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Everything posted by UND92,96

  1. It's hard to be overly optimistic about this game. For one thing, UND is 3-7 vs. UNO over the past decade. Obviously the offense is struggling with Belmore at the helm, and even assuming Manke plays this week (and I believe he will), it's going to be asking a lot to expect him to be all that sharp after being off nearly a month. And UNO has played very well after their lop-sided loss to NW Mo. State. I guess the positive is that unlike the past few years, UNO doesn't have that big-play receiving threat like Krause or Denney. I think they're going to just pound the ball right at the UND defense, and besides the tight end, I don't think they can hurt you throwing the ball. The question is, will our defense be as strong vs. the run as it's been in the past? We haven't played a run-first team for some time. Without Digger, I'm uncertain how UND will stack up against this type of offense, although I have a lot of faith in the d-line and Brennan. I predict this will be one of those 20-point games that we've seen so often over the years. Whichever team can score 20 points probably wins. I would like to think even if Reed isn't 100%, he can find a way to move the ball against a good, but not great UNO defense. Their achilles heel is, like always, pass defense. UND didn't exploit that weakness last year, but of course that was with Belmore playing. I would like to think the same mistakes won't be made again. It's time to break the curse of Pat Behrns.
  2. USD scored in the last minute to pull out a 10-7 win at home over Central Washington. That's a total of 10 points for USD over the past two weeks. And I thought OUR offense was struggling!
  3. I don't think sticking up for JB means that people are condoning violence. Remember, in the article we're basically hearing one side of the story. I'm not sure how closely people actually read this article, but I just read it again, and it appears that JB's female companions and the alleged victim were the first to actually fight. Exactly who threw the first punch is unclear given we only have the alleged victim's side of the story. However, let's say for the sake of argument that in JB's eyes, this woman who supposedly was using racial epithets towards him was now fighting with his female friends. Is it still completely unacceptable to use violence in this circumstance, i.e. if you see somebody fighting with family or friends? I think it's a valid question. I don't think JB used good judgment, but I think there are some extenuating circumstances here that make things more complicated than they may appear at first. JB has no history of being violent as far as I know. I'm not going to throw him under the bus for this, at least not without hearing his side of the story.
  4. From Frank Fee's column (KROX radio web site):
  5. UND92,96

    Reed Manke

    If true, I have mixed feelings about this. I would certainly not be disappointed if Belmore wasn't playing, but neither do I want Manke to come back too soon and risk further injury. I'd kind of like to see what Freund can do if given a chance.
  6. UND92,96


    One thing that needs to change if UND is going to continue winning is the turnover differential. Right now, UND has seven turnovers, while the opponents have just four. It's unusual for a successful team to have a negative turnover margin. It's almost unbelievable that the Sioux have yet to recover a fumble on the season through five games!
  7. I believe either one or two starters returned this year. Last year's senior class was outstanding, with 6 or 7 signing with dII programs (4 at UND).
  8. What really concerns me about Belmore is the fact that over the past four games in which he's played all or nearly all the game, he's accounted for 10 turnovers (9 picks, 1 lost fumble), while throwing just four td passes (0 rushing td's). Maybe one or two of the picks weren't his fault, but even giving him the benefit of the doubt on that, it's still an awful ratio. The general consensus seems to be that he completely lost his confidence late last year. Anybody want to venture a guess as to his level of confidence now? It will be interesting to watch Sioux Sports Weekly tonight to see if the picks were as bad as they sounded.
  9. It definitely won't be close. Central is way down this year.
  10. We'll have to see what becomes of the current group of South seniors, but other than Roehl, I don't think anybody from that West Fargo team has gone on to play college football at a level higher than perhaps the DAC (and I don't know if any are playing there). I think this South team is quite a bit better than any West Fargo teams since the days of Ross Brennan. The WF team when Ross Brennan and Caleb Johnson were seniors was very, very good, however.
  11. I don't think it's worth arguing about, but how about this: Chris Beatty is a 6th-year senior, gained over a 1000 yards last year, and isn't getting any time this year. If Strouth is as hobbled as it appears he might be, what's wrong with letting Beatty play more? In the scheme of things, is Beatty any less of a "major piece of the puzzle" than is Strouth?
  12. 35 carries for 82 yards. I think it's important to keep in mind that UND still has Beatty, who was a 1000 yard rusher last year but has just three carries so far this year, and Brady, who was number one on the depth chart until a few days before the opener. Even though I like Strouth, I feel like if he's not 100% healthy, or if he's not producing at or near the level of his 2004 season, then Beatty and/or Brady should be getting more carries. I like the constrasting styles of Chappell with more of a power back, rather than two smaller, speedy backs sharing the carries.
  13. I don't necessarily want to bury Strouth on the depth chart, but I really have to question whether he's healthy. Through four games, his per carry average is roughly half of his career average. I could dismiss it after a game or two, but we're now nearly halfway through the regular season. The line seems to be opening holes for Chappell, which would seem to suggest that perhaps the problem lies with Strouth having lost a step or two since his surgery?
  14. I haven't seen any of the pickup games, but I hear that the captain's practices have been extremely intense and demanding. It sounds like the work ethic is very good. I'm looking for huge things out of Kimbrough this year. With teams having to collapse on her and Langen inside, it should provide for a ton of open looks by the perimeter players.
  15. Press release for the UND-Augie game. Looking at the depth chart, I'm assuming it's just a matter of nobody bothering to update it since last week. Is it really possible that Strouth is still ahead of Chappell given the huge disparity between their numbers so far this year?
  16. Besides Richard and Solum, do you know what other South players are being recruited by dII or above schools? Does UND have any chance of getting Solum?
  17. In kind of an interesting coincidence, for the second week in a row UND plays a team who UNO ran for over 400 yards against the week before. Hopefully the same mistake won't be made this week by waiting until the second half to turn Chappell loose. I'd love to see a steady dose of Chappell/Beatty, with an occasional deep ball to Dressler to keep the defense somewhat honest. Belmore does generally throw a nice deep ball. Giving Dressler a few carries might not be a bad idea, either. Defensively, I would look for Augie to do much of what Western Washington did, as Flyger is a pretty good quarterback and they have a nice group of receivers.
  18. I know Krusenstjerna and Cochran have both gotten scout player of the week honors.
  19. I always thought that UND coaches were typically on one-year contracts, with Lennon's extension last year being the exception? Anyone know for sure?
  20. It looks like Augie can be run upon, and that UNO seems to have righted the ship the past two weeks, especially offensively. link.
  21. Western Washington has some talent, but they lost to Humboldt State (who is by no means an NCC-caliber team), and got hammered AT HOME last week by UNO. I would have far less of a problem with today's game had it been on the road. At home, the fact that Western Washington was in a position to win the game in the final minute is a big concern to me.
  22. I would agree that they are clearly better than last year, but to struggle against them as UND did is a concern, because improved or not, they're still going to finish at or near the bottom of the conference. Traditionally, that's not the type of team that should hang with UND until the last minute in the Alerus. I think the defense will get itself straightened out in short order, but the offense without Manke is a concern. I can almost guarantee that teams are going to sell out to stop the run, and dare Belmore to beat them throwing the ball. Given the way that he's played since his troubles really began in the MSU-Mankato game last year, that makes me very nervous.
  23. Is Strouth healthy? On the season, he has 35 carries for just 82 yards. By way of comparison, Chappell has 35 carries for 261 yards.
  24. Honestly, I don't think any team in ND this year has a realistic chance to beat them, barring a slew of injuries to key FS players. I believe Bismarck High is clearly the second-best team in the state, but if they couldn't come within 21 points on their home field, it's difficult to believe they'll fare much better at the Alerus, should they reach the championship.
  25. Definitely offensive lineman Austin Richard. I'd be surprised if any others go I-A.
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