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Bob in Wisconsin

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Everything posted by Bob in Wisconsin

  1. Yah it was pretty bad, plus only one camera angle and no replays. I was charged for the monthly package on Saturday, and was credited today. I didn't recieve any email back after emailing them, just a credit.
  2. I signed up for the Tech webcast this past weekend, and I am also a Sioux Extra member. Saturday nights game suddenly became available to Sioux Extra members (Friday's was not). I emailed Sioux Extra customer service, and recieved an $11.95 refund (Tech webcast price). I signed into my Sioux Extra account, and on the account info page, at the bottom, is a "contact us" link... Just in case anyone else wants to get a refund.
  3. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
  4. For Diggler and AZSIOUX
  5. That is too funny.
  6. Wow, thats pretty bad!
  7. Out of Grand Forks? Fargo? You may be better off getting a group and leaving out of MSP. Frontier Airlines sometimes have good rates to DEN. Also, Priceline is a great way to get a cheap hotel. I've used it dozens of times, never dissapointed. Are you a Who fan (Pete Townshend avatar)? See them in Winnipeg last year?
  8. Wow!! Incredible OT win!
  9. Excellent, not too far, I'm in the Wausau area. There must be a few Packer Backers in ND. When I'm in Thief River, I listen to 550 AM out of Bismarck. They broadcast the Packer Radio Network.
  10. Who cares about rankings....so...next topic...who are my Packer fans for tonight!!??
  11. Nice job Forney, especially since he's from my wife's hometown of Thief River Falls.
  12. Especially with atrocious spelling and grammar
  13. Absolutely. By the way, I love your name...cracked me up!
  14. Inside College Hockey is showing: 1) Miami 2) New Hampshire 3) North Dakota (Comment: Weekend results prove that NoDak is human, but just barely. It's now four shutouts in five games for J-P Lamoureux (we
  15. Excellent point, and dead on.
  16. I hope they wear those black jerseys again!!!
  17. I guess I'm an idealist. In any competition, one should try to be #1, and feel good about being #1. I'm sure when the rankings come out tomorrow, you will post them...even if they "don't matter".
  18. I guess I care.
  19. The Badgers will roll all over you guys this weekend. Will you and Boosh be there? The Badger student section will make the Tech student section look like girl scouts.
  20. Anyone think that we can hold our #1 ranking after Sat night?
  21. Would Hak and Dane know this guy Boosh from other games? I remember TH saying that many of the Tech fans that sat around the penalty box did there homework on players, and would say things about their family members while they were in the box.
  22. Wow. Not a real smart move by Radke...Hak will not be impressed, although I understand Radke's intention, especially since getting yanked for that game and wanting to stick up for the coach. It will be interesting when they head to the Forks.
  23. #3 Duncan #2 Osh #1 Lammy POG Oshie
  24. Does TH ride the bus too?
  25. POG-----Lamchop....my guess
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