I’d like to think we have learned a thing or two after our recent losses to the su. Hopefully our coaches have been working on addressing the issues and have a plan. Hopefully we have the horses to execute that plan.
Yes, for most people it is about getting a shot
stubborn good people that don’t like being told
so simple, takes minutes, so available, still many won’t and if lucky it won’t cost them or their families and friends heartbreak
I wouldn’t mind a 57-0 lead going into the fourth quarter
I wouldn’t mind eight su turnovers
I wouldn’t mind minus 59 yards rushing for the su with six yards passing and no kick off or punt returns
I wouldn’t mind about 500 su fans running out of gas on the way to the game
I wouldn’t mind that we had 600 yards rushing with no turnovers
Get the damn shot and enjoy the game. No conspiracy-no politics-no personal medical information-no embetted chip-no nothing other than getting a damn shot