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  1. Perfect timing for the end of that BSU game.
  2. It's like listening to Siri call play by play.
  3. It will be a good measuring stick to see how strong those teams truly are.
  4. I was having this problem last week and tonight, I figured it out though, fast forward and press the select button twice or the play button, and it will start at that point.
  5. It would be awesome if they could stop constantly talking about all things penalties.
  6. All this rehashing of Joe Finley's time here, has reminded me of the time he attended my cousins' wedding. He flat out asked my father if him and my brother were gay together, he of course used the f-word term, he berated the brother of the bride all night, calling him gay and asking him what he was going to do about it, took off his shirt and implied anyone who looked at him was gay, and passed out at a table, alone, to the relief of everyone at the dance. In my mind, Joe Finley, a skating pylon, a worse drunk.
  7. In trying to decide whom is the most arrogant, it appears as though we have outed ourselves.
  8. TinScott

    Toews Watch

    I guess I was wrong on Toews coming back, I talked to the guy who is close to the team today and he informed me he had talked to a player who is close to Toews and it doesn't sound like he is coming back. Being on Team Canada with all those pros has helped him decide he can play at a high level in the NHL. Good Luck #9!
  9. TinScott

    Toews Watch

    I understand this, not really sure if I believe it myself, but it gave me hope that I wanted to share with someone.
  10. TinScott

    Toews Watch

    Hello all, I've been checking this site out for some time with nothing really to add, until today. I know someone who is close to the team and he was joking with one of the players that they should get Toews to come back, and the player told him that Toews has decided to come back for 1 more year. Although this happened before Toews went to the World Championship, so take it for what its worth.
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