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Everything posted by bcblues

  1. DU whining about homer refs is just precious!
  2. Was at a wedding and watched what I could at the reception on my phone. Boys looked pretty good against a decent opponent.
  3. I used to do this all the time. Less time lag vs streaming through FireTV or Roku.
  4. I am not a fan of the 45/55 split. But I am a fan of OT vs going directly to a shootout. I would also rather see 4v4 or even 3v3 hockey rather than a shootout. My two cents worth.
  5. Nice! Ambassador Motel: Right between the Rite Spot and Red Ray Lanes! I enjoyed the read and thought it was pretty well done!
  6. Just the thought of DU makes me green in the face. I would love to sweep them at home, but I just don't think that we 1) have the horsepower to outscore DU, and 2) I think our defense will struggle against DU. I wish I could be more optimistic.
  7. bcblues


    I wonder if the team is healthy. They looked slow and the passing was horrible. Maybe influenza, or even just common cold has hit the team???
  8. bcblues


    Hakstol is no longer coaching the team.
  9. bcblues


    I can't wait to see UND hockey again.
  10. bcblues


    We were consistently beaten to the puck. We had far too many turnovers in our end. We had trouble stringing more than two passes together. Our defense looked disorganized. And Driscoll let in a couple soft goals. Not really a recipe for success, but then again, it is just one game. The trouble is that we see many of the same symptoms when we face a decent opponent.
  11. bcblues


    Jake is a motor mouth.
  12. bcblues


    Burn those jerseys.....
  13. bcblues


    What a rotten showing.
  14. bcblues


    He is kinda a Negative Nancy. Always, not just tonight....
  15. bcblues


    Crap. See what happens when you consistently get beat to the puck and cannot string passes together?
  16. bcblues


    Sweet. Would be better with a W
  17. bcblues


    We do not deserve a win tonight.
  18. bcblues


    Another complete defensive failure.
  19. bcblues


    Alex's Freudian slip showed: "Penalty State"
  20. bcblues


    PP make it count!
  21. bcblues


    We are wearing green tonight, boys.....
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