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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. 787000+ total individuals in this country died between February 1 thru May 2 from a laundry list of reasons. 700K+ have died above and beyond COVID in 3 months. This country never recognized the other 700K deaths during the same time frame nor has it ever made a big deal of the roughly 3/4M individuals that die every 3 months in this country. You're spot on that we were fooled into thinking protecting the elderly and vulnerable was paramount and a single line item on the balance sheet at the expense of sacrificing the stability of society as we know it and the future of your kids and mine.
  2. If you really are an attorney look for new work......no one here is buying that......the "leaders" part. In the plural form.
  3. That number isn't in jeopardy now since MN cancelled the Legion baseball season this summer.
  4. Again advice was given based on models and Fauci's expertise for 45 days of lockdown to do 2 things: flatten the curve so that healthcare systems were not overwhelmed (check) and save lives so 1-2M wouldn't die (check). Was a "one size fits all" mentality yet here we are...still a country without a "one size fits all" reopening. For all the really smart people out there why is that?
  5. Walz had the knobs set so far one way that there is only one direction to adjust them now.
  6. Hahaha......good one. I definitely do not think Trump is faultless in this but he definitely doesn't deserve most of the blame. For you to insinuate that shows your ignorance in the big picture. Hopefully when Biden wins election for the Senate in November he can help get this country back on track.
  7. We were ALL told everything must be shut down for a minimum of 45 days as to not overwhelm healthcare systems and saves live so that 2M wouldn't die...........you missed that memo obviously. So in that process, based on models and Fauci's advice, how'd you think the economy and employment were going to play out?
  8. I just pointed out your illogical conclusion that the response to this crisis falls on one person.
  9. We have a winner......that's a good Bingo!
  10. You're naive or simplistic or both......what if "the top" said screw Fauci and the models we are going full blown Sweden?? The models were trash and Fauci's narrow view was trash. Throw in the dick measuring contest between the governors and here we are. Trump, Biden, Obama.....they all would have received the same advice and data. Can't imagine anyone at "the top" would have handled this perfectly.
  11. So I can expect the testing rate to go from 3%+ to 10% if and when those people get tested?
  12. I grew up working in a skilled nursing home for years as my parents owned and operated one. Rednek's fascination with a sliver of the population is astonishing. Great residents in those facilities but they are there for a reason. The staff that cares for those residents are unsung individuals. I have seen first hand many years influenza ravage a facility. Unfortunately sick elderly folks who get sicker don't do well. That's reality. Fargo Forum had 40 obituaries today with most of those being elderly.
  13. If ND would test 10000 people tomorrow would we have 1000 positives just because more test were done? Funny that lots of people thought Georgia was going to blowup after they were one of the first states to open things up.
  14. We didn't half ass anything......we got Fauici'd. He does deserve a lot of credit for this mess. Wanna talk about someone who missed the concept of the forest.
  15. Hardly. But I agree with the last sentence. The political part.
  16. Reported today in ND....0, 27 and 936.
  17. Oxbow6


    Especially if one lives in MN.....WI.....MI.
  18. Minnesota just cancelled the American Legion Baseball season for this summer.
  19. Just heard the revenue lost from healthcare systems in this country during the first quarter of 2020 was close to $500B. If I remember the lockdowns were done as to not overwhelm hospital system so instead the lockdown in going to kill off healthcare systems financially.
  20. It will be interesting to see if there will be a spike in the positive testing rate in a week since ND loosened things up somewhat on May 1.
  21. Or all the kids statewide that missed any amount of school due to illness prior to this virus.
  22. Well......since drinking beer thru a mask is equivalent to waterboarding oneself not sure how much effort those folks want to put into getting drunk.
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