I've been thinking about this since Friday. I'm totally OK with reviewing for offsides, but like you said, only if the goal was scored on a rush. I'd like to see a time limit set on how far back they can go to look for offsides. For example, if the puck entered the zone more than five or ten seconds prior to the goal being scored (which is a lot of time when you're talking about a line rush), and the linesman called it onside, then it shouldn't be allowed to be overturned.
Obviously Hoff being two inches further too far forward on zone entry didn't affect the outcome of the play considering how much play went on between zone entry and goal score, but it cost us the game even though during the flow of game play the linesman said it was ok.
I understand why they called it the way they did and I won't complain about it, because they called it by the rule book. But in the same way they changed the "crease violation" rule after the 2003 (I think) National Championship game, I think this rule needs to be looked at.