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coach daddy

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Posts posted by coach daddy

  1. I don't have any kids playing hockey so there goes your thesis. The Chicago Showcase has always been made up of kids whose parents would pay their way and not on ability.

    I don't believe it was a "thesis." A rebuttal to your opinion maybe, but not a thesis.

    Is it your"hypothesis" then that talent takes a secondary role to money on the teams playing in Chicago?

  2. I was thinking the exact same thing.

    Last year's West Regional at The X was a joke, even with Wisconsin and Saint Clown in the mix.

    The West is at The X again next year. If the Sioux are in the tournament next year, the NCAA will not

    make that seeding mistake (sending North Dakota away from The X) again.

    The games should be returned to on campus sites. Of course, The Ralph will never see one again unless

    the NCAA puts dollars over principles.

    Thats how people want it, remember. The name is more important than where our athletes play. I've seen it posted alot in the last 2 weeks.

  3. That's a great fact about the added schollies, allowing the upper teams to stock pile talent. It definitely makes the challenge that much more difficult. You look at Green Bay- Northern Iowa, and there are players out there, but I tend to agree it has got be a battle to get them. Totally agree on the NW Minnesota talent, it's as if it has basically dried up. Now that we are nearly elgible maybe we will be more competitive for a Wahlin or isn't there a girl from Bemidji head to Minnesota?, in the future. Not saying were going to land a lot of them but a few is going to be essential moving forward.

    Even the guy at U CONN says the scholarship thing hurts Womens basketball. If he only had 12 to use he couldn't just stockpile talent. Last night he played 6 girls for the most part vs. Purdue (until the game was decided, then he put 2 more out there). There are 7-9 girls on his team that never play but are full scholarships. Imagine if those 7-9 could be dispersed around the country to other programs; more balance would create a better product.

  4. I'm afraid that any 6'10" kid UND can get will be a long-term project. If the goal is to find a player who can contribute early on, I would like to see Jones and staff look for an under-sized inside player similar to Noah Dahlman.

    Plenty of 6'10 juco kids out there..............go get one!!!

    Remember Jerome Beasley? :)

  5. True story, believe it or not. Also, I am pretty sure the people who put together the Forbes rankings you cited don't do a lot of hiring. The only thing that matters is what employers think of UND. In my experience as a UND alum, people think UND is a solid school.

    Your comments about supporting UND show that you are obviously on this board to spout off your extreme conservative agenda. I'm not against healthy criticism of the university, but your BS crusade against state funding of higher education is better left on your blog.

    Ignore them Mr. Port. You'll quickly find that facts only interest those who may not yet have an opinion or open-minded enough to change their mind. That rarely happens here.

  6. On the Recruiting class this year, I would not be surprised if Lindahl and Gus Kueber from Lake Region State are in Sioux uniforms next year for a number of reasons.

    1. Kueber and Lindahl are 6'7" with athletic bodies that would fit well in the the pick and roll offense. You can not teach height, and height with athletism is rare to surface in the middle of UND's recruiting area. Lindahl has a very nice jump shot, and with time could be better than Patrick Mitchell if given time to develop. Kueber is in the Mitchell mold as well, except he is a better shot blocker right now. He will need a year to adjust, however.

    2. Unless they find a "game ready" big man, both these kids have wanted to play for UND since they could first shoot. Kids like that develop at a faster rate than a project that has never heard of Grand Forks before a visit.

    3. Shot blockers are rare, and in Kueber's case, he is playing at the NJCAA D1 level and putting up 11ppg, 7 rpg, 3 apg, 1.5 bpg, 48% FG, and 38% from 3 point range. Lindahl is horrible on defense, but both Kueber and Lindahl could be redshirted and be ready to play in the Big Sky in 2012. We really don't have a shot blocker like Kueber on our team, he needs more muscle, but he is as good of an option as their is out there in the junior college ranks.

    I guess my point is. Height is the hardest thing to recruit because everybody needs it. We have two athletic players with height in our recruiting area right now. Unless they find something that can help them right now, and be a game changer for the program. These are the best options long term. Just my opinion

    Seriously, there is Noooooooooooooo way Lindahl plays at UND, or is even recruited to UND. He is the slowest moving human being I've seen in a long time. Most college coaches aren't sure he can play in the Mon-Dak, let alone DI bball. Kueber won't play inside and cannot guard anyone who remotely looks like a 1, 2, or 3. We don't need anymore ND kids on this roster. Go get real bigs (6'10) and more athletes like Huff.

  7. I'm not sure what your experience is with the university system as a student, maybe you could enlighten us.

    However, I will say (having earned a degree from UND) that there is EVERY opportunity for a student to graduate on time. My wife finished in 3 years, whereas I took a bit more time. :D The graduation rates are more reflective how students today view their time at a college or university these days than how "university bureaucrats" view their jobs.

    First, well done by the Mrs., she made some sacrifices to get the degree done that quickly.

    Secondly, the graduation rates are a great indicator of the problems that exist in higher ed. The lack of support to the students, the idea that the more students we have on campus the more attractive our campus is are just a couple of examples, in my opinion, of problems we have in higher ed. right now. Like my wife always tells me, "size doesn't matter." :)

  8. The only thing that should matter is NDSU's performance. Is the school attracting students, and are those students being educated. Now, in 2008 ND taxpayers spent roughly $71 million on tuition waivers for out-of-state students. If we're having to give the product away for free, there's a problem.

    Second, let's keep in mind that the four-year graduation rate at NDSU is just 19% (UND ain't much better at 22%). That's abysmal, and it doesn't get much better after even six years when it goes up to just 53% (56% for UND).

    This, again, speaks the mentality of the university bureaucrats which is build lots and lots of buildings and herd students into them with little regard for outcomes. And we've seen little improvement in these numbers despite pouring a windfall in appropriations onto the universities.

    We can agree or disagree about what the appropriate level of funding for these universities is, but it's clear that the money they're getting now isn't being spent appropriately. Mostly because the higher education folks aren't accountable to anyone.

    I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but welcome to the board!!! I have been saying these things for years about higher ed. The other part of higher ed that drives me nuts is they'll blame the K-12 parties for the fact that students don't graduate sooner or at a higher rate. Their faculty is full of unqualified (in the eyes of DPI, which defines highly qualified at the K-12 level) teachers, but the high school teacher's are thrown under the bus for the ineptitude of higher ed. faculty; alot of whom were educated at NDSU and/or UND.

    I'm not smart enough to know the funding issues that exist but I am smart enough to know that if half your class is failing the tests you write, the problem isn't the students, its the teacher. In K-12 eduction, we take that personally. In Higher Ed., they blame K-12. I call BS on all of it.

  9. I see where Colorado State (Tim Miles team) just got selected to play in the NIT. If I remember right Air Force beat Colorado State by 15 or 20 I could be wrong on this. It is safe to say we probably have our hands full. It really doesn't matter because it is just fun to be in the post season. Go Sioux.

    They split during the year. The Rams won by 3 at home and lost by 17 at Air Force. This will be a very good test for our guys!!

  10. Maybe I am getting this whole forum exchange thing wrong then..we are not suppose to question and make counterpoints? ;) I notice that you didn't say fighting sioux, only UND...is that something that was a subconcious slip or an intentional display of your real feelings on the nickname? I only stated that putting the atheletes above the right to vote or have your voice heard is backwards in my mind - remember that the whole thing is supposed to be about hostile and abusive behaviors and causing NA to have stunted social development because people cheer on a visual representation of these same people from about 100 years ago, but if you want to construe it that I only want the logo so I can wear cool hockey jerseys around town, then continue to live in the world you envision.


    I used the term UND because, regardless of the nickname or logo we end up with, I'll support them. Can you say the same?

    I don't pretend to know whether something is racist in nature when I, a white male, have never been a minority. If Native Americans tell us the name and logo misrepresent their culture, who are you, or who am I, to tell them they are wrong? I believe UND has done everything in their power to show respect to the name and the tribes. If Standing Rock and Spirit Lake tell us to keep it, we should keep it, and continue to honor it. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened. It's time to move on in my opinion; which, I know, makes me a disloyal fan and also wrong, at least to you.

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  11. Again, I don't think the atheletes are worth more than the right to vote or free speech...go ahead and ask the Standing Rock tribe and the supporters at Spirit Lake...I know we all should feel bad for these kids who are receiving full ride scholarships to earn a degree playing a sport we would all still like to play...again, lets get some perspective...at least Gene Roebuck understands it...why can't you guys who are supposed Fighting Sioux fans?

    How do you dare question the loyalty of those of us who only want whats best for the athletes? Seriously, go back and read messages from my past. No one is or has been a bigger fan of UND I've been the biggest supporter of Coach Roebuck for as long as I can remember. He's been a friend for almost 25 years. The fact that I put the athletes ahead of the logo and nickname only proves my support of the school. The difference between me and you is that I support those who put their hearts on the field, court, and ice. You seem to be more worried about a fictitious character on the front of the jersey.

  12. The long term gains are much greater than the short term "problems."

    Its amazing to me that not allowing our athletes to play home playoff games is of no matter to people on this board.

    We really care more about the name/logo on the front of the uniform than whether or not our kids get a chance at home field in the playoffs?

    The logo means more than the athletes? Wow, that is disappointing.

    • Upvote 1
  13. This is great for our program. Just a question about all these post season tournamnets. Is it safe to say NCAA>NIT>CBI>CIT?

    Yes, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth. More games=more practice which should mean a better start to next season. Might be a little reason for optimism with men's bball right now.

  14. I think Roerich will contribute more quickly than many in the Valley think. 1. She has a very quick first step with good mechanics. 2. She finishes very well with touch on either hand. 3. She is strong enough to absorb contact and finish off the drive.

    I believe she will be a primarily a 3 at the next level, but she could be a 4 on spot duty.

    Her shot mechanics are horrible, thus contributing to the 25% 3 percentage, but that can be fixed over a summer.

    We're going to have to agree to disagree on her "first step" being quick. She gets to the rim with a spin move to her left hand. That will NOT happen in DI bball. She may also be the laziest player I've ever seen. No one walks up and down the floor more than she does. Either she is the most out of shape player in H.S. bball or she doesn't like work. Either way, Coach Roebuck will address that and fix it the first day of practice. She has to be a 3; no way she could guard 4's in the Big Sky.

    Like I said, I respect your opinion, but this girl as a ways to go to make her mark at UND. There is a skill set there but the temperment required to be an impact player at a DI school is lacking in my opinion. No reason not to redshirt her. We are playing for nothing again for 1 more year.

  15. Did I miss something? What's the problem with the Alerus Center?

    It looses money?.....so. So does the Library, The Park Board, and other Government buildings/programs. Doesn't the Police and Fire department loose money too? :silly:

    I think peoples unreal expectations that it will makes money is the real problem.

    I agree with this. I don't care that the Alerus Center loses money because restaurants and hotels make money when events are scheduled there. The sales tax from the hotels, restaurants, and stores in GF go right back in to the the city budget. I think if you look over the last few years, you'll city sales tax revenues to be very good.

    Maybe the "building" loses money but the "city" makes money. That works for me!!!!

  16. I see Roehrich scored 31 last night. Who has seen her play? Will she be a major contributor next year?

    I am of the opinion that she will struggle as a freshman at UND. She only shoots 25% from the 3 pt. line and has scored 89 pts. from the FT line already this year (she is ave. 10 FT att./game). While her overall FG% is good (45%), I don't believe she'll get the same shots in college she gets in H.S.; she is not going to shoot 10 FT's a game in college.

    She is a tough one to figure. Her career in V-ball and Bball tell us she is a good athlete but if you watch her play, she doesn't blow by people with the dribble or anything special. She shoots a lot of layups off their press and, again, a lot of FT's. I would be interested to know how many DI offers she had before committing to UND. My guess is not very many. Wouldn't be surprised if the look hard at Redshirting her so she's a freshman in year 1 in the Big Sky.

  17. Here's something that isn't speculation. Danny has had numerous alcohol related incidents, and is often more intoxicated than he should be on a night where he is "celebrating". The writing on the wall here is that alcohol contributed to this sad and scary development. I wish Danny a speedy recovery and hope he is able to live as painless and normal life as he can after he heals from this injury. It seems like every year an alcohol related incident is coming out of this program, I understand "boys will be boys", but an issue as serious as this should serve as a wake up call to the program. Again I don't want to detract from the seriousness of the situation Danny finds himself in, I do wish however that the coaching staff and the team begin to promote and engage in more responsible behavior away from the rink.

    Important to remember that alcohol on college campuses has been, and will always be, an issue. Hockey players, and all those who participate in elite activities, because of who they are, do get singled out when an incident occurs. However, there are kids in the dorms, frats, apts., etc. who are waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of bounds in terms of drinking and partying each weekend. That's all over America too, we all know that. I believe our coaches do all they can to make their players understand the role and the responsibility they have to those roles within the community. Sadly, the message doesn't always register. This young man need to heal up so that life can continue and become normal again. Prayers for him, please!!!

  18. I've been lucky enough to know the man for 25 years and while some may not always like how he says it or how he does it, what he has meant to the University and the athletic dept. can never be disputed. 600 wins, 3 National Titles, countless conference championships, the incredible "national" rivalry with NDSU in the 90's and early part of the 21st century (you know, deep down, he misses coaching against Amy) :) , the individual awards won by his players, I could go on and on but I think you get it.

    While the transition to DI hasn't been much fun, Coach has never let up on the expectations of his teams/players. When they went DI, he scheduled DI, and while it has hurt the overall record, it is a testament to this man and his love of competition. He's not afraid of anything and teaching the game and playing the game is as important as whether he wins/loses. He expects to win every game he is a part of (including cards), and he holds his athletes to those same expectations. Most of them have risen to that expectation.

    He is a great man with a great family and we have been blessed to have him be apart of the SIOUX family for almost 25 years!!! Congrats coach!!!

  19. Shockingly, this bill comes to us from a legislator in a town near no state border with no significant state university presence. And who are the people getting pissed that we educate too many non-residents?


    I believe this guys issue isn't so much with the "out-of-staters" coming to school here as much as it is the number of them who come in on tuition waivers which means their time here is being paid for by the state/college they attend. He might want to check BSC and see how many waivers they actually give before he worries too much about UND and NDSU.

  20. The athletic department attributes any ticket sold prior to halftime of the first game to the women's attendance figures. Any additional tickets sold once the 2nd half of the women's game begins is attributed to the men's attendance figures and then added to the final attendance tally of the first game, which is why in the box score men's attendance is modestly higher than the women's game even though recent history suggests that many fans often left after the women's game.

    I had no idea they did it that way. Seems like a lot of work.

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