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Everything posted by sioux7>5

  1. OK I am going to ask the question has anyone started the Firehak website yet. I am not saying he should be fired at all. I think Hak is a good coach but at what point does it come down to coaching. This team is loaded with talent and not performing to me that is coaching. I realize the coach can't play the game, but he sure as hell should have them motivated to play. To me this team looks uninspired and just not playing together. That again is coaching. OK that is all. Have a nice day. I for one will keep cheering and hoping for the best.
  2. Shappard had everything to do with that call. I was at Senser's watching the game and even the Gopher fans around me were pissed about that call. Everyone of them said it should ahve been a penaly shot. We should have not let it come down to that, but Sheppard made a horrible call, and I would have loved to see Hak just punch him right in the damn mouth for it. That was ridiculous. What a horrible weekend.
  3. I have been there several times and I am there for the games. That was a pretty ridiculous statement
  4. Good Luck Phil. My prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family. God Bless. Rivalries are one thing, but this type of thing should never happen to someone so young.
  5. That is just craztalk. I think it is great. You know these girls from NYC are just livid about this. To bad America's Next Top Model was cancelled.
  6. sioux7>5


    I was starting to wonder where your loyalities were. I was also wondering if you became a Gopher fan recently?
  7. sioux7>5


    Thanks Buddy and how are you. i will be at the WI series this weekend
  8. sioux7>5


    So now I am insane. I was just making a point. Yes I think a tie and a win by one goal in Mankato is not a #1 team. I am sorry if you do not agree with me. But watch the personal attacks please.
  9. sioux7>5


    Number 1 I am not stupid or full of sh%$. All I was saying when I wrote this question is, that the Goofs barely beat Mankato, a unranked team. A tie and a one goal win. I realize a win is a win. I just do not think that they should have kept their ranking after that weekend. I do not disagree with them being #1 before that, but after last weekend, they do not deserve it in my opinion.
  10. Why is it your way or no way. If the court rules in UND's favor, why is it not done. Why do you feel that you have the only opinion that matters. When UND wins and they will, you need to accept it as you would want us to do if UND loses, which they won't. I do not understand they mentality there can be no compromise. You want all or nothing and that will get you no where in life.
  11. sioux7>5


    I just saw the newest poll and Minnesota is still ranked #1, what that makes no sense. They tie and barely beat a unranked team and they retain the # 1 position. Someone please explain. This truly makes no sense. But if I had to venture a guess I would say it is jsut becasue they are Minnesota. That really is the only explanation.
  12. Mr. LaPoint should still be in jail for what he did to you. No justice at all, none what so ever.
  13. As we always said, this is an issue a few people have got on a soap box about and shouted so loud that someone paid attention to them. But it is the silent majority that is not being heard. UND will win come April and I am of that 100%. The NCAA over steped the boundary and now they need to slapped back into shape. I am just proud that it is UND doing the slapping. It was about time someone stood up to them.(Hope I spelled everything correctly this time. (I do not want to be fried instead of fired)
  14. Photoshop what a wonderful program.
  15. OK I understand. By the way, my nephew in the game I was at had two assists and one goal.
  16. The man that told me this said that a lot of his friends would go and hold signs just to get the extra credit. He then told me that he loves the logo and he does not agree with SCSU stance.
  17. OK I am sorry I mis-spelled something. But I corrected it. But thanks for pointing out my typing shortcomings.
  18. I have to tell you what I found out tonight. I was in Monticello watching my nephew play hockey and a man that went to SCSU told me that when he was a student there, that some Liberal Professors offered extra credit to to students that were willing to go and protest against the Sioux when they were in town. This blew me away. I am sorry but any instructor that offers extra credit for something that is not class related, should be fired ASAP, tenure should not matter. I had to share and GO Sioux and Sioux Forever!
  19. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone one SS.com, I hope you and your familes have a blessed day and that you have a wonderful holiday season. For those of you that are traveling, Be Safe One again have a great weekend and Go Sioux!
  20. I am still waiting for the Minnesota Vikings to say their sorry to me for insulting my heritage. I am not a fan of the Vikings but damn, that have a man with horns and a sword running around. I am so hurt,someone hold me.
  21. That is why Calvary would be good. I am not saying this to be rude. But since the Native Americans(hot PC was that) fought the Calvary woudl that be almost the opposite. But my fear is then some NA groups will complain that the Calvary was mean to them therefore we would be on another list, once again. Just my opinion I could be wrong.
  22. I just want to see the best team possible ont he ice. I was really not trying to jump the gun and get people thinking I am complaining. I have tickets to St. Louis, it would be crying shame if the Sioux were not there, and I was forced to watch the Gophs there.
  23. After watching the game's this weekend on the internet. i am getting worried about this team. Does anyone else feel that as early as it is in the season, they might be seeing their season slip away from them. For a team with so much talent I am waiting for some domination, and I am not seeing it? Or am I cracked and I need to relax and remember it is early still and hope the get on track.
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