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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. The fake FG was an awful call. Not going for the XP up 11 was an awful call. Running 19 line of scrimmage pass or bubbles screens....nuf said. Seven games into the season and I have no idea what to expect to see game to game or quarter to quarter. This team has zero identity it can go to offensively. The last drive and OT just reiterate they can be coached up better offensively. Bo and Klein need more targets 10+ yards down the field.
  2. Let me preface my comment by saying I'm a big fan of Schmaltz but I'll again repeat he's a center not a wing. His offensive upside isn't fit for a 2nd line winger. He's a college coach's dream as a 3nd line centerman with good 2 way wingers. Then you have a top 9.
  3. MINN -1 at Lambeau. Lay the point. Easy money. MINN wins by multiple scores. Pro bet knowledge drop....GB is average under 5 points per game in the first half...it won't be close at half. I was hopeful but Love is trash.
  4. Really?? If true and he breaks out the juice boxes, orange slices and participation ribbons after matches then there's some issues.
  5. Johannes (getter) would be great with O-Mac (setter) and Perron (scorer). Plus he has size, grit and good skill.
  6. USD was trash today (then remembers what he just witnessed this afternoon from UND).......nevermind.
  7. The bad FBS team that UND beat according to some here even though they didn't?
  8. Goal given up in the final minute of a period. What say you @MafiaMan?
  9. Danny needs to take the training wheels off this offense.
  10. Nothing says springboard like beating a 4 TD dog at home in OT
  11. ......and it comes down to a kick
  12. Does everyone of our DBs have to strike a pose when they don't get burned??
  13. You kick the FG and XP you're up 9. It's over
  14. ISU gonna get the ball with a chance
  15. 3nd and 2 with 2:35 to go....... Flea flicker coming??
  16. Are we really afraid to kick for points??
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