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Everything posted by SiouxFan100

  1. We seem to allow an opposing player to have career games against us
  2. Good win i guess coach of the year
  3. Any tommies he can bring with him?
  4. As in which position?
  5. Yes we would havent heard any news here lately hopefully we get some
  6. Our games tend to turn into a Brady thread. He is on the team per our coach.
  7. Nice having contributions from 6 ft 3 in Minnesota transfer Oberg
  8. Trouble is that the title of the thread should say new coaches men’s bb,women might be turning things to at least respectable??, football, volleyball, soccer don’t know about other sports
  9. Pleasantly surprised
  10. I hope a few players come with our new coach
  11. The sky is not falling
  12. Well I guess it’s nice to know somebody else wanted at least one of our coaches
  13. Unfortunate thanks for trying
  14. Have you ever went over and talked to him about concerns? If not, please do
  15. We will not be smoked less smoked 35-0 next year
  16. Well, seems like folks wanted change
  17. I am sure it wasn’t an easy decision - your career possibilities matter - was stuck here and probably given no guarantee. I don’t blame him if that’s true no inside info here
  18. Sounds like they offered more money (at least I think money) at the last moment but it still was to move on
  19. Sometimes things make it hard to stay true as a UND football fan I will always stay true sometimes more fun than others
  20. I kinda remember some here saying coaches pay doesn’t matter I might be wrong
  21. Never as good or bad as it seems we will survive I think
  22. One big headache
  23. Improvement?
  24. Nice to get a break now and then
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