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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. Hey, I'm not disagreeing with that statement, but the last memory is usually the most-recent and that's my last memory of the Sioux/Gopher match-up. Of course, sadness was turned to joy in watching Gopher fans claim that they were the better team against BC two weeks later while my memory clearly recalls Minnesota being taken out behind the woodshed by Jerry York's boys.
  2. Last time I checked, the Gophers (unfortunately) mopped up the X with the Sioux in the 2012 western regional...the memory of the miracle comeback at the Final Five was short-lived. Man, that Final Five game was a thing of beauty though, wasn't it?
  3. I would love to see MN roll thru the rest of the season undefeated...and then promptly diddle down their leg in the NCAA tournament. Big 10 Regular Season Champions...Big 10 Playoff Champions...NCAA one-and-done.
  4. SWEET! Cue the "Wilber doesn't look anything like what I expected" comments at the Hogg.
  5. I stand corrected. 6 vs 11, 7 vs 10, and 8 vs 9 in HE first round. Maybe I was thinking back to when HE had 10 teams and the bottom 2 did not make their conference playoffs.
  6. Hmnnn...maybe I am wrong. Did they change to the playoff system similar to what the CCHA did?
  7. Wow, has Boston U hit the skids this year. 10th place in HE and only 2 points up on Merrimack for the right to sit at home and not even play a first-round playoff series! Kudos to Alaska-Anchorage, who has quietly put together a respectable 13-10-3 record this season, albeit in the watered-down WCHA.
  8. I wasn't trying to disparage the attendance at all - in fact, I think it was a great idea to try to get fans in and around Grand Forks who, on a weekend when the men are completely out of the picture, to say "hey, let's spend four bucks and take the kids to the women's game tonight." With any luck, the idea made some new fans and women's attendance will get a bit of a boost in the rest of their games this season and on into next season. That being said, if I posted on craigslist tonight that I will offer anyone who shows up at my broomball game on Wednesday night to cheer for my team free pizza and hot chocolate, I bet we'd outdraw everybroomball game in the country for the entire month of February!
  9. Hey, Mariucci and GFG, just because you guys will be in St Paul doesn't mean aren't invited to attend the brunch. You're more than welcome...come on out.
  10. How about the Subway Mariucci North Star Classic SiouxSports.com Hoggsbreath Brunch sponsored by Kellogg's?
  11. saturday letdown 7 loses to 28 time to queston coching? in mutzko we trust
  12. LOL...UNO gives up 6 goals...and wins by 2!
  13. Anyone else think Reilly should have gotten a 5-spot on that hit in the MN/MSU game?
  14. I was going to post this in the Hoggsbreath brunch thread but thought it might get lost in the discussion/attendance list that will soon be popping up there. In prior years, some long-sleeve shirts with the Hoggsbreath logo on the front were given out to fans who attended the yearly brunch. I busted the bank last year and have concluded that it's not longer feasible (or economically viable) for me to spend $400-$500 on shirts to hand out for free (and believe me, I'd love to keep doing it). Some folks may have been under the impression that the bar gave them out for advertising, but that was not the case. Anywhoo...I can still purchase shirts relatively cheaply and sell them at cost for anyone who wants one (or more) this year. Price was around $12-$15 last year, depending on the shirt brand. Shirts were a little on the small side (I'm 5'10" and 190, ok, 200 lbs, and a size L was a bit snug so I opted for XL). Several options are available, but I would need at least 10-15 shirts of each color and style in order to place an order. I would have to have this in by February 15th in order to get the shirts delivered on time so they could be distributed at the NCHC SiouxSports brunch. Options are: Hoggsbreath International Nite Club logo or Hoggsbreath "wild boar" logo Shirt color and screenprint options are: black shirt w/kelly green print (the black ice shirts, as I like to call them) white shirt w/kelly green print kelly green shirt w/white print I will see if I can get some pics up here so you can see the designs but for now, just send me a PM with your cell # and I can text you some shirt photos. If not enough folks are interested, no worries, there will still be some door prizes at the annual brunch...but you'll be bummed if you see someone else wearing a Hoggsbreath shirt and think to yourself "dammit...I shoulda gotten one of those."
  15. Awesome, yes, but let's remember that the promotion was $1 tickets.
  16. Agree. CC was a doormat when I was in college but Lucia brought that program back with a vengeance. This year has been an abomination though. Still, over the past 20 years, they have been a top-notch program in the NCAA hockey world.
  17. She's Gone...I'll Never Let You Go...Hey, look, Steelheart, the guys from Van Halen just stole your prom dates! Clearly asking Trixter to open up for them...sorry, Goon.
  18. Let's look at one more example of "The Trixter Effect" just to make sure you've got it: The band is Britny Fox. OK, at first glance, I'll admit, it doesn't look good. First of all, the band name: Britny Fox. Hmnnnn...sounds like the girl band Vixen's cousin. Touring with Trixter looks like a done-deal. But, wait. There's a red challenge flag on the field. Let's roll the tape to the 1:38 minute mark of the video. Hmnnnn....our schoolgirls are getting a bit rowdy. 1:53...2:07...2:18...2:41...2:48...OK, I've seen enough evidence that I don't need to go on. It's clear that the boys of Britny Fox (and probably the schoolgirls) would be giving the Trixter guys swirlies in the bathroom every day at recess and stealing their Snack Packs at lunchtime - clearly an '80's hair band. Care to try one on your own and put the theory to the test?
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