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Everything posted by UND92,96

  1. QB Returnees are Bradley and Comes. Incoming freshman is Mollberg. Possible early defection is Hendrickson. Seems likely at least one more newcomer will be added--probably a transfer. This position is the biggest question mark heading into 2012 IMO. RB Top three backs return in Miller, Sutton and Garman. Newcomer will be Sparks, and perhaps Butler if he is recovered from his injury. Shaugabay possibly moves to FB? Magstadt should be primary candidate to replace Solum at FB. WR Hardin, McGill, Townsend and Ivery lead a nice returning corps of receivers. If somebody can be found to get them the ball, this will be one of the better groups UND has had. TE Wisthoff and Nichols both return. Wisthoff being the primary blocker and Nichols being the bigger receiving threat. OL McGurran, Lynch, Kleason, Deneui and Gillson return with varying degrees of starting experience, and Walker played a lot this season also. Will be interesting to see who may challenge for playing time from the current group of red-shirts. DL Benjamin, Brenneman and Nelson return as staters, and Cummings and Henson also played a lot. This group should be one of the strengths of the team. OLB Andrews will be a returning starter, backed up by Finley. Bennett should start on the other side. Jablonski also received considerable playing time this season. ILB Both starters graduate, but Goodman and Otto should step in. Peters should be one backup. CB Brown will be a returning starter, and presumably Mackey and Hall will contend for the other starting position, with a number of red-shirts looking to challenge. S Three seniors graduate, with only Mersereau and Carr returning with any experience. Again, several red-shirts could contend for time. After QB, the secondary appears to be the biggest question mark heading into 2012. K/P Miller and Cameron both return.
  2. IMO, Goska's best game was last year against Lamar--229 passing yards, no int's and a td, and 95 rushing yards and a td. 324 total yards is probably too much to ask today, but 250-plus total yards would be huge. The running game has struggled the past few weeks, so we may need more running by Goska, either by design or scrambling.
  3. What's the best site to check for open dates for FCS schools? I checked the American Football Coaches Association site, but there wasn't anything there for 2012.
  4. That's what I was thinking also. If we can get over 10,000 on Saturday, given how attendance has been the past couple of seasons, it would probably be considered quite good. And with roughly 7700 tickets apparently spoken for right now, that seems like a decent possibility.
  5. Sandusky seems more like a Lionel Hutz client. Judge: Mr. Hutz, do you know you're not wearing any pants? Lionel Hutz: What? AAH! I move for a bad court thingy. Judge: You mean a mistrial? Lionel Hutz: Yeah... that's why you're the judge, and I'm the law... talkin'... guy.
  6. I'm thinking a lot of the old people probably moved into apartments once taking care of a house became too much work. Big mistake, as it turned out, once rent became cost-prohibitive. The next issue will be property taxes in Williston. Higher values=much higher property taxes.
  7. You're right. Screw grannie. She should have had the foresight not to sell her house if she wanted to stay in Williston.
  8. According to a tweet by Wisconsin Sports Network, UND has offered Kettle Moraine LB Jake Rademacher.
  9. I have no issue if somebody builds a new building, or if somebody moves out of an existing building. In that case, go ahead and rent it for whatever amount the market will bear. I'm not even especially bothered if the able-bodied non-oil patch workers are priced out. But to essentially kick out old people? No. That's just wrong IMO. Some form of rent control perhaps could have been enacted in Williston to prevent all the retiree renters from being priced out of town, but it's too late now.
  10. USD's starting qb played last week, so his injury from the Cal Poly game must not have been serious.
  11. I read a similar story in the Williston paper a couple months ago. I don't know how those landlords live with themselves.
  12. I remember a few years ago against USD when UND ran a lot of wildcat formation with Josh Murray taking the snaps, after seeing very little (if any) of it prior to that game. It was quite effective. My hope is that we see something similar, i.e. a completely new wrinkle of some kind, on Saturday as obviously the offense has struggled quite badly since the second half of the UNC game.
  13. It seems this is the first season I can recall where you could legitimately make the case that UND has been a better road team than home team. Regardless of the caliber of competition, I'd say a 3-0 road record vs. FCS teams is quite good.
  14. http://santamariatimes.com/high-school/aghs/flock-of-eagles-sign-on-the-dotted-line/article_35d3c926-0b6e-11e1-8444-001cc4c03286.html
  15. Some pretty famous people were apparently duped by Sandusky: http://www.thesecond...bod/bodHono.php
  16. I don't think so. However, I believe JoePa, the a.d., and assorted administrators could probably be subject to individual liability. And presumably JoePa in particular has very deep pockets.
  17. I was wondering what the potential financial ramifications could be for university if the expected flood of lawsuits happen, but I believe sovereign immunity may shield the university and the state from liability in these cases. Somebody else can chime in on that, but there are certain exceptions to the doctrine, and under Pennsylvania law I don't believe this would be a situation which would fall under one of the exceptions. I could be wrong though, as this is certainly not my area of expertise.
  18. If the rumors are true--and sadly most of them seem to be in this case--this is going to get even worse for Penn St. once all the dots are connected regarding Sandusky's "retirement".
  19. Hard to imagine Penn State's image could get much worse, but sadly some completely ignorant students are doing their best to make it happen.
  20. Paterno is out, as is Spanier, the Penn St. president.
  21. We know from multiple sources that Matt Van Scyoc was offered a scholarship for next year (but chose the Citadel). It seems pretty clear that at least one, and maybe more scholarships will be made available for next year. I doubt very much that comes as a huge surprise to the current player or players who would be most impacted by this.
  22. JoePa is "retiring" at the end of the season according to multiple reports.
  23. According to a Wayne Nelson tweet, McGill is "expected to play" this weekend.
  24. He was in uniform for the Sioux Falls game, although never played. SFI just tweeted this:
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