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Everything posted by buckysieve

  1. Out of the three that you mentioned, Goligoski is the one who I gaurantee you will be on the team next year. Hardly a forgone conclusion to leave. Kessel will almost definitely stay for another year and I still am very confident Johnson will come to the U next year, as is Lucia. After Potulny, Irmen is the only player I'm concerned about leaving. But the notion of Goligoski leaving isn't worth mentioning because it's not gonna happen.
  2. Well I do know that they got the tapes on Thursday afternoon or early evening. I'm assuming they went through them with the players but maybe there wasn't enough time. But I do know they got 'em. They were supposed to get them early in the week and I'm not sure why they came so late. But now at least we have an excuse! Just kidding.
  3. I know, it sounds like a strange story but it's true. It seems weird that the game tapes of HC would be driven up there by a family of gopher fans but that's what almost happened. That would have been pretty cool actually. And no, I'm not the Don.
  4. I know for a fact that they reviewed game tapes of Holy Cross. The reason I know this is because me and my family were almost the ones who drove up to Grand Forks with the tapes to give to Lucia personally. They were supposed to get the tapes earlier in the week but they came late. My brother is very close to the program and they knew we were driving up there so they were gonna give the tapes to us to give to Lucia. But then someone else in the program ended up doing it instead. They knew very well who their star players were and who was the starting goalie. We're talking about Don Lucia, a coach who has 4 macnaughtons, 2 broamoor trophies, and 2 NCAA titles. He's not going to overlook anyone in a tourney format. Plus, that takes away from Holy Cross's effort. They played well and that's why they won. But they definitely scouted Holy Cross with game tapes.
  5. Every fan base hates the gophers more than anyone else so we're used to hearing annoying chants. At least the Holy Cross chants we'll hear will be fresh and something new. Unfortunately I think you're right. We will be hearing about this for quite some time. But like I said, as a Gopher fan we get crap no matter what so we'll live. I doubt we'll get much sympathy from anyone.
  6. I agree, the Kessel bashing is way over the top which is why I reacted the way I did. I just couldn't take it anymore. I boiled over. I've consistently praised Oshie and Toews because they are great players. I don't think I've seen anyone bash Oshie or Toews on GPL, in fact both those players are complimented quite a bit on that site. Why are Sioux fans the opposite? Bashing a player as good as Kessel is not only a bad opinion, it just makes you look like you really don't know hockey. And no, I won't apologize for calling names because for the last few months I've been called names NUMEROUS times on this board( mainly by the Triouxper) and not one person cared one bit.
  7. Good one. Did your five year old write that one?
  8. At least I don't have a problem with admitting a certain player is good just because he plays for a rival. Every NHL scout in the world would laugh his ass off at the comments you guys make about Kessel because you sound THAT stupid.
  9. I'm glad someone mentioned this. You people have an excuse for anything good he that he does. Did it ever occur to you that people score off his rebounds because he's such a great shooter that the goalies have trouble controlling the rebound? He has an absolute rocket for a shot and he's accurate. When you rifle a shot low at the goalies leg pads or fire one stick side, there will be a rebound. He rarely shoots it into the goalies stomach. This form of an assist is just as effective as a great pass, which he also displayed throughout the season. Sioux fans brag about their knowledge of hockey non-stop and then do nothing but bash a supreme talent like Kessel. It just makes you guys look stupid quite frankly. Do you people really believe that everyone else in the world who follow hockey are wrong about this kid and Sioux fans are right? You guys are hilarious. How many more ROY awards does he have to win before you can admit he's a good player? I've always thought of Sioux fans as being pretty knowledgable, but after hearing your opinions on a player like Kessel it's obvious you guys really are the straw munching, cousin kissing, trailor park hicks that the rest of the college hockey world view you as.
  10. I never really thought you were stupid enough to actually believe what you just wrote. I just assumed it was your blatant bias but now I see I was wrong. You really are that stupid Triouxper. I guess everybody else in the world who think so highly of him are wrong and you, the only person who can't admit he's good, is right. No one can think they know anything about hockey if they can't even acknowledge Kessel as a good player. It's obvious where this thread is heading and I think we've been through all this before so I'll quit now. You're welcome in advance.
  11. Why do you say it like that. Kessel has a very small ego. He is actually very humble and quite shy. He just wants to blend in with the rest of the team. Last year when the U.S. junior team came to Mariucci there were signs and chants for Kessel to choose the "U." He later said that he was embarrassed by all that. That's why I just laugh when I hear other fans call him a cocky pre madonna when in reality the opposite is true. Ask anyone in the Gopher program and they'll tell you the same thing. I'm sure some people will come back with posts about the press conference, but that was by USA hockey and Phil did not want to do it. But when you're the most successful player to ever play in the program they felt the exposure was good for USA hockey. That's why the press conference happened, not because of Phil. Oshie was very worthy of the award but I don't think he's too worried about it since he has achance at a much bigger prize.
  12. Oshie was also very worthy of the award but you act like Kessel doesn't deserve these honors that he keeps winning(WCHA and INCH ROY). They're both great players so instead of your sour grapes type attitude, how about congratulating Kessel on a well deserved honor.
  13. I know it sounds a little juvenile to say my brother talks to Lucia like I'm bragging or something, but the fact is that's the truth. Some people who post on message boards actually do have inside info that others don't get. It's the reason I knew Kessel was coming to the gophers well before most people. I'm just simply saying what Lucia thinks of the Johnson situation and everything I've said is an accurate account of what he thinks.
  14. This logic isn't bad but Vanek, Heately, Parise, and Jack Johnson were all high first round picks and all played two years of college(unless JJ changes his mind). It's very rare for an 18 year old, especially a d-man to step right into the NHL. In fact, has any player from the U.S. development program ever gone straight to the NHL? My guess would be no but maybe I'm forgetting someone. I also don't think you can underestimate the fact that his dream is to play for the Gophers. His parents are long time season ticket holders. His former teammates and friends from the U.S. program are on the gophers. And like I said, Lucia probably knows more than we do and he is super confident he's coming. In Don I trust.
  15. I agree that Lucia shouldn't win it this year but I don't think it's a joke to be on the list of candidates when you win the Macnaughton Cup. I think Hakstol is very deserving of the award this year and last year.
  16. I'm the one who can't accept the facts? Does your brother talk to Lucia at least once a week and get inside info like my brother does? I'm not pulling this stuff out of thin air. Lucia has virtually gauranteed that Johnson will be a Gopher next season so you should start getting used to the idea.
  17. I think Lucia has already proven that he's a great post season coach. That can not be debated.
  18. He will play for the Gophers, trust me. He accelerated his schooling just to make sure he could at least play one year of college hockey. Every Sioux fan assumes he won't plat at the "U" next year and it is just wishful thinking on their part. Z. Parise, Heatley, and Vanek all played TWO years of college and ity looks like Jack Johnson may now do the same. So why is it so hard for you people to believe that E. Johnson will play at least one? Lucia on and off the record, is very confident he will be a Gopher.
  19. Doug Woog went to four Frozen Fours in his first four seasons as head coach, '86,'87,'88,'89.
  20. Maybe to the media yes. But my brother talks to Lucia on a weekly basis and Lucia says the same things to him every time. He fully expects Kessel to stay and Johnson to come for a year, maybe two. Johnson's parents are long time season ticket holders and he accelerated his studies to make sure he got to play college hockey for at least one year.
  21. I expect Potulny to sign, but I really do believe Irmen will be back. Irmen said the only way he'll sign is if the Wild promise him that he'll be in the NHL next year and not the AHL. I can't see the Wild doing that. They are very patient with young players and not to mention, cheap. Lucia also said that he is VERY confident that Erik Johnson and Kessel will be on the team next year. He also mentioned that Hirsch and Hagemo will both be back as well. When it's all said and done I think Potulny will be the only player to leave early.
  22. Are you joking? The last two Final Five Title games did not involve the Gophers and the arena was packed for both of those games. How about 16,000 people attending the UMD, St. Cloud play in game this year? That doesn't qualify as Gopher fans attending non Gopher games? In 2000, the regional was at Mariucci and the gophers were not there and the attendance was over 8,000 people, about the same crowd as UND had at the Ralph(8,300) on Friday against Mankato two weeks ago. Nice try though. Minnesota hockey fans are as true as they come.
  23. You've got to be kidding me.
  24. Like I said, Ruden is a senior but still not a very experienced one. Montoya got 95% of the starts the last three years so I'm sure this is Ruden's first ever NCAA tourney game. Even this year Sauer got a lot of starts so your thought of never letting him get comfortable can still apply even though he's a senior. He's certainly not "Mr. Experience" by any means.
  25. Their freshman goalie, Sauer isn't playing. Ruden, a senior has played more lately and Berenson said he's the starter this weekend.
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