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Everything posted by UND92,96

  1. I have to defend NDSU grad on this one. According to the post by "Marlins" earlier in this thread, Cavil had offers from UND, USD and UMD. He definitely knows Wisconsin recruiting, as he talks to pretty much all these kids. In terms of head-to-head "wins" in the recruiting game so far this year, Wisthoff for sure was offered by NDSU. I don't know one way or the other about the rest of the UND commits. I know there was considerable NDSU interest in Nichols and McGurran, but whether offers were actually made I can't say.
  2. I believe it's more or less simply a kid who is invited to walk-on (as opposed to the player contacting the coach and asking to walk-on). There may be a bit more to it than that, but I believe that's the gist of it, anyway. EDIT: This is from Wikipedia:
  3. According to a post by what I consider a very credible poster on the wisconsin sports network board, WR Jon Heimler (6-3, 189) from Menomonie is still deciding between UND and a preferred walk-on invite from Wisconsin.
  4. Things should start happening again soon with regard to the presidency. On-campus interviews are to take place sometime in January (according to the above-mentioned Nov. 28 Herald article), with a new president expected to be named in early February. Hopefully then the a.d. hiring process will then begin in earnest.
  5. Yeah, me and about 99% of the other posters on this board who never sign their real names.
  6. UND has reportedly offered Fennimore (WI) linebacker Tyrell Rosemeyer: link
  7. UND92,96

    new coach?

    This link contains a fair amount of info on UND coaches' salaries and projections for future years.
  8. I believe all I really said was: Can we call a truce and drop this matter?
  9. It's ridiculous that Twamley would really care about who gets hired as volleyball coach.
  10. *sigh* I now wish I hadn't even brought this up, but here goes: I DON'T THINK RALSTON WAS AT FAULT FOR LENNON LEAVING! Are we now clear on that? I didn't really even think this thread had anything to do with Lennon. Some had brought up who is supposedly at fault for any perceived turmoil in the department. I'm not even saying there's turmoil, but I attempted to use facts to say that I felt it was fair to question Ralston's decisionmaking. If you disagree, that's fine. However, given how I phrased my initial post, I feel that you personally attacking me was uncalled-for, and wrong. I'm not saying Ralston should be fired. I don't know what kind of job she's doing overall. If the next a.d. feels like she's doing a good job, then presumably she'll remain after her currrent contract is up. If not, perhaps she won't. If I were a.d., I'd probably want to surround myself to the extent possible with people I hired, but maybe that's just me. Congratulations. Whose ultimate responsibility was it hire a head coach in any sport? Tom Buning. Who has more knowledge about volleyball as between Buning and Ralston? Ralston. So yeah, there should be blame placed on both, but clearly Ralston must bear some of the blame for what appears to be a rather poor hire. Also, whose job was it to sift through the men's basketball applications, which ended up giving us as finalists Jones, two dII assitants, and a high school coach? As for your comment about a mandate from University Relations, that's ridiculous and you know it. With all this said, I now plan on never criticizing another UND administrator again. It's not worth the backlash, regardless of how fair the criticism may be.
  11. I agree (not that anyone cares what I think ). If nothing else, he would be a strong leader, and wouldn't be afraid to make decisions. However, simply because of who he is, I think people would be more accepting and receptive of decisions which may otherwise be controversial coming from a so-called outsider.
  12. Don't assume anything. You know the rest of the expression, I'm sure. So you're saying that the SWA who used to be a dI volleyball coach shouldn't have any responsibility for hiring an inexperienced volleyball coach at UND who is clearly not doing a good job? Whatever. I never said there was any evidence of Kojich doing anything wrong. I just think in a situation where you have a SWA with such a "connection" to Twamley, perhaps it could be construed as potentially blurring the lines of who's "really" in charge? I know I'm not the only one who thinks that. As for my identity, it's none of your business. I do not, and never have worked at UND. Neither has my wife or any member of my family. That's all you need to know.
  13. UND92,96

    new coach?

    That seems rather hard to believe considering he's on record as being interested in the Mankato job again this time around (at least before Lennon's departure) despite the impending scholarship cut necessitated by joining the NSIC.
  14. UND92,96

    new coach?

    Feel free to doubt Tibesar's interest, but it wouldn't be difficult to confirm or refute. Remember, his brother is on the team. I'd be very interested to know which of the two the majority of the players would prefer.
  15. Frankly, I resent that. I don't blame Ralston for Lennon's departure, but I believe the two examples I gave of her glaring mistakes are 100% accurate. If people have contrary opinions on her job performance, let's hear them. EDIT: BTW, I also don't think it's a good idea to have one spouse working in a high-ranking athletic department capacity, and the other in Twamley. It at least creates the potential for problems.
  16. UND92,96

    new coach?

    I just can't buy that timing requires a hire from within. I'd rather hire the right coach and take a probable hit to one recruiting class than to pass over the ideal candidate. It's not like we have a national championship to shoot for during the next four years.
  17. I agree, although they were in foul trouble in the first half. On a related note, I couldn't believe the Montana State coach played Mercer in the first half with two fouls and a lead. Of course, she promptly picked up her third.
  18. UND92,96

    new coach?

    The salary for a head football coach at UND is already budgeted. I would have absolutely no problem paying Tibesar what Lennon was scheduled to make. FCS football is supposed to be a step up, right? While one could argue that taking a paycut makes little sense, again how do we know that Prince's job isn't in serious jeopardy? Does it make more sense for Tibesar to just wait for the axe to fall? Maybe this would just be an example of being proactive; getting head coaching experience; and going back to his alma mater (and his wife's home town).
  19. UND92,96

    new coach?

    A lot of things are easy to say on a message board. But how many of us have actually spoken to Tibesar? How secure is the Kansas State situation? How happy is he there? These are things most of us can't answer. I don't pretend that I can. But some people who are pretty close to the program claim he's interested in the UND job. That alone makes it worth at least talking to him if I'm Steve Brekke. If money is always the be all/end all in the world of college coaching, how does one explain why Bohl is still in Fargo? Don't you suppose he made a heck of a lot more at Nebraska before he was fired? Conventional wisdom might suggest he'd be anxious to get back to that level (or preferably above) as soon as possible.
  20. UND92,96

    new coach?

    A lot more than he'd make as the head coach at UND. But some decisions are not just money-driven.
  21. UND92,96

    new coach?

    Ironically enough, I believe Jerry Kill also endorsed the SIU offensive coordinator to be his successor.
  22. As I was watching the game, I knew the Sioux were shooting a very high second-half percentage, but I didn't realize until I saw the box score that they were 21-25! Unbelievable!
  23. UND92,96

    new coach?

    I look at this situation somewhat similarly to what we saw after RT took the UND a.d. job in 1999. You had the in-house candidate (offensive coordinator Randy Hedberg), and the popular ex-defensive coordinator (Lennon). Now, we have the in-house candidate (Mussman), and potentially the popular ex-defensive coordinator (Tim Tibesar). I'd like to see history repeat itself with this hire. I believe this is too important of a decision not to open things up to outside candidates. Yes, that may have an adverse effect on this year's recruiting class, but that's a small price to pay in the long run. I mean no disrespect to Mussman, but he's apparently been trying for several years to land a head coaching job, and he's not been able to do so. If that's true, it concerns me.
  24. Per today's Herald, Kyle Cavil has committed to UND. Also, the Haugeberg commitment is confirmed. [url="http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/index.cfm?id=62097
  25. I think some legitimate questions can be asked about Ralston's ability to work well with people and make good decisions. Her supposed expertise is volleyball, and how has that hire worked out so far? I believe she was also responsible for a very poor finalist for the men's basketball job (the fired Eastern Illinois assistant who was coaching in high school when he applied for the UND job).
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