tiger head). I'll be watching it again tonight.

  2. can you get americaone webfeed on an ipad...? i see it's flash so maybe not...

    If you can download/install the Puffin Browser from the iPad store that MIGHT do it, as Puffin has built in Flash support. BUT...America One also wants something extra, called "OneVision" (and it's another download for my windows system). AmericaOne has a 'trial video' on their site that will let you know if your system is going to work. I'd try an install of Puffin and go to AmericaOne and see if you can view the trial video. Good Luck!

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