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Posts posted by 808287

  1. I am reading Hockey Haven on my Nook HD+ and apparently QU's Eric Hartzell wanted to play hockey at North Dakota and help them win an National Title. (Page 37)

    He might have been a great fit between Dell and Gothberg, though Clark has been largely up to the task (his rebounds still make me nervous tho). Would love to have a shut-out capable netminder again. It's been a while.

  2. Our defense is solid, with a couple mistakes a game that can result in 2 or 3 goals. We can live with that if we increase our offensive output.

    Two keys from here on.

    1. Passing. Far too many passes to a teammates skates and not to his stick. Poor passes kill a rush and can result in odd man rushes the other way. Need to stop that, now.

    2. Powerplay. See #1 (passing) AND make them crisp. Find the open man on the far post and give him a one-timer.

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