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Posts posted by jimdahl

  1. I think I have the bracket working. As usual, I'll start with a "soft launch", so take a look and let me know of any problems with either submission or the layout of the bracket (e.g. do the matches look right?)


    Who will join the illustrious list below?

    2016 UND1981 / stack / nhockey30 / ringneck28 / bigskyvikes (UND National Championship year)
    2015 WiSioux
    2014 johndahl
    2013 FSSD/Brainerd Sioux
    2012 mj3und
    2011 tho0505
    2009 Big A HG
    2008 willtippen
    2007 seanpc03
    2006 teamsioux
    2005 mynameiscuomo
    2004 paul62/BigGreyAnt41/brew003/UP2SKI

    Edit- a previous draft of this post was up for about 30 seconds before I realized it wasn't ready and pulled it down. Sorry if you jumped in during that time to find a disabled save button, I think it's all working now.

  2. 2 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    I prefer Hofbräu but can you really go wrong with any of the old time German breweries?

    Spaten FTW.

    But I mostly jumped in for the discussion of Guinness at St. James Gate vs. U.S. They make it quite clear there should be absolutely no difference between a Guinness on draft there vs in U.S. It's all brewed there and should not change appreciably in a sealed keg over a few weeks. Unless you're in a hole in the U.S. with dirty lines and a two month old keg, it's the same. But no one likes to say that, because it makes their trip to Dublin less special :) The brewery is a destination unto itself, worthy of the pilgrimage, but the beer is the same.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I updated the forum so logins are secure, like when you do online banking or shopping (for the techies, it now uses https for logins so your login information is encrypted during transmission).

    There's a small chance this might cause some people problems logging in, particularly with older browsers. Let me know if it does.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Alright, clearly there's a problem.

    I'm turning off automatic registrations for a while. Anyone who registers for a new account will require manual approval from me, which will create a bit of a delay. I hate to do it this time of year, so sorry for the inconvenience.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 1 hour ago, darell1976 said:

    Spammers are back.

    Yep, thanks. The best way you all can help is when you see one pop up, hit the "report" button and that dispatches an email to all the mods. One of us is then able to jump on it pretty quickly.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I personally wouldn't mind having a buy/sell/trade forum.

    But, normally we do such a thing when there's a problem with a topic dominating a forum, so we split it out into its own. I don't feel like the number of buy/sell/trade threads in any of the sports forums is overwhelming, and I think the people who participate in the buy/sell/trade threads in the hockey forum actually appreciate the increased traffic it gets from being in that forum. That's my one concern with just giving it a shot, is if we forced the sale threads into a separate forum would the decreased traffic harm them?

    I don't have a strong opinion on this, that's just my gut reaction. 

  7. 9 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    I contribute nothing? I am a die hard fan who was going to games since I was 8 years old. I have attended 2 football games this season, plus i actively partake in this non affiliated message board about the school I love. Don't you dare tell me I contribute nothing. As a moderator you should be ashamed by making a statement like that about an active member. Maybe Jim Dahl needs to revolk your moderator privledge. 

    Yep, let's all keep the discussions about the topic and not personal details of other posters. Thanks!

    • Upvote 3
  8. On September 8, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Ray77 said:



    Microsoft Edge (I just tested and appears that it works in Internet Explorer)

    It seems to be an issue with the W10 Anniversary Update's version of Edge and the CKEditor (third party editor the forum uses):


    Because it involves a third party component, I'm guessing it will take slightly longer than usual for the vendor to fix it.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Cratter said:

    B I u $ (hyperlink), quote, code box symbol, smilies, bullets, numbers, left middle right align, text color, text size, and a preview button is all that's on that toolbar.

    Hmm.... maybe I just see it because I'm a moderator. Well, there goes that idea. I'll do some more digging with the vendor on the edit issues.

    Again, Android is so prevalent that it's hard to believe it's a general Android issue.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Cratter said:

    Do you know where the source view is? I don't see it.

    In the little toolbar for the editor window (top of the message editing window) there is a button labeled "Source" in the upper left. It should be there on all screen sizes/resolutions. That toggles you from WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) mode to html/bbcode (shows you the markup). 

  11. Silly question, but the behavior on your devices is so erratic... have you tried clearing the caches/deleting local files? If your browsers were somehow running old versions of the files, that could lead to very erratic behavior.

  12. 21 hours ago, Cratter said:

    Sorry but this version of the software is horrendous, from virtually not being able to delete previous quotes to not being able to edit saves....not to mention copy pasted links only show up as http something unclickable.

    On mobile android phone and fire tablet.

    Wow, that's quite a list. Sorry to hear you're having so many problems!

    If a quote box is selected (if not, click the title portion of it) hitting delete works on all the platforms I have access to, but it doesn't include those you mentioned (though those are quite common, so it's hard to believe they're not tested). In the rare occasion that doesn't work, you can always still toggle to the "Source" view and just wipe out the text and the markup.

    Pasted links don't turn into something clickable until you actually post. It causes problems with the editing to make them live while in editing mode. You might also be running into an issue related to its attempts to smartly expand links--e.g. a link to youtube gets converted to an embedded video instead of left as a link.

    Not familiar with can't edit problem... is this immediately after posting? We have a time limit set where you can't edit posts after they've posted for a while because at that point they've become part of the conversation and modifying them disturbs that.

  13. Sorry, I'm always slow during the summer...

    Yeah, the way all browsers work is that they load everything they need for the page (which causes the page to keep redrawing as new stuff loads), then jump to the right part of the page only once everything is loaded.

    This actually isn't a case where the browser cache should matter much (that comes into play when there's a forum upgrade that replaces a file with a new one with the same name, but your browser keeps using the old one that it has cached). But, marking all as read, or even clearing the cookies, might.

    I'm also a couple minor releases behind, so will update the forum software soon, which fixes lots of small stuff.

  14. An opinion piece on the Skins name from a long-time outspoken critic  (from https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/im-dropping-my-protest-of-washingtons-football-team-name/2016/05/19/b09e8e7e-1cfe-11e6-8c7b-6931e66333e7_story.html?hpid=hp_local-news_o-mccartney-815am%3Ahomepage%2Fstory):


    Still, non-Indian critics like me can’t ignore the poll results or pretend they make no difference.


    Many of us thought we were defending a group that needed support. But it feels presumptuous for us to say we know Indians’ interests better than they do. We can’t argue that 9 out of 10 Indians somehow just don’t realize they’re being insulted. Some Indians told The Post that they actively support the name, because its use means Native Americans haven’t been forgotten.


    In light of the new facts, we non-Indian critics should stop pressing the team to change its name.
     If we really want to help Indians, we should instead advocate for better schools, job opportunities and social services for them.


    I realize this lets down the minority of Native Americans who view the name as a vital problem. These advocates include many tribal leaders, educators, lawyers and journalists. They contend that the Washington team’s name perpetuates damaging stereotypes, as do other uses of Native American names and imagery as sports mascots.

    But they have been pushing this argument for decades with little impact among the people they say they represent. Nearly three-quarters of Indians in the Post poll said they were “not at all” bothered by the use of Native American imagery in sports. The split between leaders and followers is so great that I don’t see how a non-Indian can champion the position backed by a sliver of the community.


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