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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. What’s the best pizza in town these days?
  2. Thursday night college hockey…I hope we never see this at North Dakota.
  3. MafiaMan


    White? Green? Fauxback black?
  4. MafiaMan


    1982 or 1987 for tomorrow night’s game, that is the question…
  5. I tried my best, @Wilbur. I’d be less disappointed in them had they told me they regularly smoke cigarettes under the bleachers after football practice.
  6. I’m in shock that John Stockton shorts are all the rage these days again.
  7. [that was part of my joke]
  8. Super exited to come back to UND…and can’t wait to pull up a seat at my old hangout Whitey’s! It’s been way too long.
  9. I should add that this trip will include my 11 and 8 year old boys so as to try to reverse the UMD brainwashing process.
  10. Much of that comes from China too.
  11. Guaranteed made in China.
  12. Been almost 3 years since my last trip to GF for a series…looking for hotel recommendations. PM me please so as to not clog up the thread.
  13. Rumor has it that the QU players’ wives and kids will be in section 312 on Friday and Saturday night.
  14. Like the holy grail of depressing…in Nebraska…watching Omaha hockey…with your mother-in-law. Oof.
  15. They’re no worse than the Quinnipiac jerseys with the cat-head and the 6 foot long paw that forms a Q. That logo is awful.
  16. …for UND vs the Fighting Pecknolds for this coming Friday night’s game.
  17. That’s pretty rich coming from a guy who once re-enacted the strip tease scene from Slap Shot in front of an opponent’s bench after scoring a goal in Colorado’s F League…
  18. T H A N K S F O R C L E A R I N G T H A T U P F O R U S
  19. 1-0-1? At home? Surely, you jest!
  20. MafiaMan


    Kneeling pre-anthem is fine…just don’t DARE do it in a post-game prayer though!
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