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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. #saferathome My parents are going. Why go thru a winter in ND vs AZ?
  2. Should help us move forward but it's Trump's vaccine...... Same vaccine will work extremely well come January 20 though. To your last point.......spot on. But when you have nutless leaders it's easier to punish everyone.
  3. The answer is simple......shutter bars through the New Year. ND legislature and Burgum can find funds to cover the financial impact for those businesses. Frank's in South Fargo last night was hopping. Parking lot was packed. Burgum just too stupid and ignorant to do the right thing. He knows the demographic at the root of the spread.
  4. The one handed butcher can show you and still have fingers left uncounted
  5. This will age well.........unfortunately
  6. Exactly. How many sitting in the bars in ND from 500-1000 pm every day will have masks on? Zero! The hypocrisy and stupidity just reached a new high in this state.
  7. Just saw this part........now Dougie has lost it. Basically tucked his nuts in. State mask mandate....no problem. Really should have been done weeks ago from just an optics standpoint. Mask mandate....been this way I Fargo for a few weeks and how well has it helped?? The bolded part if f-n ridiculous. Every day thru the last 3+ weeks of this spike it is the same demographic every day leading the charge in new cases 20-49. They make up over half of the the new cases every day! Is Burgum going to mandate the Fargo area public schools go back strictly face to face? Nope but now we'll have kids sitting at home from school, because of the bedwetting teacher's association, not leaning f-n anything with now nothing to do after "school". Brilliant pivot. I have a $100 Dougie cancels the ND HS sports seasons all together. That'll show the virus who's boss. Bars needs to be closed for the same time frame if this BS is going to have any effect. #factsnotfear
  8. IIRC it was yesterday or Thursday with all COVID deaths for that day but one being those 80 or older
  9. Statewide mask mandate in ND starting tomorrow.
  10. Per the Strib St. Paul public school students in distance learning were failing more than 1/3 of all high school classes through the midpoint of the first quarter. Visit with any teachers that aren't doomsday COVID lemmings and they will tell you distance learning is a complete and utter disaster.
  11. To get enough cases to shutdown Moorhead public schools? ......oh wait. Nevermind.
  12. South Minneapolis Target that was looted and destroyed soon to reopen. Making the new design more "black" friendly. Does that mean putting all the most widely desired looted products at the front of the store just in case it happens again?
  13. MHD now recommending everyone in the state 18-35 get tested ASAP.
  14. Read that the Dow would drop at a minimum of 4000 point if that happened.
  15. Ivy League cancels winter sports seasons.
  16. Elon Musk claims he took four Covid test on the same day, same testing machine with same nurse. 2 positive and 2 negative.
  17. A vaccine or vaccines was always the way out of this......you even knew that.
  18. Well Fauci stated today due to the development of vaccines "it's not going to be a pandemic for a lot longer". But feel free to carry in with your modeling assumptions forming realistic death counts.....or just lead us all in the singing of "O Canada".
  19. Where have I said that? That's hardly the case.
  20. Cause you and I both know the probability of that happening is nil......even with this year's version of the smallpox blankets. That's like saying if an earthquake dropped the entire state of California into the ocean how many California's would die?
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