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The Walrus

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Posts posted by The Walrus

  1. I believe the NSIC was closing in on the NCC in most sports except football and maybe womens bball. I don't think the old NCC would compete in the last years with mens bball with Winona or Vball with Concordia St. Paul. These sports have been stronger for a couple years previous to UND's move. Now with Bemidji's trip to the frozen 4, it looks like a great year for them as a DII conference(granted Bemidji is DI hockey). What I have heard is there will be some more additions to their conference, including Morningside and University of Sioux Falls, with that said, their conference will become tougher to schedule with because of the size of the conference, causing more scheduling difficulties for the Sioux for non conference games. I think the NSIC will become very popular because the local kids will be playing in this conference, be it Northern State University, UMD, or Bemidji State. They are competitive nationwide as a conference, and the locals love to see the local kids do well and the NSIC has done very well with national champions in Vball, womens bball, mens football, and who knows....Bemidji hockey..Yo, Walrus, gotta love the volleyball right? :lol:

    I totally agree that the NSIC conference was closing the gap, so to speak. I do not remember the NCC having such a 4-5 year run like the NSIC is having now, with the National Titles in Major sports. I will miss the "Local Athlete" particapting at UND, we may have a few, but if we are no going to compete with the "Big Boys and Girls", I think we will see less and less "Local" talent.

    Fine line between Wining and Losing, but to make it to the National Title game in the Major sports at the D2 level and then win it, against anywhere from 100 to 300 schools, that is a feather in the NSIC cap.

    Bump, Set, Spike....my friend :)

  2. Not a deeply religious guy, but do believe in God. Allot of us have been there and experienced this. This gives one a idea of how hard these fights are 97 or 09. I am continually amazed and inspired by the strength and resolve of all our Midwestern neighbors, friends and families.......and today is Sunday (so I posted it)


  3. The Northern Sun Athletic conference would now have to rank up there as on of the Top D2 conferences in the Nation. I believe in the last 4-5 years they have 2 Men's Basketball National Titles, 2 Womens Volleyball National Titles, 1 Mens Football National Title, 1 Womens Basketball National Title......

    am I correct or missing anymore....?

    Is this because of the migration to D1 by some of the region power schools, or have they developed that fast.....? Thoughts....?

  4. Regardless of my/our outcome, the people of this city and area...especially the youth, need to be recognized for the effort they put forth to try to save this city/area. Also a huge thank you to those who risked their own safety to come here to help from other cities and states.

    Take time today to hug your spouse and kids and tell them you love them because as we are finding out very quickly, very little else matters in the big picture!

    Best Post of the Year....!

    Good Luck to you Oxbow, bottom line is that the people of North Dakota are true and geniune. Our thoughts continue to be with you.

  5. The NWS is now predicting the crest for Grand Forks will be between 50 and 53 feet. At what level does the Kennedy bridge have to be closed?

    EDIT: According to the city's website, at 52.6 feet there is water on the Gateway Drive approach on the MN side.

    We lose alot of Homes along the outskirts of the City (GF County) at 52-53 Feet......(sad)

  6. Somebody can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Rico suffered an injury either in or immediately before that game, and he played at well under 100%. And I don't believe there was much backcourt depth that year. UND probably was the best team in dII that year, but only when all the key players were healthy.

    Correct...Enter the ever dangerous 3 point threat "Whiskey" Mike Wiskus......lol He was fun to watch shoot, could not dribble the ball to half court.

  7. Easier than both of these is making the final five in the wcha and stepping into the ncaa tournament. To win the Summit regular season and get the #1 seed to set yourself up for winning the tournament, we had to go 16-2 and 26-6. You can mail it in at just above .500 and boom . . . final five . . get a hot goalie boom . . . ncaa tournament. You can stumble for half the regular season and pull out ncaa berth from nowhere as more than 25% team make the national tournament. If the gophers happen to get in this year, case in point. It seem like reputation and fan base are as important as anything in making the ncaa tournament in hockey, espcially where MN is concerned. Just an outsiders view.

    I am extremely happy and proud that a North Dakota School (NDSU) is going to the Big Dance on a National Stage. Looking at this realiatically NDSU had a 1 out of 8 chance to accomplish this feat (win the tourney your in) 1st round of the NCAA, I hope they play well win and advance.

  8. Congrats on getting to Dance close to home....

    I really wanted to go see UNI, not sure I'm going to make the trip to Portland....?

    Side Note: Ask Jim what kind of server he is using, everytime I check in on Bisonville lately you guys are down. Going to be D1 you need a D1 message board that can handle the traffic....lol / just kidding sort of...

  9. Great Win for the NDSU Bison Basketball program.....They derserve to Dance....Congrats

    Little confused on the play of Woodside the last 3-4 minutes.....chucked up a brick 3, had a drive to the hoop blocked should have dished off..?, then the Bison up 2 with 1 minute to play...they clear out for Woodside to go one on one and he chucks up a 35 foot 3....? (missed).....Then after Oakland ties it he goes down with 11 seconds left and hits the game wining two.....Ends up being the MVP

    Fine line between Wining and Losing, glad it all worked out.....Enjoy the moment, these are never easy and the Bison derserve to Dance.

  10. Doug McDermott visited UND with his Mom and Dad the weekend when the 89-90 team was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Doug really enjoyed his visit here and would very much like to be a Sioux. I'm not so sure we will have any schollies left for his position...? and I am not sure that he will walk-on. I believe that he will be allot like Greg and mature a little later, a redshirt would definitely help him, and I feel that by the time he is a Junior / Senior in College he could be a legit Big 12 type player. He really understands the game, and loves to play it. Doug leads the State of Iowa H.S> in FG %, once hitting 15 in a row over 2 games. It does help that on his team in Ames is Harrison Barnes, probably one of the top 3 recruits in the country right now, going to a Ames H.S. BBall games is like the movie "Blue Chips" with at least 5-7 big time coaches always there, from Roy Williams, Coach K, Bill Self, Tom Izzo and more....

    Doug would be a great get for UND.....

  11. this story appeared in the online version of the Herald BRIEFLY on Friday - literally for a few hours on Friday afternoon

    I read the online version of the Hearld, regularly, I get email updates for breaking news...? never saw this, and this is the 1st I have heard that the Hearld had it online 1st......?

    (can anybody provide any proof of this, It would really change a few things)

    I agree... the fact that both of these "media outlets" are owned by the same corporation, and are thus, in reality, accountable to the same people, really bothers me. ;) Obviously they want to maintain the front that their respective "editorial boards" are acting independently, but really???

    What do you think prompted WDAZ to run with this story on a 10 pm Friday Newscast...? I can not believe that is their highest rated News slot.....?

  12. I'm on Teeder's side on this one, WDAZ was the 1st to jump into the mud puddle, and I'm guessing they were not sitting on the story for 3 weeks like the Herald was (can not believe I'm defending the Herald).

    One only has to look back at the covering of the Robbie Bina incident as it was the lead story like 6 news casts in a row (3-4 days) I'm not sure it made page 1 at the Herald, and was only printed once I believe until the court date came to pass. I was so infuriated by this I personally called Bob Kerr. WDAZ singled out a College kid that happened to play Hockey, and made him famous in a unpopular way (Robbie was not without guilt, but the notoriety was way more than he deserved)

    This is a sad story and I wish that no one would have reported it, we all would have found out eventually in the small town of let me tell you what I heard. I do not think the Hearld would have ever published anything if WDAZ would not have aired their broadcast, but then It put the Hearld in a incompetent, I need to now justify our selfs position, this in my opinion is why they reported it when the did, they felt they had too.

    I have had more than enough of personal run ins with the Hearld and their printing stories (imo) incorrectly, inaccurately, and irresponsibly, but on this one I actually agree that they were trying to do the right thing and not tarnish a family of a Great Man and his legacy.

  13. I meant the story made me shake my head. I think it's sad that a great man's memory is now tainted with a storyline better meant for pulp fiction or soap opera than a period of mourning. Is that the Herald's fault? No. I think it's interesting that the Herald sat on the story until another outlet scooped it and then the paper ran the story with this sort of lurid detail. I don't think I'm a better person, let alone a better-informed person for having read the story. Is it news? Yes, but the tone seems likely to create in the public arena more heat than light.

    I agree wholeheartly.....sad

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