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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Oxbow6

    New Coach?

    So he's a Southern Canadian?? Good news is his track record as a coach is impressive.
  2. Oxbow6

    New Coach?

    Another guy from Texas....seriously. Must have not gotten the memo from Pryor that it snows 8-9 months in GF.
  3. Oxbow6

    Shaw's gone.

    How about he start with trying to make the PP run at a better efficiency than 3.07%?
  4. Oxbow6

    2019 Season

    Know some of the coaching staff at MHS. One gave Weah almost no chance to stick at UND due to his academic issues when he signed.
  5. Oxbow6

    The Herald

    Do Tony Bender or Jim Shaw's columns of verbal vomit make the Herald or are those reading the Forum the only ones blessed?
  6. Back on topic with the question of this thread title.......
  7. Yup..........try Poke Bowl adjacent to their new location. Ridiculously good.
  8. Wasabi in their old location in Fargo was notorious for cockroach infestation.
  9. Jeanotte....... easily one of the most pathetic/miserable individuals to ever work for UND.
  10. Glad someone got that. Well done.
  11. Agree.........and it is a lot. (2words) MM texted me to correct you. Spotty WiFi for him in Milwaukee as he is participating in the 50 and Over World Grammer Championships.
  12. Fargo has Blackbird Pizza and Black Coffee and Waffle Bar. So when do the "racist" protests start downtown? And how does one now order just a "black" coffee? Or will everyone be required to order cream in their coffee.........................or will be adding cream to one's coffee be consider "white privilege"? It's all very confusing..................................
  13. Cue Stockdam and all the other as** clowns here that will label stewie as "not a real fan"....................
  14. Are women pro hockey players boycotting Wendy's and their spicy nuggets too?
  15. I was in GF that day the Regents voted 5-4 to take MK off UND's hands. Not one person I talked to said......"That's a shame he leaving".
  16. Only if you live near a refinery.......like in Bis-Man.
  17. Rainbow patterned Speedo? If so pretty sure that was Shawn-O.
  18. You are talking about MK I hope. Oh and you forgot playing the racism and sexism cards.
  19. Let's cut to the chase.......if HH is UND's next prez Joel will ultimately call the shots! Or at a minimum will compete w KEM.
  20. Does the word "tact" having any meaning? It goes a long ways in most situations. MK had none.
  21. Posting prioritizes local ties. Does Lowell apply?
  22. Not that I tilt in her direction politically but when does MEK and/or UND make a call to Heidi and ask "You interested?" IMO she could do the job.
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