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Everything posted by Oxbow6

  1. Great tip on the WMU PPG but UND is just struggling to get anything going consistently
  2. Entertaining period. WMU carrying the majority of the play.
  3. Going WMU 3-1 with ENG to seal it. This team has played well without Sanderson. Kleven sitting is big. Bonus pick.....DU over WMU 4-3 tomorrow. Sunday's crystal ball.....UND shipped to Michigan's regional.
  4. Driscoll carried this team after the Cornell series. Frisch might be the most undervalued and underapprecited player at UND in a couple decades.
  5. Friday's game will be the 15th Sanderson has missed so far this season.
  6. ***** Bold prediction ***** Frisch plays 30+ minutes a night....has a 4 point weekend....leads UND to NCHC tournament championship. ......and stoney still votes Sanderson to the All Tournament team over Ethan.
  7. "I'm shocked by this!".......said absolutely no one
  8. I struggle with majors when there is no initial call on the ice. The officials look clueless and inept when this happens and the player get overly penalized IMO. No call on ice no penalty...end of story. Blow the whistle for a minor then review it if you want for a major. Not this hasn't been said on this site before but the officiating again this series was substandard for the quality of play in the league. #bringbackAnderson
  9. Agree.....starting with the DU series in early November there was not one home series this winter that didn't have a Friday and/or Saturday trip up and back from Fargo where there wasn't marginal road conditions and/or snow and or/visibility issues. Last night's road south bound to just south of Hillsboro were brutal. Saw multiple multi car accidents and a handful of cars in the ditch. Good to hear you made it safely. Glad I'm done make that drive repeatedly for 6+ months. I'm looking forward to spring come July.
  10. Driscoll was solid....great in the 3rd. Frisch had a rough night. He'll bounce back. Gaber is just relentless. Kleven........unfortunately not surprised.
  11. Mine was ordering a "chinese" dish in rural ND in a town of less than 3000 without one Asain American in the community.
  12. Hugo's and sushi should never be used in the same sentence
  13. Sanderson was the best player on the ice. Didn't miss a beat during his absence with his injury. Kleven was my 2nd star. Played physical yet smart. Would have liked to have had the radar gun on his goal. My 3rd star and I'll agree with @N of GF was Caggiula..........I mean Constantini. (I get those two confused) Played a very solid 200 foot game. Gaber was good as well. Just has a non stop motor. He'll score tonight. Two guys that will be much better tonight....Moore and Caulfield. Both had been playing extremely well the last few weeks.
  14. From what I could tell pregame in Berry's interview with TH Kunz was a healthy scratch. Insert Montgomery in 4th line. Portz moves up a line. Thought both guys played well. Portz has 4 year upside.
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