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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Dow Jones dropping like a rock on speculation of more crazy Dem governors instituting another round of nonsensical lockdown restrictions....then add in the Biden/Osterholm "dark winter" to come. And I thought we had some hope in two promising vaccines............
  2. MN had 7444 new positives alone on Monday but expect Walz to push back the start date of MN HS sports and extracurricular activities because the "data" show a total of "780 people were likely infected at 192 sports related outbreaks". That is 780 total......not from Monday. Not from last week. Total! Last week he cited 71% of new cases during this uptick in MN were from "bars and small gatherings". How many patrons do you see with mask on in a bar or restaurant??? Zero. Went to a MN HS VB match last. How many had masks on? Ever single person minus the 12 girls on the court. Just like Burgum did Friday night look for Walz to drop the hammer on MN HS winter sports tomorrow. Neither of these dumbass clowns has any data or "science" to back these decisions up. It's just low lying fruit they pick to appease the bedwetting doomsday Covid will kill us all lemmings. None of this BS.....stopping HS sports, mask mandates or any other nonsensical crap will not help until the gathering of the maskless masses in bars is dealt with to control the main spreading demographic (20-40s).
  3. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccine news puts Osterholm's value on the Biden Covid Advisory Board just below the Carnival weight/age guesser's value on the same advisory board.
  4. If you're talking any semblance of hope......correct.
  5. Tack on the fact that Fargo has had a mask mandate for 4 weeks and in that time frame active cases in Cass County have doubled. But today, thanks to Burgum, bars/restaurants can increase capacity from 25% to 50% and all school sports and extra circular activities are suspended.
  6. I always find it interesting when Ds spew the words "trust science" but only when it fits a certain narrative .
  7. Really? BTW.....Gov. Cuomo is waiting for you. Line 3.
  8. Moderna vaccine 94.5% effective in lat clinical trial. Can be stored at normal refrigeration temperature for 30 day. 20M doses ready now.....still 2 shot vaccine. Roll this out ASAP. Oh wait......the Ds would rather have more cases, deaths and ridiculous lockdowns than to have Trump get credit for anything. #darkwinter
  9. If you buy into projections and/or models...
  10. Fair enough. BTW.....March 18 NYT article 1.7M "could die". March 19 WaPo article cited a projection of 1.1M deaths.
  11. Anyone else get the sense that the Biden election win has emboldened nationwide the demographic that rioted, looted and torched Minneapolis carte blanche to do whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want?
  12. But the parents, if they so choose, could still come to GF that weekend and sit and drink all day, unmasked, for a couple days at Joe Black's?
  13. I agree. Burgum couldn't handle this any worse. Delay four week. Then he'll delay it again from Dec. 14 until after the holidays at which point he'll pull the plug and we'll all then wait to hear from Biden what else we can't do come end of January. If there is no spring HS sports in ND for a second consecutive year Burgum might as well pack his bags and move to MN or go north into Canada because he will get chased out of Bismarck.
  14. 83% of all covid deaths in ND are from those 70 and older. So you're safe if your 69 years old heading to the El Rocco tonight for your gin and juice while requesting another Snoop Dogg song. Meanwhile little Johnny and his friend Max will put away their skates, BB sneakers or soccer boots for a few weeks. Least they have distance learning to look forward to.
  15. Another record of daily new cases in MN and ND today. 27 of 35 MN deaths today in LTC or assisted living facilities.........70% of all total Covid deaths to date in MN from those facilities. Nothing to see there.
  16. Burgum went from A to Z last night. He better hope his "s#@t sticks to the wall" on this one because come December 14 it's gonna get real pretty quick with the citizens of this state if his mandates don't work (and they won't because he won't address the real issue) with a potential Biden lockdown or targeted restrictions looming a month later.
  17. Feel free to correct me if i missed something.......so to recap: No youth activities of any kind for a few weeks but no mandate or even a recommendation to get kids back to school face to face during that time. Restaurants and bars go from 25% capacity UP to 50% during same time frame albeit restricted hours. Meanwhile ND sets another record day for positive cases today with Fargo having a mask mandate for 4 weeks and the same demographic contributing to roughly 50% of all new cases. If anyone here thinks this makes any sense at all I'll happily pay for your one way airfare to NYC or LA...your choice.
  18. Walz cited 71% of uptick in infections are from "bars and small gatherings". Masks work?? Except when they're not on? If Walz can figure this out how can Burgum miss this one?
  19. 4 weeks into the Fargo mask mandate.........
  20. Aren't we around day 260 of the 15 days to flatten the curve?
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