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Everything posted by mikeypat15

  1. Let's stay classy Sioux fans
  2. What Kangas and his roommate did after the game last night in their hotel room is their business.
  3. I was at the practice today and saw the announcement, got some great pics of Toews, Kane, and Soupy with their new jerseys
  4. I won't be studying for any of my finals. There also open book if that doesn't count.
  5. That is one reason I'm surprised UND hasn't decided to close up shop tomorrow. It would suck if you get up to go to a final and your car doesn't start but are too far to walk, what are you to do, finals have no exceptions.
  6. But IMO safety should be the main concern. I could care less I do not have a final tomorrow so this is just my unbiased opinion.
  7. UND close It won't happen as long as the director of finance (i.e. the person who is worried about making money) has that power in his or her hands.
  8. NWS has instruments
  9. GFK is ok a couple inches just a ton of wind and blowing snow, Fargo got crushed by the sounds of it
  10. One could blame it on the weather, but I think the Sioux ran them out of town. In all seriousness I do hope they got home safely.
  11. I called looking for prices, PM me please if still available
  12. The story was run on MSNBC and a Europeon Hawks fan is saying it was run in all the papers over there
  13. Every game is on TV this year with no blackouts. Also again if you want to watch Hawks games in good quality check out ATDHE.net they always have a feed and it is excellent quality.
  14. In my defense I did not write this, I copied and pasted off the Hawks forum.
  15. Heard about this a few weeks ago but this is the first text of the story I have seen. In the middle of a grueling six game road trip where a very young hockey team is away from home, the third game of the trip ends late on a cold Canadian Saturday night. This is the only break on the trip and the three days between games allow them the only break to get back home in their own beds for a couple of days before going back on the road. A scheduled commercial flight waits for them at Toronto's International Airport for the short flight home; they could be home by midnight. This plane departs on schedule, but without a single member of the hockey team. Back in the locker room a vote is taken after the game was complete, and a unanimous decision is made by this young team to skip this flight and stay one more day. They make arrangements to check back in the hotel and on a frozen Sunday morning charter two buses that have no heat and begin a journey two hours straight north into a sparsely inhabited Canada ,but where hockey is its passion. They arrive at their destination to the surprise of the team's general manager who is there attending his fathers wake. After a few emotional hours, this team boards the buses and head back for a two-hour trip back to Toronto . On the way they ask the drivers to stop in a tiny Canadian town because they are hungry. To the shock of the patrons and workers at this small hockey town McDonald's, a professional team walks out of two rickety buses and into the restaurant, which just happens to have pictures of two members of this team on its wall. The patrons know every single one of these players by sight being fanatic fans of hockey in these parts. One can only imagine their amazement of the locals seeing and entire professional hockey team sit down and have a meal in their tiny little town in the middle of a hockey season. After a while they board the buses and catch their same flight 24 hours later, giving one day to their general manager. This a true story of the Chicago Blackhawks last Saturday night and they decided to attend Dale Tallon's fathers funeral. Its amazing that such a good story can be found nowhere on the internet, and not even mentioned in the Chicago papers. Had one of the Blackhawks got into a fight and punched some drunk in a Toronto bar, or said something derogatory about some ex-girlfriend, it would be plastered all over papers and the television. This being said, its hard to imagine any professional football, basketball or baseball team doing this, but the members of the Blackhawks claim any "hockey" team would have done this. This is one reason I continue to be a huge hockey fan, and another reason I am excited about this Chicago team. I thought I would share as this story appears to have gone unnoticed. EDIT: ALSO IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED THE BLACKHAWKS GAME WILL BE STREAMED ON WWW.ATDHE.NET AT 730 LOCAL TIME
  16. The Hawks have "The Orchard" video which is essentially the same thing and changes every season. I do not know if the Ralph somewhat modeled after theres. 2008-2009 Orchard Video
  17. $75 Friday Night UPPER Saturday Night LOWER Includes Minnesota Series Private Message please
  18. I'm biased also, and it looks like your a fellow Hawks fan, let's beat Phoenix tonight. But.....as Toews biased as I am, I think his fellow teammate has topped him so far this year. His name is VERSTEEG!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chYWsZh-zjE
  19. Johnny T just got his second, anyone smelling 1st career hat trick?
  20. Johnny T may easily just had a Sportscenter Top 10, much like last years goal against Colorado
  21. Oompa Loompa Brad Shep (I swear he looks like one while skating around) missed too many calls including at least 3 CFB.
  22. Toews just scored his first fight. Pretty much a draw but Toews scores a takedown.
  23. Eidesness, said and done Dear E, Please paint that greenish-blue thing that protects your back, I keep thinking your underwear is showing.
  24. So it looks like Toews was the brunt of a couple pranks last year. Enjoy!! Pick (On) A Teammate
  25. Vandevelde should now be the man we put on the ice when the other team pulls there goalie
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